GridDB Java API Reference

Table of Contents


1.1 API List


Defines public interface of GridDB.

See: Description

  • Interface Summary 
    Interface Description
    Stores the result of an aggregation operation.
    A general-purpose Container for managing a set of Rows.
    Provides the functions of managing the components of GridDB, each consisting of a set of Rows of a single type.
    A function is provided for processing the data in the connected GridDB system.
    Controller for acquiring and processing the partition status.
    Provides the functions of holding the information about a query related to a specific Container, specifying the options for fetching and retrieving the result.
    A general-purpose Row for managing fields in any schema.
    A type of Row configured only by columns related to the Row key.
    Indicates that the type of row object used for mapping is always associated with the specified Row key type.
    Manages a set of Rows obtained by executing a query.
    A specialized Container with a time-type Row key for TimeSeries data operation.
  • Class Summary 
    Class Description
    Auxiliary class for configuring Container.BindType which is associated with Collection and its type parameters.
    Represents the information about the schema of a Column.
    Container.BindType<K,R,C extends Container<K,R>>
    Represents the type information associated with the Container and its type parameters.
    Represents the information about a specific Container.
    Manages the geometry data which represents geometry range of two or three dimensions.
    Manages a GridStore instance.
    shows the index setting The notation of column names and the validity of column numbers are not inspected.
    Represents one of information entries composing a query plan and the results of analyzing a query operation.
    Represents the condition that a RowKey satisfies.
    Auxiliary class for configuring Container.BindType which is associated with TimeSeries and its type parameters.
    Represents the information about optional configuration settings used for newly creating or updating a TimeSeries.
    Provides the utilities for manipulating time data.
    Represent the trigger information for monitoring the Container update.
  • Enum Summary 
    Enum Description
    Represents the methods of aggregation operation on a set of Rows or their specific Columns.
    Represents types of compression methods.
    Represents the type(s) of a Container.
    The options for fetching the result of a query.
    Represents the constraints regarding relationship between each two spatial ranges.
    Represents the type(s) of field values in GridDB.
    Represents the type(s) of indexes set on a Container.
    Represents the type of interpolation of Rows.
    Represents the order of Rows requested by a query.
    Represents how to specify a Row based on a key timestamp of TimeSeries.
    Represents the time unit(s) used in TimeSeries data operation.
    Represent the update operation type subject to monitoring by the trigger.
    Represent the trigger type.
  • Exception Summary 
    Exception Description
    Represents the exceptions occurring during a process of a GridDB function.
    Represents the exceptions indicating that the requested operation operation did not finish within a normal time.
  • Annotation Types Summary 
    Annotation Type Description
    Indicates a column with a NOT NULL constraint.
    NOT NULL indicates the column has no constraint.
    Sets options for mapping Row fields of a Container.
    Indicates the correspondence with a key of Container.
    Specifies a Row field not to be mapped in operations on a Container.

Package Description

Defines public interface of GridDB.

Enum Aggregation

  • java.lang.Object
    • java.lang.Enum<Aggregation>
  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable<Aggregation>

    public enum Aggregation
    extends java.lang.Enum<Aggregation>
    Represents the methods of aggregation operation on a set of Rows or their specific Columns.

    Available only to TimeSeries in the current version.

    In a weighted operation, a weighted value is determined based on a key value. In a weighted operation on a TimeSeries, a weighted value is obtained by calculating half the time span between the adjacent Rows before and after a Row in terms of the specific unit. However, if a Row has only one adjacent Row, the time span from the adjacent Row is considered, and if no adjacent Rows exist, 1 (sec.) is used as a weighted value.

    If an overflow occurs in an internal operation, -INF or INF is returned for floating point operation, and the value "undefined" is returned for integer operation. And if NaN is given as an operand for floating-point operation, NaN is returned.

    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant and Description
      An operation to obtain an average.
      An operation to obtain the number of samples, i.e., the number of Rows.
      An operation to obtain a maximum value.
      An operation to obtain a minimum value.
      An operation to obtain a standard deviation.
      An operation to obtain a sum total.
      An operation to obtain a variance.
      An operation to obtain a weighted average.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static Aggregation valueOf(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static Aggregation[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • AVERAGE

        public static final Aggregation AVERAGE
        An operation to obtain an average.

        Available only to numeric-type Columns. The type of a returned value is always DOUBLE. If no target Row exists, the aggregation result will not be stored in a result object.

      • COUNT

        public static final Aggregation COUNT
        An operation to obtain the number of samples, i.e., the number of Rows.

        Available to any kinds of Columns. The type of a returned value is always LONG. If no target Row exists, the aggregation result will not be stored in a result object.

      • MAXIMUM

        public static final Aggregation MAXIMUM
        An operation to obtain a maximum value.

        Available only to Columns of numeric and time types allowing magnitude comparison. The type of a returned value is the same as that of a specified Column. If no target Row exists, the aggregation result will not be stored in a result object.

      • MINIMUM

        public static final Aggregation MINIMUM
        An operation to obtain a minimum value.

        Available only to Columns of numeric and time types allowing magnitude comparison. The type of a returned value is the same as that of a specified Column. If no target Row exists, the aggregation result will not be stored in a result object.


        public static final Aggregation STANDARD_DEVIATION
        An operation to obtain a standard deviation.

        Available only to numeric-type Columns. The type of a returned value is always DOUBLE. If no target Row exists, the aggregation result will not be stored in a result object.

      • TOTAL

        public static final Aggregation TOTAL
        An operation to obtain a sum total.

        Available only to numeric-type Columns. The type of a returned value is LONG if a specified Column is of integer type, and DOUBLE if it is of floating-point type. If no target Row exists, the aggregation result will not be stored in a result object.

      • VARIANCE

        public static final Aggregation VARIANCE
        An operation to obtain a variance.

        Available only to numeric-type Columns. The type of a returned value is always DOUBLE. If no target Row exists, the aggregation result will not be stored in a result object.


        public static final Aggregation WEIGHTED_AVERAGE
        An operation to obtain a weighted average.

        The weighted average is calculated by dividing the sum of products of sample values and their respective weighted values by the sum of weighted values. For the method of calculating a weighted value, see the description of Aggregation.

        This operation is only available to numeric-type Columns. The type of a returned value is always DOUBLE. If no target Row exists, the aggregation result will not be stored in a result object.

    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static Aggregation valueOf(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • values

        public static Aggregation[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (Aggregation c : Aggregation.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared

Interface AggregationResult

  • public interface AggregationResult
    Stores the result of an aggregation operation.

    Stores the result returned by an aggregation Query or TimeSeries.aggregate(Date, Date, String, Aggregation). A floating-point-type result can be obtained from an operation on a numeric-type Column, and a higher-precision result can be obtained from an operation on a numeric-type Column with a small number of significant digits.

    The type of the stored result depends on the type of aggregation operation and the type of the target Columns. For specific rules, see Aggregation or the TQL specifications.

    The type of obtaining value depends on the stored type. DOUBLE type and LONG type are only available when a result is of numeric type, and TIMESTAMP type when a result is of TIMESTAMP type.

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      java.lang.Double getDouble()
      Obtains the result of aggregating numeric-type values in DOUBLE type (Double).
      java.lang.Long getLong()
      Obtains the result of aggregating numeric-type values in LONG type (Long).
      java.util.Date getTimestamp()
      Obtains the result of aggregating time-type values in TIMESTAMP type (Date).
    • Method Detail

      • getDouble

        java.lang.Double getDouble()
        Obtains the result of aggregating numeric-type values in DOUBLE type (Double).

        It returns null if a result is not of numeric type. If a result is not of DOUBLE type, it returns the value converted to DOUBLE.

        Result of aggregating DOUBLE type (Double). If the type of result is different, returns null.
      • getLong

        java.lang.Long getLong()
        Obtains the result of aggregating numeric-type values in LONG type (Long).

        It returns null if a result is not of numeric type. If a result is not of LONG type, it returns the value converted to LONG.

        Result of aggregating LONG type (Long). If the type of result is different, returns null.
      • getTimestamp

        java.util.Date getTimestamp()
        Obtains the result of aggregating time-type values in TIMESTAMP type (Date).

        It returns null if a result is not of TIMESTAMP type.

        Result of aggregating TIMESTAMP type (Date). If the type of result is different, returns null.

Class Collection.BindType

  • java.lang.Object
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static <R> Container.BindType<java.lang.Void,R,? extends Collection<java.lang.Void,R>> noKeyOf(java.lang.Class<R> rowClass)
      Returns the Container.BindType, which has no Row key, associated with the specified Row object type and the Collection.
      static <K,R> Container.BindType<K,R,? extends Collection<K,R>> of(java.lang.Class<K> keyClass, java.lang.Class<R> rowClass)
      Returns the specified Row key type, the specified Row object type, and Container.BindType associated with the Collection.
      static <K,R extends Row.WithKey<K>> 
      Container.BindType<K,R,? extends Collection<K,R>>
      of(java.lang.Class<R> rowClass)
      Returns the Row key type obtained from the specified Row object type, the specified Row object type, and Container.BindType associated with the Collection.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • noKeyOf

        public static <R> Container.BindType<java.lang.Void,R,? extends Collection<java.lang.Void,R>> noKeyOf(java.lang.Class<R> rowClass)
                                                                                                   throws GSException
        Returns the Container.BindType, which has no Row key, associated with the specified Row object type and the Collection.
        Type Parameters:
        R - Type of Row object
        rowClass - Class object corresponding to the type of the Row object
        GSException - if an inconsistency is detected between the type of Row key and the type of Row object
      • of

        public static <K,R> Container.BindType<K,R,? extends Collection<K,R>> of(java.lang.Class<K> keyClass,
                                                                 java.lang.Class<R> rowClass)
                                                                    throws GSException
        Returns the specified Row key type, the specified Row object type, and Container.BindType associated with the Collection.
        Type Parameters:
        K - Type of Row key
        R - Type of Row object
        keyClass - Class object corresponding to the type of Row key
        rowClass - Class object corresponding to the type of the Row object
        GSException - if an inconsistency is detected between the type of Row key and the type of Row object
      • of

        public static <K,R extends Row.WithKey<K>> Container.BindType<K,R,? extends Collection<K,R>> of(java.lang.Class<R> rowClass)
                                                                                                                  throws GSException
        Returns the Row key type obtained from the specified Row object type, the specified Row object type, and Container.BindType associated with the Collection.
        Type Parameters:
        K - Type of Row key
        R - Type of Row object
        rowClass - Class object corresponding to the type of the Row object
        GSException - if the Row key type cannot be obtained from the specified Row object type

Interface Collection<K,R>

  • All Superinterfaces:
    java.lang.AutoCloseable,, Container<K,R>

    public interface Collection<K,R>
    extends Container<K,R>
    A general-purpose Container for managing a set of Rows.

    The following types are available as a Row key.

    • String type (String)
    • INTEGER type (Integer)
    • LONG type (Long)
    • TIMESTAMP type (Date)
    • Row key, or composite Row key (Row.Key), that has one or more columns of the above type.

    It is not mandatory to set a Row key.

    There is no Container-specific constraint on Row operations.

    A set of Rows retuned by Container.query(String) or GridStore.multiGet(java.util.Map) etc. in no particular order, when order is not specified.

    The granularity of locking is a Row.

    • Method Detail

      • query

        Query<R> query(java.lang.String column,
                     Geometry geometryIntersection,
                     Geometry geometryDisjoint)
                       throws GSException
        Creates a query to obtain a set of Rows which are matched to specified geometry range conditions with exclusion range.

        Obtains a set of Rows which has the column values that intersect with geometryIntersection and do not intersect with geometryDisjoint. Conditions of the intersection determination is the same as the GeometryOperator.INTERSECT.

        When obtaining a set of Rows using Query.fetch(boolean), the option of locking for update can be enabled.

        In the current version, NullPointerException will not be dispatched when GSException and null cannot be specified as null. If there is an error in the column name, etc., an exception is thrown when the obtained query is fetched.

        column - A name of the geometry type column to be compared. null cannot be specified
        geometryIntersection - Geometry structure indicating a range that intersects with the value on the column. null cannot be specified
        geometryDisjoint - Geometry structure indicating a range that does not intersect with the values on the column. null cannot be specified
        GSException - It will not be thrown in the current version.
      • query

        Query<R> query(java.lang.String column,
                     Geometry geometry,
                     GeometryOperator geometryOp)
                       throws GSException
        Creates a query to obtain a set of Rows which are matched to specified geometry range conditions.

        When obtaining a set of Rows using Query.fetch(boolean), the option of locking for update can be enabled.

        GSException will not be thrown in the current version. If there is an error such as column names, exception will be thrown when fetching the obtained query.

        In the current version, NullPointerException will not be dispatched when GSException and null cannot be specified as null. If there is an error in the column name, etc., an exception is thrown when the obtained query is fetched.

        column - A name of the geometry type column to be compared. null cannot be specified
        geometry - Geometry structure to be compared. null cannot be specified
        geometryOp - Comparison method. null cannot be specified
        GSException - It will not be thrown in the current version.

Class ColumnInfo

  • java.lang.Object

  • public class ColumnInfo
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents the information about the schema of a Column.

    It does not guarantee the validity of values e.g. the Column name and the type of index for the type of a Column.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      ColumnInfo(java.lang.String name, GSType type)
      Constructs column information with the specified column name and type.
      ColumnInfo(java.lang.String name, GSType type, java.lang.Boolean nullable, java.lang.Boolean defaultValueNull, java.util.Set<IndexType> indexTypes)
      Constructs column information with specifying the column name, type, whether to use of NULL for the initial value, NOT NULL constraint state, and set of index types.
      ColumnInfo(java.lang.String name, GSType type, java.lang.Boolean nullable, java.util.Set<IndexType> indexTypes)
      Constructs column information with the column name, type, NOT NULL constraint state, and set of index types.
      ColumnInfo(java.lang.String name, GSType type, java.util.Set<IndexType> indexTypes)
      Constructs column information with the specified column name, type, and set of index types.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      java.lang.Boolean getDefaultValueNull()
      Returns whether to use of NULL for the initial value.
      java.util.Set<IndexType> getIndexTypes()
      Returns all of set of index type.
      java.lang.String getName()
      Returns a name of column.
      java.lang.Boolean getNullable()
      Returns the value irrespective to NOT NULL constraint is set in the column or not.
      GSType getType()
      Returns the type of a column, i.e., the type of each field value corresponding to a column.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ColumnInfo

        public ColumnInfo(java.lang.String name,
                  GSType type)
        Constructs column information with the specified column name and type.
        name - Column name. Not set when null is specified.
        type - Column type. Not set when null is specified.
      • ColumnInfo

        public ColumnInfo(java.lang.String name,
                  GSType type,
                  java.lang.Boolean nullable,
                  java.lang.Boolean defaultValueNull,
                  java.util.Set<IndexType> indexTypes)
        Constructs column information with specifying the column name, type, whether to use of NULL for the initial value, NOT NULL constraint state, and set of index types.

        If a set of not empty index types is specified, the contents are duplicated.

        name - Column name. Not set when null is specified.
        type - Column type. Not set when null is specified.
        defaultValueNull - true if the initial value is set to NULL. false if the initial value is set to non-NULL. Not set when null is specified.
        nullable - true if NOT NULL constraint is not set. false if it is set. Not set when null is specified.
        indexTypes - A set of index types. Not set when null is specified. No index type is set if empty set is specified.
      • ColumnInfo

        public ColumnInfo(java.lang.String name,
                  GSType type,
                  java.lang.Boolean nullable,
                  java.util.Set<IndexType> indexTypes)
        Constructs column information with the column name, type, NOT NULL constraint state, and set of index types.

        If a set of not empty index types is specified, the contents are duplicated.

        name - Column name. Not set when null is specified.
        type - Column type. Not set when null is specified.
        nullable - true if NOT NULL constraint is not set. false if it is set. Not set when null is specified.
        indexTypes - A set of index types. Not set when null is specified. No index type is set if empty set is specified.
      • ColumnInfo

        public ColumnInfo(java.lang.String name,
                  GSType type,
                  java.util.Set<IndexType> indexTypes)
        Constructs column information with the specified column name, type, and set of index types.

        If a set of not empty index types is specified, the contents are duplicated.

        name - Column name. Not set when null is specified.
        type - Column type. Not set when null is specified.
        indexTypes - A set of index types. Not set when null is specified. No index type is set if empty set is specified.
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultValueNull

        public java.lang.Boolean getDefaultValueNull()
        Returns whether to use of NULL for the initial value.
        true if the initial value is set to NULL. false if the initial value is set to non-NULL. null if not specified.
      • getIndexTypes

        public java.util.Set<IndexType> getIndexTypes()
        Returns all of set of index type.

        UnsupportedOperationException can occur when value of the returned object is updated. And value of the returned object is not changed by updating this object.

        Set of index type, or null if unspecified.
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Returns a name of column.
        Name of column, or null if unspecified.
      • getNullable

        public java.lang.Boolean getNullable()
        Returns the value irrespective to NOT NULL constraint is set in the column or not.
        true if the NOT NULL constraint is not set, false if set. If not set null.
      • getType

        public GSType getType()
        Returns the type of a column, i.e., the type of each field value corresponding to a column.
        Type of column, or null if unspecified.

Enum CompressionMethod

  • java.lang.Object
  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable<CompressionMethod>

    public enum CompressionMethod
    extends java.lang.Enum<CompressionMethod>
    Represents types of compression methods.

    These types are used when setting a time series compression.

    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant and Description
      Represents a thinning compression with error In this type of compression, values that represent gradient same as before and immediately after may be thinned.
      Represents no compression.
      Represents a thinning compression without error In this type of compression, rows that have the same value registered immediately before and after are thinned.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static CompressionMethod valueOf(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static CompressionMethod[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • HI

        public static final CompressionMethod HI
        Represents a thinning compression with error

        In this type of compression, values that represent gradient same as before and immediately after may be thinned. The algorithm to determine the equality of the gradients can be specified by users. Only if specified column meets the above conditions and other columns are the same as the last registered data, the row is thinned. The thinned value is recovered in an interpolation or sampling processing within the specified error range.

      • SS

        public static final CompressionMethod SS
        Represents a thinning compression without error

        In this type of compression, rows that have the same value registered immediately before and after are thinned. The thinned values are recovered in the interpolation or sampling processing without information loss.

    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static CompressionMethod valueOf(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • values

        public static CompressionMethod[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (CompressionMethod c : CompressionMethod.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared

Class Container.BindType<K,R,C extends Container<K,R>>

  • java.lang.Object
  • Type Parameters:
    K - Type of Row key. If no Row key is used, specify Void or Row.Key
    R - The type of a Row object used for mapping
    C - The type of Container or its subinterfaces that are expected to be implemented in the corresponding Container instance
    Enclosing interface:

    public static class Container.BindType<K,R,C extends Container<K,R>>
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents the type information associated with the Container and its type parameters.

    Multiple pieces of type information given when constructing a Container instance can be collectively stored as one object.

    The validity of the contents, such as the validity of the correspondence between the type of the Row key and the type of the Container instance, is not always checked when the instance of this class is generated.

    See Also:
    GridStore.getContainer(String, Container.BindType)
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      C castContainer(Container<?,?> container)
      Casts to the type of Container or its subinterface that has the type of Row key and the type of Row object held by this object as type parameters.
      K castKey(java.lang.Object obj)
      Casts to the type of the Row key held by this object.
      R castRow(java.lang.Object obj)
      Casts to the type of the Row object held by this object.
      java.lang.Class<? extends Container<?,?>> getContainerClass()
      Returns the type of Container or its subinterface.
      java.lang.Class<K> getKeyClass()
      Returns the type of the Row key.
      java.lang.Class<R> getRowClass()
      Returns the type of the Row object.
      static <R> Container.BindType<java.lang.Void,R,? extends Container<java.lang.Void,R>> noKeyOf(java.lang.Class<R> rowClass)
      Returns the Container.BindType, which has no Row key, associated with the specified Row object type and Container of any type.
      static <K,R> Container.BindType<K,R,? extends Container<K,R>> of(java.lang.Class<K> keyClass, java.lang.Class<R> rowClass)
      Returns the Container.BindType associated with the specified Row key type, the specified Row object type, and Container of any type.
      static <K,R extends Row.WithKey<K>> 
      Container.BindType<K,R,? extends Container<K,R>>
      of(java.lang.Class<R> rowClass)
      Returns the Container.BindType associated with the Row key type obtained from the specified Row object type, the specified Row object type, and Container of any type.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • castContainer

        public C castContainer(Container<?,?> container)
                                               throws GSException
        Casts to the type of Container or its subinterface that has the type of Row key and the type of Row object held by this object as type parameters.
        container - the Container instance to be casted
        Casted object
        GSException - if the type of Row key and the type of Row object do not match between the Container instance to be casted and the type information held by this object
      • castKey

        public K castKey(java.lang.Object obj)
        Casts to the type of the Row key held by this object.
        obj - The object to cast
        Casted object
      • castRow

        public R castRow(java.lang.Object obj)
        Casts to the type of the Row object held by this object.
        obj - The object to cast
        Casted object
      • getContainerClass

        public java.lang.Class<? extends Container<?,?>> getContainerClass()
        Returns the type of Container or its subinterface.
        The type of Container or its subinterfaces that are expected to be implemented in the corresponding Container instance
      • getKeyClass

        public java.lang.Class<K> getKeyClass()
        Returns the type of the Row key.
        Type of Row key
      • getRowClass

        public java.lang.Class<R> getRowClass()
        Returns the type of the Row object.
        Type of Row object
      • noKeyOf

        public static <R> Container.BindType<java.lang.Void,R,? extends Container<java.lang.Void,R>> noKeyOf(java.lang.Class<R> rowClass)
                                                                                                  throws GSException
        Returns the Container.BindType, which has no Row key, associated with the specified Row object type and Container of any type.
        Type Parameters:
        R - Type of Row object
        rowClass - Class object corresponding to the type of the Row object
        corresponding type information
        GSException - if an inconsistency is detected between the type of Row key and the type of Row object
      • of

        public static <K,R> Container.BindType<K,R,? extends Container<K,R>> of(java.lang.Class<K> keyClass,
                                                                java.lang.Class<R> rowClass)
                                                                   throws GSException
        Returns the Container.BindType associated with the specified Row key type, the specified Row object type, and Container of any type.
        Type Parameters:
        K - Type of Row key
        R - Type of Row object
        keyClass - Class object corresponding to the type of Row key
        rowClass - Class object corresponding to the type of the Row object
        corresponding type information
        GSException - if an inconsistency is detected between the type of Row key and the type of Row object
      • of

        public static <K,R extends Row.WithKey<K>> Container.BindType<K,R,? extends Container<K,R>> of(java.lang.Class<R> rowClass)
                                                                                                                 throws GSException
        Returns the Container.BindType associated with the Row key type obtained from the specified Row object type, the specified Row object type, and Container of any type.
        Type Parameters:
        K - Type of Row key
        R - Type of Row object
        rowClass - Class object corresponding to the type of the Row object
        corresponding type information
        GSException - if the Row key type cannot be obtained from the specified Row object type

Interface Container<K,R>

  • Type Parameters:
    K - the type of a Row key. If no Row key is used, specify Void or Row.Key.
    R - the type of a Row object used for mapping
    All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    Collection<K,R>, TimeSeries<R>

    public interface Container<K,R>
    Provides the functions of managing the components of GridDB, each consisting of a set of Rows of a single type.

    It provides various management functions treating a Row object as a unit of input/output. A Row object and a Row in GridDB are mapped to each other, based on the correspondence between the specified type of a Row object and the schema defined in GridDB.

    Each Column composing a schema in GridDB has a correspondence relation with a field and methods defined in a Row object. The number of Columns is from 1 to 1024 per Container. The correspondence relation with each column is determined based on the public, protected and default access fields of the specified type or the getter and setter methods, excluding fields and methods specified as TransientRowField and transient fields. A default constructor with a public, protected or default access modifier must be prepared to generate a Row object dynamically. Internal classes must be static.

    The getter is a method with no parameters which has a name beginning with "is" or "get" if it return a Boolean value, or a name with beginning with "get" if it returns any other type value. The setter is a method with only one parameter specifying a setting value which has a name beginning with "set." Unless specified by RowField, the column names used in GridDB correspond with the character strings obtained by removing prefixes, such as "get," from the names of field, getter or setter methods. If either (not both) of a getter or a setter is only defined, it is ignored. If a field with the same name and both of a getter and a setter are defined, the getter and the setter are used. If there is a difference in case between a getter and a setter, the getter is given priority. If a Column has a Row key, RowKey is set on the corresponding field or methods.

    Multiple column names that are different only in upper- and lowercase letters cannot be defined in a table. Further the allowed characters, the length of column names and the number of columns are limited. See the GridDB Features Reference for the details. In the operations specifying column names, ASCII uppercase and lowercase characters are identified as same unless otherwise noted. Use RowField to specify column names that cannot be defined as fields or methods (such as the names in which the first character is a number and Java reserved words).

    The correspondence between the type of a Column and the type of each value in a Row object is as follows:

    Column typeType of each value in a Row object
    BOOLBoolean or boolean
    BYTEByte or byte
    SHORTShort or short
    INTEGERInteger or int
    LONGLong or long
    FLOATFloat or float
    DOUBLEDouble or double
    BLOBClass implementing Blob
    STRING arrayString[]
    BOOL arrayboolean[]
    BYTE arraybyte[]
    SHORT arrayshort[]
    INTEGER arrayint[]
    LONG arraylong[]
    FLOAT arrayfloat[]
    DOUBLE arraydouble[]
    TIMESTAMP arrayjava.util.Date[]

    There are the restrictions on the display range and size of the field value. See the GridDB Features Reference and the appendix "Range of values" for the details. Values contrary to the restriction cannot be stored in a Container.

    Restrictions such as the datatypes permitted as a Row key, existence of columns corresponding to the Row key, and permissibility of Row operations differ depending on the definition of the sub-interfaces of this Container.

    NULL in GridDB rows can be retained unless the NOT NULL constraint is set. When the field of the row object or the getter / setter method can input / output the value of the reference type, NULL in GridDB rows can be input and output as null. Otherwise, NULL is mapped to an empty value in the row object.

    The NOT NULL constraint on the row object type can be explicitly specified with NotNull and Nullable. If a NOT NULL constraint is not specified for any of the specifications, the column other than the row key is assumed to be without the NOT NULL constraint. The row key is implicitly set to the NOT NULL constraint and cannot be specified to exclude this constraint. Also, it is not possible to specify conflicting NOT NULL constraints between the same object and between getter and setter methods. For example, if NotNull and Nullable are specified simultaneously for the row object type, it is assumed that a conflicting NOT NULL constraint was specified. The priority order by designation target on the presence or absence of the NOT NULL constraint is as follows.

    1. Field of row object or getter/setter method
    2. Raw object
    3. Enclosing of row object (Example: An interface that surrounds the class of the row object as an inner class) or an enclosing that is recursively obtained. Among enclosing types that are determined in recurrence, there are constraint specifications, and the type found first is given priority.
    4. Package to which the type of row object belongs to

    An empty value is a type of field value that may be used as initial value of various operations such as creation of Row. Values are defined for each column as follows.

    Columnempty value
    STRING""(String with length 0)
    BOOLFalse (false)
    BLOBBLOB data of length 0
    ARRAYArray with 0 element

    During transaction processing, the auto commit mode is enabled by default. In the auto commit mode, change operations are confirmed sequentially and cannot be deleted explicitly. In the manual commit mode, if an error in the cluster node is detected by an operation via this object and GSException is sent out, all update operations before committing are deleted. The transaction separation level supports only READ COMMITTED. The lock particle size differs depending on the type of Container.

    After generation or transaction of this Container ends, a new transaction is started at the point the Row is first updated, added or deleted, and the lock for updating purposes is acquired. In the auto commit mode, when the Row operation which started the transaction ends, the transaction is automatically committed and ended. In the manual commit mode, a transaction will not be ended until the validity period for controlling the transaction explicitly is reached. commit() is used to commit a transaction while abort() is used to abort a transaction. Even if this Container or the GridStore of the generation source is closed, the transaction will be aborted and ended. In addition, the time an operation is carried out to start a transaction is adopted as the start point, and the validity period is reached only when the period defined in GridDB has passed. When you try to continue with the Row operations and transaction commitment without aborting after the validity period is reached, GSException will be sent out.

    In some cases, operations on the same container may have to wait until the processing on the cluster node is started in response to an operation request to a certain container. Operations here include changes of definitions such as container schema and index, container information reference, row operation, etc. When manipulating containers through GridStore instances with a consistency level of IMMEDIATE, in principle, they are made to wait in the middle of other manipulations with the IMMEDIATE setting for the same container. In principle, processing is not performed based on the state in the middle of other operation processing on the container. For exceptional items, see the explanation for each individual operation.

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface and Description
      static class  Container.BindType<K,R,C extends Container<K,R>>
      Represents the type information associated with the Container and its type parameters.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void abort()
      Rolls back the result of the current transaction and starts a new transaction in the manual commit mode.
      void close()
      Disconnects with GridDB and releases related resources as necessary.
      void commit()
      Commits the result of the current transaction and start a new transaction in the manual commit mode.
      java.sql.Blob createBlob()
      Creates a Blob to store a large size of binary data for a Container.
      void createIndex(IndexInfo info)
      Create an index according to the contents set in IndexInfo.
      void createIndex(java.lang.String columnName)
      Creates an unnamed index with default type for the column with the specified name.
      void createIndex(java.lang.String columnName, IndexType type)
      Creates an unnamed index with the specified type for the column with the specified name.
      R createRow()
      Create a new Row object based on the column layout of this Container.
      void createTrigger(TriggerInfo info)
      Set the trigger.
      void dropIndex(IndexInfo info)
      Delete all indexes that match the content set in IndexInfo.
      void dropIndex(java.lang.String columnName)
      Delete only the default type index from the column with the specified name.
      void dropIndex(java.lang.String columnName, IndexType type)
      Deletes only the index of the specified type from the column with the specified name.
      void dropTrigger(java.lang.String name)
      Delete a trigger.
      void flush()
      Writes the results of earlier updates to a non-volatile storage medium, such as SSD, so as to prevent the data from being lost even if all cluster nodes stop suddenly.
      R get(K key)
      Returns the content of a Row corresponding to the specified Row key.
      R get(K key, boolean forUpdate)
      Returns the content of a Row corresponding to the specified Row key according to the specified option.
      Container.BindType<K,R,? extends Container<K,R>> getBindType()
      Returns the type information associated with this object.
      ContainerType getType()
      Get the type of this Container.
      boolean put(java.util.Collection<R> rowCollection)
      Based on the specified Row object group, an arbitrary number of Rows will be consolidated to create a new group or updated.
      boolean put(K key, R row)
      Newly creates or updates a Row, based on the specified Row object and also the Row key specified as needed.
      boolean put(R row)
      Newly creates or updates a Row, based on the specified Row object only.
      Query<R> query(java.lang.String tql)
      Creates a query object to execute the specified TQL statement.
      <S> Query<S> query(java.lang.String tql, java.lang.Class<S> rowType)
      Creates a query object to execute the specified TQL statement and return the specified type of result.
      boolean remove(K key)
      Deletes a Row corresponding to the specified Row key.
      void setAutoCommit(boolean enabled)
      Change the setting of the commit mode.
    • Method Detail

      • abort

        void abort()
                   throws GSException
        Rolls back the result of the current transaction and starts a new transaction in the manual commit mode.
        GSException - if called not in the autocommit mode.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or the transaction, this Container is deleted or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
      • close

        void close()
                   throws GSException
        Disconnects with GridDB and releases related resources as necessary.

        When a transaction is held, uncommitted updates will be rolled back.

        Even if GSException is thrown, the connection and local resources will be released properly. However, the transaction state might remain in GridDB. If the transaction is already closed, no release operation is invoked by this method.

        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface
        GSException - if a connection failure occurs
      • commit

        void commit()
                    throws GSException
        Commits the result of the current transaction and start a new transaction in the manual commit mode.
        GSException - if called not in the autocommit mode
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or the transaction, this Container is deleted or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
      • createBlob

        java.sql.Blob createBlob()
                                 throws GSException
        Creates a Blob to store a large size of binary data for a Container.

        The created Blob can be used as a Row field. First, set binary data in the Blob using Blob.setBinaryStream(long) etc. and then store it in Container using put(Object) etc.

        At least the following methods can be called on the Blob obtained by this method.

        • Blob.length()
        • Blob.setBinaryStream(long)
        • Blob.setBytes(long, byte[])
        • Blob.setBytes(long, byte[], int, int)

        You do not have to use the Blob created by this method as BLOB to be set on a Row object. You can set an instance of other class implementing Blob, such as SerialBlob. The created Blob does not have any validity period.

        In the current version, since the entire Row is cached in memory, it might be impossible to store larger data than the maximum VM memory size.

        GSException will not be thrown in the current version.

      • createIndex

        void createIndex(IndexInfo info)
                         throws GSException
        Create an index according to the contents set in IndexInfo.

        For the column of the index to be created, at least one of the column name sequence and column number sequence must be set, and the actual column must be set in the corresponding container. If both are set, corresponding columns and its order must match each other.

        If the index type is not set or IndexType.DEFAULT is set, the default index type is selected according to the criteria described below.

        If an index name is set, a new index is created only if there is no index with the same name or the different name only in upper- or lowercase letters in the target container. See the GridDB Features Reference for the details. In defining an index name, there are limits on the allowed characters and the length. In the operations of index, the names are not case-sensitive unless otherwise noted.

        If a name index gets duplicated, you must specify the same setting IndexInfo that satisfies the conditions described below, in which case no new index will be created. On the other hand, you can not specify an existing IndexInfo that has the same name as an index with a different name or an unnamed index.

        If an index name is not set, it is assumed that creation of an unnamed index was requested. If an identical index already exists (excluding name), it must be an unnamed index, which in this case no new index will be created.

        In the current version, an index created through Container is considered to be the same set of indexes except for index names if the following conditions are satisfied.

        • The columns to be indexed must match, including its order. Differences in column specification methods, such as column name sequence, column number sequence and single column are ignored.
        • The index types must match. Differences in the specification method of index type such as existence of default designation are ignored.

        In the current version, for the Container instance generated based on (), the following index type is selected as default based on the type of container, the type of corresponding column, etc.

        Column typecollectiontime series
        STRING IndexType.TREE IndexType.TREE
        BOOL IndexType.TREE IndexType.TREE
        NUMERAL IndexType.TREE IndexType.TREE
        TIMESTAMP IndexType.TREE IndexType.TREE Note:restriction applies
        GEOMETRY IndexType.SPATIAL (-)
        BLOB (-) (-)
        ARRAY (-) (-)

        An Index cannot be set for Time Series Row Keys (TIMESTAMP type). These index types cannot be selected if the default type differs depending on the column type that configures the column.

        If this Container instance holds an uncommitted transaction, commit before create. Container to be processed. If there are other transactions being executed at the same time, wait for them to finish before creating. If an index already exists and no new index is created, it is undefined whether to wait by another transaction. In this case, it is undefined whether uncommitted transactions held by this Container instance are always committed or not.

        In the current version, in the case of satisfying the conditions such as the size of the container, during creating an index, the reference of the container information, a part of the index operations, the trigger operations, and the row operations (including the update of rows) may be performed. Under the definition of Container, other operations may be waited. For the operations during the index creation, the container information doesn't include the index information to be created.

        GSException - When the column or index name to be created does not conform to the above rule
        GSException - If this process's timeout, deletion of this container or schema change, connection failure occurs, or when called after closing
        GSException - When an unsupported index type is specified in the specified column
        java.lang.NullPointerException - when null is specified as argument
      • createIndex

        void createIndex(java.lang.String columnName)
                         throws GSException
        Creates an unnamed index with default type for the column with the specified name.

        Behaves the same as calling createIndex(IndexInfo) with IndexInfo with only the column name set.

        GSException - If the specified column name does not conform to the rule of createIndex(IndexInfo)
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation, this Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
        GSException - if indexing is not supported on the specified Column.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if a null parameter is specified.
      • createIndex

        void createIndex(java.lang.String columnName,
                       IndexType type)
                         throws GSException
        Creates an unnamed index with the specified type for the column with the specified name.

        Behaves the same as calling createIndex(IndexInfo) with IndexInfo with only the column name and type set.

        GSException - If the specified column name and type does not conform to the rule of createIndex(IndexInfo)
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation, this Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
        GSException - if the specified type of index is not supported on the specified Column type.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if a null parameter(s) is specified.
      • createRow

        R createRow()
                    throws GSException
        Create a new Row object based on the column layout of this Container.

        If the Row object type of the Container is Row, a fixed default value is set in each field of the Row to be created, similar to the case when it is created using a GridStore.createRow(ContainerInfo). In this case, the operation on the created Row also does not affect whether this Container object is closed or not.

        GSException - If an exclusion is sent out when creating a user-defined Row object
        GSException - If invoked after being closed
      • createTrigger

        void createTrigger(TriggerInfo info)
                           throws GSException
        Set the trigger.

        If a update operation of a specific type is carried out on this Container, a notification will be sent to the specified URI. If a trigger with the same name as the specified trigger exists, the setting will be overwritten.

        Refer to the definition of TriggerInfo for the detailed trigger settings. The details of the trigger name, the trigger type, notification conditions, notification destination URI and notification contents are as shown below.

        Trigger name

        Multiple trigger names which are identified as the same, including the names only different in ASCII uppercase and lowercase characters, even if they have different types or notification conditions, in a container cannot be defined. And there are the limitations, the allowed characters and the length, on the trigger names. See the GridDB Features Reference for the details. Trigger names are case-sensitive unless otherwise noted.

        Trigger type

        The following trigger types are supported.

        REST Trigger to notify the specified URI with a REST notification (HTTP POST method) when an update operation of the specified type is carried out on a Container.
        Java Message Service(JMS) Trigger to send a JMS message to the JMS server of the specified URI when an update operation of the specified type is carried out on a Container. Apache ActiveMQ is used as the JMS provider.
        Notification condition

        Create new Row/ update Row for this Container (put(Object), put(Object, Object), put(java.util.Collection), GridStore.multiPut(java.util.Map), RowSet.update(Object)), delete (remove(Object), RowSet.remove()) Perform notification immediately after executing operation command. If multiple operations are specified as monitoring targets, perform notification after executing any one of these operations.

        Completion of replication at the point notification is carried out is not guaranteed. For notifications corresponding to a create new Row/ update Row or delete command that has been executed by disabling the auto commit mode, if the transaction is not committed at the point of the notification, or if the transaction is aborted after the notification, it may not be possible to get the data included in the notification at the point the notification is received.

        For batch operations involving multiple Rows, notification is carried out for each Row operation. If there is no response within a specified time even if notification has been sent to the specified URl, time out is performed and it will not be sent again. If a failure occurs in a GridDB cluster, in addition to not sending any notification to support a certain update operation, multiple notifications may be sent.

        Notification destination URI

        A notification destination URI is described in the following format.

         (method name)://(host name):(port number)/(path)

        However, if the trigger type is REST, only http can be specified in the method name.

        Notification contents

        Provide notification of the updated Container name, update operation name, and specified column value of the updated Row data. For the update operation name, use "put" to create a new Row/ update Row and "delete" to delete.

        The notification value shall be the specified column value of the Row data that is newly created immediately after a new Row is created, or updated in an update operation, or before deletion in a delete operation. If the column type is TIMESTAMP, an integer to indicate the time passed in milliseconds starting from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z is set as the value. If the column type if BLOB, GEOMETRY, or array, a blank character string will be set as the value.

        Notification method - For REST

        JSON character strings such as those shown below are sent with the MIME type application/json.

           "container" : "(container name)",
           "event" : "(update operation name)",
           "row" : {
             "(column name)" : (column data),
             "(column name)" : (column data),
        Notification method - For JMS

        A javax.jms.TextMessage is sent with the specified destination type and destination name.

        The container name is set by javax.jms.Message#setStringProperty("@container", "(container name)"). The update operation name is set by javax.jms.Message#setStringProperty("@event", "(update operation name)").

        The column value is set with a javax.jms.Message#setXXXProperty("(column name)", (column data)) in accordance with the column type.

        When the column layout is changed by a GridStore.putCollection(String, Class, boolean), GridStore.putTimeSeries(String, Class, TimeSeriesProperties, boolean), etc. in relation to a Container with a set trigger, if a column subject to trigger notification is deleted or if its name is changed, the corresponding column will be deleted from the trigger notification targets.

        If the server does not respond to a request sent to the notification destination URI that has been set up when sending a notification from GridDB, standby processing will occur until the process times out. This standby process becomes a cause for the delay in serving notification of an update in the Container as well as some other containers. Therefore, a trigger having an invalid notification destination URI is recommended to be deleted by using dropTrigger(String).

        See the GridDB Features Reference for the maximum number of triggers that can be set for a single Container and the upper limit of the values for various trigger settings.

        info - Trigger information of the setting target
        GSException - If the trigger name is null, blank, or does not follow to other rules
        GSException - If the update operation subject to monitoring is not specified
        GSException - If the notification destination URI does not conform to the stipulated syntax
        GSException - If the JMS is specified by the trigger type, and the JMS destination type is null, or is blank, or does not conform to the specified format
        GSException - If the JMS is specified by the trigger type, and the JMS destination name is null, or is blank
        GSException - If the JMS is specified by the trigger type, and the JMS destination name is null, or is blank
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument
      • dropIndex

        void dropIndex(IndexInfo info)
                       throws GSException
        Delete all indexes that match the content set in IndexInfo.

        The setting information of IndexInfo are used as a condition to narrow down the index to be deleted. Filtering conditions are classified into three categories: column sequence, index type, and index name. Setting each of them is optional. If none of them are set, all created indexes are deleted.

        If a column name sequence or column number sequence is set, it must exist in the corresponding container. If both column name sequence and column number sequence are set, corresponding columns must match each other. If neither the column name sequence nor the column number sequence is set, the index for any column sequence that satisfies other refinement conditions (index type, index name) will be deleted.

        When the index type is set, only the index of the specified type will be deleted. If IndexType.DEFAULT is set, the default type index is selected according to the standard of createIndex(IndexInfo). Columns that do not support indexes and columns that do not support indexes of the specified type are not eligible for deletion. If the index type is not set, index that fulfil the conditions (column sequence, index name) will be deleted.

        If an index name is set, only the index with the specified name will be deleted. The identity of the index name follows the criteria of createIndex(IndexInfo). If an index name is not set, an index with an arbitrary name and an unnamed index that fulfils the conditions (column sequence, index type) will be deleted.

        If there is no index to be deleted, the index will not get deleted.

        Transaction handling is similar to createIndex(IndexInfo). Also, it is undefined whether or not other transactions may be executed while only a few indexes are deleted when multiple indexes are subject to deletion.

        The immediate state after completion of the index deletion request is similar to GridStore.dropContainer(String).

        GSException - if the column or index name to be deleted does not conform to the above rule
        GSException - if the process is timeout, deletion of this container or schema change, connection failure occurs, or called after closing
        java.lang.NullPointerException - when null is specified as argument
      • dropIndex

        void dropIndex(java.lang.String columnName)
                       throws GSException
        Delete only the default type index from the column with the specified name.

        Behaves the same as calling dropIndex(IndexInfo) with IndexInfo with column name and default type set.

        GSException - When the specified column name does not conform to the rule of dropIndex(IndexInfo)
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation, this Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if a null parameter is specified.
      • dropIndex

        void dropIndex(java.lang.String columnName,
                     IndexType type)
                       throws GSException
        Deletes only the index of the specified type from the column with the specified name.

        Behaves the same as calling dropIndex(IndexInfo) with IndexInfo with column name and type set.

        GSException - when the specified column name does not conform to the rule of dropIndex(IndexInfo)
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation, this Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if null is specified as more than one parameter.
      • dropTrigger

        void dropTrigger(java.lang.String name)
                         throws GSException
        Delete a trigger.

        Nothing is changed if the trigger of the specified name does not exist.

        GSException - If this process times out, this Container is deleted, a connection failure were to occur, or if it is invoked after being closed
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument
      • flush

        void flush()
                   throws GSException
        Writes the results of earlier updates to a non-volatile storage medium, such as SSD, so as to prevent the data from being lost even if all cluster nodes stop suddenly.

        It can be used for operations requiring higher reliability than normal. However, frequent execution of this would cause degradation in response time.

        Its behaviors vary, such as the scope of cluster nodes concerned, depending on the configuration of GridDB.

        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation, this Container is deleted or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
      • get

        R get(K key,
            boolean forUpdate)
              throws GSException
        Returns the content of a Row corresponding to the specified Row key according to the specified option.

        It can be used only if a Column exists which corresponds to the specified Row key.

        If it requests a lock for update in the manual commit mode, it will hold the lock until a relevant transaction completes or a timeout occurs. The update or deletion operation by any other transaction on the locked Row will wait until the transaction completes or a timeout occurs. The lock will be held even if the target Row is deleted.

        In the autocommit mode, it cannot request a lock for update.

        forUpdate - indicates whether it requests a lock for update.
        A target Row object. null if no target Row exists.
        GSException - if no Column exists which corresponds to the specified Row key.
        GSException - if it requests a lock for update in the autocommit mode.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or the transaction, this Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed; or if an unsupported value is specified as key.
        java.lang.ClassCastException - if the specified Row key does not match the type of a Row key used in mapping operation.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if null is specified as key.
      • getBindType

        Container.BindType<K,R,? extends Container<K,R>> getBindType()
                                                                     throws GSException
        Returns the type information associated with this object.

        The type information obtained is set to be the same as the Row key type and Row object type specified when the object was configured.

        The type of Container or its subinterface is not necessarily the same as the type specified at the time of configuration; the type obtained may be that of the subinterface. Furthermore, a one-to-one correspondence with the container type represented by ContainerType is not guaranteed.

        Type information associated with this object
        GSException - If invoked after being closed
      • getType

        ContainerType getType()
                              throws GSException
        Get the type of this Container.

        In the current version, no inquiry is sent to the GridDB cluster by this operation as the type is always confirmed at the point the instance is generated.

        GSException - If invoked after being closed
      • put

        boolean put(java.util.Collection<R> rowCollection)
                    throws GSException
        Based on the specified Row object group, an arbitrary number of Rows will be consolidated to create a new group or updated.

        For each Row in the specified Row object group, a new creation or update operation is carried out just like the case when put(Object) is invoked in accordance with the take-out sequence from the iterator.

        If multiple Rows having the same Row key exist in the specified Row object group, the contents of the rear-most Row having the same Row key will be reflected using the take-out sequence from the iterator of the Row object group as a reference.

        Depending on the Container type and setting, the same restrictions as put(Object) are established for the contents of Rows that can be operated. Refer to definition of the sub-interface for the specific restrictions.

        In the manual commit mode, the target Rows are locked.

        In the auto commit mode, if an exclusion occurs in the midst of processing a Container and its Rows, only the results for some of the Rows in the Container may remain reflected.

        Always false in the current version
        GSException - When an operation violating the restrictions unique to a specific Container type is carried out
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or the transaction, this Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed; or if an unsupported value is set in the key or the Row object.
        java.lang.ClassCastException - if the specified Row objects does not match the value types of Row objects used in mapping operation, respectively.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if NULL is specified as rowCollection or its element; As with put(Object, Object), if null is included in a specific part of the row object.
        See Also:
      • put

        boolean put(K key,
                  R row)
                    throws GSException
        Newly creates or updates a Row, based on the specified Row object and also the Row key specified as needed.

        If a Column exists which corresponds to the specified Row key, it determines whether to newly create or update a Row, based on the Row key and the state of the Container. If there is no corresponding Row in the Container, it determines to newly create a Row; otherwise, it updates a relevant Row. If a Row key is specified besides a Row object, the specified Row key is used in preference to the Row key in the Row object.

        If no Column exists which corresponds to the specified Row key, it always creates a new Row. In such a case, specify null as key.

        Restrictions are applied depending on the type of Container and its settings. See the descriptions of subinterfaces for detailed restrictions.

        In the manual commit mode, the target Row is locked.

        key - A target Row key
        row - A Row object representing the content of a Row to be newly created or updated.
        TRUE if a Row exists which corresponds to the specified Row key.
        GSException - if a Row key is specified although no Column exists which corresponds to the key.
        GSException - if its operation is contrary to the restrictions specific to a particular Container.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or the transaction, this Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed; or if an unsupported value is set in the key or the Row object.
        java.lang.ClassCastException - if the specified key or Row object does not completely match the type(s) used in mapping operation.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if null is specified as row; For objects in row objects corresponding to row fields, if there is a NOT NULL constrain but null is set, it will in include elements of null when array type is selected.
      • query

        Query<R> query(java.lang.String tql)
                       throws GSException
        Creates a query object to execute the specified TQL statement.

        It cannot be used for a query whose output format does not match the types of Rows in this Container, such as a query containing an aggregation operation in its selection expression. For such a query, query(String, Class) can be used instead.

        When obtaining a set of Rows using Query.fetch(boolean), the option of locking for update can be enabled only for the queries that will not select Rows which do not exist in this Container. For example, it cannot be enabled for a query containing an interpolation operation.

        In the current version, due to an error in the TQL statement, GSException and by specifying null with an argument that cannot specify null, NullPointerException will not be dispatched. If there is an error in the argument, an exception will be thrown when the resulting query is fetched.

        tql - TQL statement. null cannot be specified
        GSException - It will not be thrown in the current version.
        See Also:
        query(String, Class)
      • query

        <S> Query<S> query(java.lang.String tql,
                         java.lang.Class<S> rowType)
                       throws GSException
        Creates a query object to execute the specified TQL statement and return the specified type of result.

        It is used for a query whose output format does not match the types of Rows in this Container, such as an aggregation operation. The following types and null are only available as rowType.

        Row type of Container
        Indicates receiving Row data of the type matching the Rows in this Container, as in query(String).
        Indicates receiving the result of executing an aggregation operation.
        Indicates receiving the result of executing an EXPLAIN or EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement.
        Indicates receiving a proper type of result, depending on the operation.

        No other value can be specified.

        When obtaining a set of Rows using Query.fetch(boolean), the option of locking for update can be enabled only for the queries that will not select Rows which do not exist in this Container. For example, it cannot be enabled for a query containing an interpolation operation.

        In the current version, due to an error in the TQL statement, GSException and by specifying null with an argument that cannot specify null, NullPointerException will not be dispatched. If there is an error in the argument, an exception will be thrown when the resulting query is fetched.

        tql - TQL statement. null cannot be specified
        rowType - the expected row object type or null
        GSException - if an unsupported type is specified as rowType.
      • remove

        boolean remove(K key)
                       throws GSException
        Deletes a Row corresponding to the specified Row key.

        It can be used only if a Column exists which corresponds to the specified Row key. If no corresponding Row exists, nothing is changed.

        Restrictions are applied depending on the type of Container and its settings. See the descriptions of subinterfaces for detailed restrictions.

        In the manual commit mode, the target Row is locked.

        TRUE if a corresponding Row exists.
        GSException - if no Column exists which corresponds to the specified Row key.
        GSException - if its operation is contrary to the restrictions specific to a particular Container.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or the transaction, this Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed; or if an unsupported value is specified as key.
        java.lang.ClassCastException - if the specified Row key does not match the type of a Row key used in mapping operation.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if null is specified.
      • setAutoCommit

        void setAutoCommit(boolean enabled)
                           throws GSException
        Change the setting of the commit mode.

        In the auto commit mode, the transaction state cannot be controlled directly and change operations are committed sequentially. If the auto commit mode is disabled, i.e. in the manual commit mode, as long as the transaction has not timed out or commit() has been invoked directly, the same transaction will continue to be used in this Container and change operations will not be committed.

        When the autocommit mode is switched from On to Off, uncommitted updates are committed implicitly. Unless the commit mode is changed, the state of the transaction will not be changed. These behaviors are the same as those of Connection.setAutoCommit(boolean).

        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or the transaction, this Container is deleted or a connection failure occurs, when a commit is requested after a mode change; or if called after the connection is closed.

Class ContainerInfo

  • java.lang.Object

  • public class ContainerInfo
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents the information about a specific Container.

    It does not guarantee the validity of values e.g. notation of the Container name, and the existence of TimeSeries option related to its Container type.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      Creates an empty ContainerInfo.
      ContainerInfo(ContainerInfo containerInfo)
      Duplicates the information about the specified Container.
      ContainerInfo(java.lang.String name, ContainerType type, java.util.List<ColumnInfo> columnInfoList, boolean rowKeyAssigned)
      Limited to those with no composite Row key, creates container information by specifying information on the column layout.
      ContainerInfo(java.lang.String name, ContainerType type, java.util.List<ColumnInfo> columnInfoList, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> rowKeyColumnList)
      Creates container information by specifying information about column layout, including any Row key configuration.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContainerInfo

        public ContainerInfo()
        Creates an empty ContainerInfo.
      • ContainerInfo

        public ContainerInfo(ContainerInfo containerInfo)
        Duplicates the information about the specified Container.
        containerInfo - Copied Container information. null cannot be specified.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - when null is specified as argument
      • ContainerInfo

        public ContainerInfo(java.lang.String name,
                     ContainerType type,
                     java.util.List<ColumnInfo> columnInfoList,
                     boolean rowKeyAssigned)
        Limited to those with no composite Row key, creates container information by specifying information on the column layout.
        name - Container name. Not set when null is specified.
        type - Container type. Not set when null is specified.
        columnInfoList - List of column information. null cannot be specified.
        rowKeyAssigned - if a column is assigned or not to the Row key: true if a single column is assigned, false otherwise
        java.lang.NullPointerException - when null is specified as argument
      • ContainerInfo

        public ContainerInfo(java.lang.String name,
                     ContainerType type,
                     java.util.List<ColumnInfo> columnInfoList,
                     java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> rowKeyColumnList)
        Creates container information by specifying information about column layout, including any Row key configuration.
        name - Container name. Not set when null is specified.
        type - Container type. Not set when null is specified.
        columnInfoList - List of column information. null cannot be specified.
        rowKeyColumnList - List of column numbers starting from 0 for the columns configuring the Row key. If a list of length 0 or null is specified, it is assumed that there is no Row key.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - when null is specified as argument
    • Method Detail

      • getColumnCount

        public int getColumnCount()
        Returns the number of Columns of the specified Container.
        A number of Columns, or 0 if Column layout is unspecified.
      • getColumnInfo

        public ColumnInfo getColumnInfo(int column)
        Returns the information about the specified Column.
        column - An index of a Column, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        The information of the Column corresponding to the specified index.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the specified Column number is out of range.
        See Also:
      • getDataAffinity

        public java.lang.String getDataAffinity()
        Returns a data affinity string of the Container.
        A data affinity string, or null as default.
        See Also:
      • getIndexInfoList

        public java.util.List<IndexInfo> getIndexInfoList()
        Get a list of index information.

        UnsupportedOperationException may occur if the returned value is changed. Also, the operation on this object does not change the contents of the returned object.

        List of index information.
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the name of the specified Container.
        A Container name, or null if unspecified.
      • getRowKeyColumnList

        public java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getRowKeyColumnList()
        Returns the list of columns that configures the Row key.

        UnsupportedOperationException may occur if the returned value is changed. Also, the operation on this object does not change the contents of the returned object.

        List of column numbers starting from 0 for the columns configuring the Row key. A list of length 0 if the corresponding container has no Row key
      • getTimeSeriesProperties

        public TimeSeriesProperties getTimeSeriesProperties()
        Returns the optional properties of TimeSeries.

        If the contents of the returned object is changed after it has been invoked, it is not defined whether the contents of this content will be changed or not. Moreover, it is not defined whether the contents of the returned object will be changed or not by operating this object.

        The optional properties of TimeSeries, or null if undefined.
      • getTriggerInfoList

        public java.util.List<TriggerInfo> getTriggerInfoList()
        Returns a list of the trigger information.

        UnsupportedOperationException can occur when the returned value is updated. After objects are returned, updates of this object do not change the returned object.

        A list of the trigger information.
      • getType

        public ContainerType getType()
        Returns the Container type of the specified Container.
        A Container type, or null if unspecified.
        See Also:
      • isColumnOrderIgnorable

        public boolean isColumnOrderIgnorable()
        Checks if the order of Columns can be ignored.
        true if yes, otherwise false.
      • isRowKeyAssigned

        public boolean isRowKeyAssigned()
        Limited to those with no composite Row key, checks if a Column is assigned as a Row key.

        If this method returns true, the column number corresponding to the Row key is 0.

        Use getRowKeyColumnList() to refer to any Row key configuration.

        true If a Row key is assigned, otherwise false.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if a composite Row key has been set
      • setColumnInfoList

        public void setColumnInfoList(java.util.List<ColumnInfo> columnInfoList)
        Set information of all Columns all at once.

        The order of the Columns of the Container corresponds to the order of information of the Columns, if its can be ignored.

        It can be undefined, regardless of the existence of a Row key Column.

        Updates of the specified object after this function is specified will not change the object.

        columnInfoList - List of the information of Columns. For null or an empty list, the setting is cancelled.
        See Also:
      • setColumnOrderIgnorable

        public void setColumnOrderIgnorable(boolean ignorable)
        Sets whether the order of Columns can be ignored.

        Default value cannot be ignored (false).

        ignorable - If the order of Columns can be ignored
        See Also:
        GridStore.putContainer(String, ContainerInfo, boolean)
      • setDataAffinity

        public void setDataAffinity(java.lang.String dataAffinity)
        Sets a string to represent similarity between containers (data affinity). The string is used for optimizing the data allocation.

        A data affinity string is for optimizing the arrangement of Containers among the nodes of the cluster.

        Containers which have the same data affinity may be stored near each other. Therefore the efficiency for the expiration of Rows may be improved by using the same data affinity string for TimeSeries Containers which includes Rows with similar elapsed time periods.

        There are the limitations, allowed characters and maximum length, for the data affinity string. See GridDB Features Reference for the details. All the limitations may not be checked when setting the string. The data affinity string is case-sensitive unless otherwise noted.

        dataAffinity - A string to represent similarity between containers. If null is specified, the Container will be stored as usual. There are the cases that string against the limitations cannot be specified.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the specified string is not proper.
      • setIndexInfoList

        public void setIndexInfoList(java.util.List<IndexInfo> indexInfoList)
        Set a list of index information.

        Even if you change the contents of the specified object after calling, the contents of this object will not change.

        indexInfoList - List of index information. Not set in the case of null or empty list.
      • setName

        public void setName(java.lang.String name)
        Sets a name of the Container.
        name - A name of the Container. For null, the setting is cancelled.
      • setRowKeyAssigned

        public void setRowKeyAssigned(boolean assigned)
        Sets a Row key Column is assigned or not.

        A Row key is assigned default.

        This function is available regardless of the layout of Columns.

        assigned - A Row key Column is assigned or not. true for assigned, otherwise false.
      • setRowKeyColumnList

        public void setRowKeyColumnList(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> rowKeyColumnList)
        Sets the list of columns that configures the Row key.

        Updates of the specified object after this function is specified will not change the object.

        rowKeyColumnList - List of column numbers starting from 0 for the columns configuring the Row key. If a list of length 0 or null is specified, it is assumed that there is no Row key.
      • setTimeSeriesProperties

        public void setTimeSeriesProperties(TimeSeriesProperties props)
        Sets the optional properties of TimeSeries.

        This function is available for any Container type.

        Updates of the specified object after this function is invoked will not change the object.

        props - The optional properties of TimeSeries. For null, the setting is cancelled.
      • setTriggerInfoList

        public void setTriggerInfoList(java.util.List<TriggerInfo> triggerInfoList)
        Sets all information of triggers.
        triggerInfoList - A list of trigger information. For null, the setting is cancelled.
      • setType

        public void setType(ContainerType type)
        Sets a type of the Container.
        type - A type of the Container. For null, the setting is cancelled.

Enum ContainerType

  • java.lang.Object
    • java.lang.Enum<ContainerType>
  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable<ContainerType>

    public enum ContainerType
    extends java.lang.Enum<ContainerType>
    Represents the type(s) of a Container.
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant and Description
      Indicates the target Container is a Collection.
      Indicates the target Container is a TimeSeries.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static ContainerType valueOf(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static ContainerType[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail


        public static final ContainerType COLLECTION
        Indicates the target Container is a Collection.

        public static final ContainerType TIME_SERIES
        Indicates the target Container is a TimeSeries.
    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static ContainerType valueOf(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • values

        public static ContainerType[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (ContainerType c : ContainerType.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared

Enum FetchOption

  • java.lang.Object
    • java.lang.Enum<FetchOption>
  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable<FetchOption>

    public enum FetchOption
    extends java.lang.Enum<FetchOption>
    The options for fetching the result of a query.
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant and Description
      Used to set the maximum number of Rows to be fetched.
      Used to set the partial execution mode.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static FetchOption valueOf(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static FetchOption[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • LIMIT

        public static final FetchOption LIMIT
        Used to set the maximum number of Rows to be fetched.

        If the number of Rows in a result exceeds the maximum, the maximum number of Rows counting from the 0-th in RowSet are fetched. The rest of the Rows in the result cannot be fetched.

        The supported types of values are Integer and Long. Negative values are not available. If the setting is omitted, the limit is not defined.


        public static final FetchOption PARTIAL_EXECUTION
        Used to set the partial execution mode.

        In the partial execution mode, it is trying for the buffer size of the intermediate query processing and the data transfer, etc. to fit inside a fixed size by dividing the target data and getting the query results in each divided range. Therefore the results for some data ranges may not be determined when the RowSet is obtained, and in the middle of getting the results, there are the cases that the query is executed partially for the rest of the ranges.

        In this version, the partial execution mode can be used for queries satisfying all the following conditions. And it can be used in combination with LIMIT option. Even if not satisfying the conditions, the error may not be detected when setting the fetch option.

        • The query must be specified by TQL
        • The SELECT clause must be consisted of only '*' and an ORDER BY clause must not be specified.
        • The target Container must have been set to the auto commit mode at the each partial execution of the query.

        In the partial execution mode, rows that can be fetched at the each partial execution of the query based on the separation level and the status of the corresponding Container transaction are used. However rows that don't exist at the first time of the whole query execution may not be reflected to the results.

        For inhibited operations and behaviors on RowSet in this mode, see the individual definitions.

        The only supported type for this setting is Boolean. The value matching to Boolean.TRUE must be specified to activate this mode. In this version, the partial execution mode is not effective unless setting the mode explicitly.

    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static FetchOption valueOf(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • values

        public static FetchOption[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (FetchOption c : FetchOption.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared

Class GSException

  • java.lang.Object
    • java.lang.Throwable
      • java.lang.Exception
  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class GSException
    Represents the exceptions occurring during a process of a GridDB function.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      Build a non-descriptive exception.
      GSException(int errorCode, java.lang.String description)
      Specify the error number and description, then build an exception.
      GSException(int errorCode, java.lang.String errorName, java.lang.String description, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> parameters, java.lang.Throwable cause)
      Specify the error number, error name, description, map of parameters, and cause, then build an exception.
      GSException(int errorCode, java.lang.String errorName, java.lang.String description, java.lang.Throwable cause)
      Specify the error number, error name, description, and cause, then build an exception.
      GSException(int errorCode, java.lang.String description, java.lang.Throwable cause)
      Specify the error number, description and cause, then build an exception.
      GSException(int errorCode, java.lang.Throwable cause)
      Specify the error number and description, then build an exception.
      GSException(java.lang.String message)
      Specify the description, then build an exception.
      GSException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
      Specify the description and cause, then build an exception.
      GSException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
      Specify the error, then build an exception.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      int getErrorCode()
      Returns an error number.
      java.lang.String getMessage()
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getParameters()
      Returns a map of parameters related to the error.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable

        addSuppressed, fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getStackTrace, getSuppressed, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • GSException

        public GSException()
        Build a non-descriptive exception.
        See Also:
      • GSException

        public GSException(int errorCode,
                   java.lang.String description)
        Specify the error number and description, then build an exception.
        errorCode - Error number
        description - Description or null
        See Also:
      • GSException

        public GSException(int errorCode,
                   java.lang.String errorName,
                   java.lang.String description,
                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> parameters,
                   java.lang.Throwable cause)
        Specify the error number, error name, description, map of parameters, and cause, then build an exception.
        errorCode - Error number
        errorName - Error name or null
        description - Description or null
        parameters - Map of paramaters or null
        cause - Cause or null
        See Also:
        Exception.Exception(String, Throwable)
      • GSException

        public GSException(int errorCode,
                   java.lang.String errorName,
                   java.lang.String description,
                   java.lang.Throwable cause)
        Specify the error number, error name, description, and cause, then build an exception.
        errorCode - Error number
        errorName - Error name or null
        description - Description or null
        cause - Cause or null
        See Also:
        Exception.Exception(String, Throwable)
      • GSException

        public GSException(int errorCode,
                   java.lang.String description,
                   java.lang.Throwable cause)
        Specify the error number, description and cause, then build an exception.
        errorCode - Error number
        description - Description or null
        cause - Cause or null
        See Also:
        Exception.Exception(String, Throwable)
      • GSException

        public GSException(int errorCode,
                   java.lang.Throwable cause)
        Specify the error number and description, then build an exception.
        errorCode - Error number
        cause - Cause or null
        See Also:
      • GSException

        public GSException(java.lang.String message)
        Specify the description, then build an exception.
        message - Description or null
        See Also:
      • GSException

        public GSException(java.lang.String message,
                   java.lang.Throwable cause)
        Specify the description and cause, then build an exception.
        message - Description or null
        cause - Cause or null
        See Also:
        Exception.Exception(String, Throwable)
      • GSException

        public GSException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
        Specify the error, then build an exception.
        cause - Cause or null
        See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getErrorCode

        public int getErrorCode()
        Returns an error number.

        It returns 0 if no corresponding number is found.

      • getMessage

        public java.lang.String getMessage()
        getMessage in class java.lang.Throwable
      • getParameters

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getParameters()
        Returns a map of parameters related to the error.

        It is used to extract particular information about the error. Returned map is a set which each entry consists of a parameter name and a parameter value. For the parameters included in this map, see the definition of interfaces which may output this exception or the definition of related interfaces.

        The information in the map is also included in the message string returned by getMessage() in principle. But by a fixed parsing rule, it may not be able to extract the particular information from this message. Even if the intended information can be extracted from a context in a version, for other conditions, unintended information may be acquired or nothing may be acquired. By using this map, a part of information specified in the definition of the interfaces can be acquired without parsing.

        When recording only the content of the returned map and not recording other exception information such as the message text, it may become difficult to identify the reason for the error.

Class GSTimeoutException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GSTimeoutException
    extends GSException
    Represents the exceptions indicating that the requested operation operation did not finish within a normal time.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      Build a non-descriptive exception.
      GSTimeoutException(int errorCode, java.lang.String description)
      Specify the error number and description, then build an exception.
      GSTimeoutException(int errorCode, java.lang.String errorName, java.lang.String description, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> parameters, java.lang.Throwable cause)
      Specify the error number, error name, description, map of parameters, and cause, then build an exception.
      GSTimeoutException(int errorCode, java.lang.String errorName, java.lang.String description, java.lang.Throwable cause)
      Specify the error number, error name, description, and cause, then build an exception.
      GSTimeoutException(int errorCode, java.lang.String description, java.lang.Throwable cause)
      Specify the error number, description and cause, then build an exception.
      GSTimeoutException(int errorCode, java.lang.Throwable cause)
      Specify the error number and description, then build an exception.
      GSTimeoutException(java.lang.String message)
      Specify the description, then build an exception.
      GSTimeoutException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
      Specify the description and cause, then build an exception.
      GSTimeoutException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
      Specify the error, then build an exception.
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable

        addSuppressed, fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getStackTrace, getSuppressed, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • GSTimeoutException

        public GSTimeoutException(int errorCode,
                          java.lang.String description)
        Specify the error number and description, then build an exception.
        errorCode - Error number
        description - Description or null
        See Also:
        GSException.GSException(int, String)
      • GSTimeoutException

        public GSTimeoutException(int errorCode,
                          java.lang.String errorName,
                          java.lang.String description,
                          java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> parameters,
                          java.lang.Throwable cause)
        Specify the error number, error name, description, map of parameters, and cause, then build an exception.
        errorCode - Error number
        errorName - Error name or null
        description - Description or null
        parameters - Map of paramaters or null
        cause - Cause or null
        See Also:
        GSException.GSException(int, String, String, Map, Throwable)
      • GSTimeoutException

        public GSTimeoutException(int errorCode,
                          java.lang.String errorName,
                          java.lang.String description,
                          java.lang.Throwable cause)
        Specify the error number, error name, description, and cause, then build an exception.
        errorCode - Error number
        errorName - Error name or null
        description - Description or null
        cause - Cause or null
        See Also:
        GSException.GSException(int, String, String, Throwable)
      • GSTimeoutException

        public GSTimeoutException(int errorCode,
                          java.lang.String description,
                          java.lang.Throwable cause)
        Specify the error number, description and cause, then build an exception.
        errorCode - Error number
        description - Description or null
        cause - Cause or null
        See Also:
        GSException.GSException(int, String, Throwable)
      • GSTimeoutException

        public GSTimeoutException(int errorCode,
                          java.lang.Throwable cause)
        Specify the error number and description, then build an exception.
        errorCode - Error number
        cause - Cause or null
        See Also:
        GSException.GSException(int, Throwable)
      • GSTimeoutException

        public GSTimeoutException(java.lang.String message)
        Specify the description, then build an exception.
        message - Description or null
        See Also:
      • GSTimeoutException

        public GSTimeoutException(java.lang.String message,
                          java.lang.Throwable cause)
        Specify the description and cause, then build an exception.
        message - Description or null
        cause - Cause or null
        See Also:
        GSException.GSException(String, Throwable)
      • GSTimeoutException

        public GSTimeoutException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
        Specify the error, then build an exception.
        cause - Cause or null
        See Also:
  • java.lang.Object
    • java.lang.Enum<GSType>
  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable<GSType>

    public enum GSType
    extends java.lang.Enum<GSType>
    Represents the type(s) of field values in GridDB.
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • BLOB

        public static final GSType BLOB
      • BOOL

        public static final GSType BOOL
      • BOOL_ARRAY

        public static final GSType BOOL_ARRAY
      • BYTE

        public static final GSType BYTE
      • BYTE_ARRAY

        public static final GSType BYTE_ARRAY
      • DOUBLE

        public static final GSType DOUBLE

        public static final GSType DOUBLE_ARRAY
      • FLOAT

        public static final GSType FLOAT

        public static final GSType FLOAT_ARRAY
      • GEOMETRY

        public static final GSType GEOMETRY
      • INTEGER

        public static final GSType INTEGER

        public static final GSType INTEGER_ARRAY
      • LONG

        public static final GSType LONG
      • LONG_ARRAY

        public static final GSType LONG_ARRAY
      • SHORT

        public static final GSType SHORT

        public static final GSType SHORT_ARRAY
      • STRING

        public static final GSType STRING

        public static final GSType STRING_ARRAY

        public static final GSType TIMESTAMP

        public static final GSType TIMESTAMP_ARRAY
    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static GSType valueOf(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • values

        public static GSType[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (GSType c : GSType.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared

Class Geometry

  • java.lang.Object

  • public class Geometry
    extends java.lang.Object
    Manages the geometry data which represents geometry range of two or three dimensions.

    An instance of this class are immutable. In addition, all method calls to an instance of this class are thread safe.

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
      Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
      int hashCode()
      Returns the hash code of this object.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Returns the string representation (WKT representation) in WKT (Well-Known Text) format.
      static Geometry valueOf(java.lang.String value)
      Creates the Geometry from the string representation (WKT representation) to geometry data in WKT (Well-Known Text) format.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • equals

        public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
        Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

        Objects generated by valueOf(String) and have no notation difference except inconsistent spelling such as blank character as a delimiter or the default SRID values are considered to be equivalent even if WKT representation of the source is not equivalent to each other as a string. For example, objects generated with the following three WKT representation are considered to be equivalent.

         POLYGON((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0))
         POLYGON( (0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0) )
         POLYGON((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0);-1)

        On the other hand, objects which have no equivalent WKT representation as a string because of the difference in the start/end position to the closed line that make up the area are considered not to be equivalent even if they indicate to the same space region. For example, objects generated with the following two WKT representation are considered not to be equivalent.

         POLYGON((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0))
         POLYGON((0 10,0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10))

        This method maintain the general contract for the Object.hashCode() method, which states that equal objects must have equal hash codes.

        equals in class java.lang.Object
        obj - The reference object to be compared
        true if this object is equal to obj, otherwise false
        See Also:
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns the hash code of this object.

        This method maintain the general contract for the Object.hashCode() method, which states that equal objects must have equal hash codes.

        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
        Hash code of this object
        See Also:
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Returns the string representation (WKT representation) in WKT (Well-Known Text) format.

        Returned string may not be equivalent to the specified WKT representation when generated by valueOf(String), if there are inconsistent spelling such as blank character as a delimiter or the default SRID values.

        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • valueOf

        public static Geometry valueOf(java.lang.String value)
                                throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Creates the Geometry from the string representation (WKT representation) to geometry data in WKT (Well-Known Text) format.

        Supported WKT representation is the same as the representation range to be handled by ST_GeomFromText function in TQL. However, the geometry structure QUADRATICSURFACE can only be used as search condition and not to be stored in the container.

        value - WKT representation to be created. null cannot be specified
        Instance of Geometry created by WKT representation
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the specified string does not match to the WKT format
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - when null is specified as argument

Enum GeometryOperator

  • java.lang.Object
  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable<GeometryOperator>

    public enum GeometryOperator
    extends java.lang.Enum<GeometryOperator>
    Represents the constraints regarding relationship between each two spatial ranges.

    It is used to specify the conditions to spatial range query.

    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant and Description
      Represents that each spatial ranges or their bounding volume are intersected.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static GeometryOperator valueOf(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static GeometryOperator[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail


        public static final GeometryOperator INTERSECT
        Represents that each spatial ranges or their bounding volume are intersected.

        Represents that each MBBs (Minimum Bounding Box) or MBB and quadric surface are intersected. The conditions for determination of the intersections are the same as ST_MBRIntersects or ST_QSFMBRIntersects in TQL.

    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static GeometryOperator valueOf(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • values

        public static GeometryOperator[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (GeometryOperator c : GeometryOperator.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared

Interface GridStore

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface GridStore
    A function is provided for processing the data in the connected GridDB system.

    A function to add, delete, or change the composition of Collection and TimeSeries Containers as well as to process the Rows constituting a Container is provided.

    Regardless of container types, etc., multiple container names different only in uppercase and lowercase ASCII characters cannot be defined in a database. A container name is represented by only a base container name or by connecting the base name and a node affinity name with '@'. See the GridDB Features Reference for the details. In the operations specifying a container name, uppercase and lowercase ASCII characters are identified as the same unless otherwise noted.

    The GSException thrown by this interface or the interface of the instance which is acquired through this interface may contain the following parameters related the error.

    Parameter nameDescription
    addressAddress and port of connecting cluster node. It is a string connecting the host name or the IP address and the port number with a colon ":". In this interface or the interface of the instance which is acquired through this interface, when an error is detected in invoking an operation including a cluster access, this parameter may be contained. In that case, the details of the error may be logged in the cluster node shown by this parameter.
    containerThe name of container which may relate the exception. When operating an arbitrary number of containers and detected that the operation cannot be performed for one of the containers, this parameter may be contained. For instance of such operations, see the definition of each interface. For such as resource shortage in preparing requests to cluster nodes, it may not be possible to determine which container is the cause, so this parameter may not be contained in some error cases. And even if it is not possible to operate multiple containers, this parameter contains only one container name at most.

    Thread safety of each method is not guaranteed.

    See Also:
    Collection, TimeSeries, Container, GSException.getParameters()
    • Method Detail

      • close

        void close()
                   throws GSException
        Disconnects with GridDB and releases related resources as necessary.

        Even if GSException is thrown, the connection and local resources are released properly. However, the transaction state etc. might remain in GridDB. If the connection is already closed, this method will not work effectively.

        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface
        GSException - if a connection failure occurs
      • createRow

        Row createRow(ContainerInfo info)
                      throws GSException
        Creates a new Row by specifying ContainerInfo.

        Include the ColumnInfo list and Row key configuration so as to conform to the restrictions stipulated in Container. Specify the column layout in ContainerInfo.

        In addition, by including the Container type in ContainerInfo, it can be verified whether the restrictions unique to a specific Container type are conformed to or not. However, the Container type will not be included even if a Row.getSchema() is invoked against the created Row.

        Each field will be set to the initial value which is based on ColumnInfo of each column in the specified ContainerInfo. The initial value corresponding to the return value of ColumnInfo.getDefaultValueNull() is selected by the following way.

        Return value of ColumnInfo.getDefaultValueNull() Initial value
        true NULL. However a row which violates constraints can not be created.
        false The empty value. See the definition of Container.
        null In the current version, same as false.

        An empty value defined in Container is set as the initial value for each field of the created Row.

        The operation on the created Row also does not affect whether this GridStore object is closed or not.

        info - Container information including the column layout. Other contents are ignored
        Created Row
        GSException - If the Container type or restrictions of the column layout are not conformed to
        GSException - If invoked after being closed
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument
        See Also:
      • createRowKey

        Row.Key createRowKey(ContainerInfo info)
                             throws GSException
        Creates a new Row.Key by specifying ContainerInfo.

        Information about columns other than the Row key is ignored. Otherwise, it behaves the same as createRow(ContainerInfo).

        info - Container information including the column layout. Other contents are ignored
        Created Row.Key
        GSException - If container information without Row key is specified
        GSException - If the Container type or restrictions of the column layout are not conformed to
        GSException - If invoked after being closed
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument
      • dropCollection

        void dropCollection(java.lang.String name)
                            throws GSException
        Deletes a Collection with the specified name.

        Deletion handling, transaction handling, and the immediate state after deletion request is completed are the same as those found in dropContainer(String)

        name - Name of Collection subject to processing
        GSException - if the Container type is unmatched.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if a null parameter is specified.
      • dropContainer

        void dropContainer(java.lang.String name)
                           throws GSException
        Delete a Container having the specified name

        Nothing is changed if the Container has already been deleted.

        If a transaction under execution exists in a Container subject to processing, the system will wait for these to be completed before deleting the data.

        Immediately after the container deletion request is completed, the memory and storage area used for the index or row of the container may not be reused immediately. In addition, when delete processing is run on the cluster, increase in load may occur for sometime.

        name - Name of a Container subject to processing
        GSException - If this process times out, a connection failure were to occur, or if it is invoked after being closed
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument
        See Also:
        dropCollection(String), dropTimeSeries(String)
      • dropTimeSeries

        void dropTimeSeries(java.lang.String name)
                            throws GSException
        Deletes a TimeSeries with the specified name.

        Deletion handling, transaction handling, and the immediate state after deletion request is completed are the same as those found in dropContainer(String)

        name - Name of TimeSeries subject to processing
        GSException - if the Container type is unmatched.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if a null parameter is specified.
      • fetchAll

        void fetchAll(java.util.List<? extends Query<?>> queryList)
                      throws GSException
        Query execution and fetch is carried out on a specified arbitrary number of Query, with the request unit enlarged as much as possible.

        For each Query included in a specified list, perform a similar query execution and fetch as when Query.fetch() is performed individually and set the RowSet in the results. Use Query.getRowSet() to extract the execution results of each Query. However, unlike the case when carried out individually, the target node is requested for the same storage destination, etc. with a unit that is as large as possible. Based on this, the larger the number of elements in the list, the higher is the possibility that the number of correspondences with the target node will be reduced. Query in a list are not executed in any particular order.

        Only a Query that has not been closed, including corresponding Container acquired via this GridStore object, can be included in a specified list. Like a Query.fetch(), the RowSet formed last and held by each Query will be closed. If the same instance is included multiple times in a list, the behavior will be the same as the case in which the respective instances differ.

        Like other Container or Row operations, consistency between Containers is not guaranteed. Therefore, the processing results for a certain Container may be affected by other operation commands that have been completed prior to the start of the process.

        The commit mode of each Container corresponding to the specified Query can be used in either the auto commit mode or manual commit mode. The transaction status is reflected in the execution results of the query. If the operation is completed normally, the corresponding transaction of each Container will not be aborted so long as the transaction timeout time has not been reached.

        If an exception occurs in the midst of processing each Query, a new RowSet may be set for only some of the Query. In addition, uncommitted transactions of each Query corresponding to the designated Container may be aborted.

        If the system tries to acquire a large number of Rows all at once, the upper limit of the communication buffer size managed by the GridDB node may be reached, possibly resulting in a failure. Refer to "System limiting values" in the GridDB Features Reference for the upper limit size.

        The thrown GSException may contain container parameter. For the details of the parameters related the error, see the definition of GridStore.

        queryList - List of Query targeted
        GSException - If a Query other than a Query obtained via this GridStore object is included
        GSException - If the system tries to execute a query containing a wrong parameter, syntax or command. For example, when a column type that is not compatible with the argument of the function is specified in the TQL. Refer to the various definitions of the function to create this query for the specific restrictions
        GSException - If the execution results do not conform to the expected type of each component of the RowSet, when a TQL is executed.
        GSException - If this process or related transaction times out, if the corresponding Container is deleted or the schema is changed, if a connection failure occurs, or if the corresponding Container is invoked after being closed
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument queryList, or if null is included as a component the argument queryList
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If a non-permitted null is included in the parameter given when creating this query. To be executed in GridDB The evaluation results of the TQL text will not be sent out
        See Also:
      • getCollection

        <K,R> Collection<K,R> getCollection(java.lang.String name,
                                          java.lang.Class<R> rowType)
                                      throws GSException
        Return a Collection object to manipulate a Collection with the specified name.

        For the correspondence between a specified type and a Column layout, see the description of Container.

        name - Name of a Collection subject to processing
        rowType - Type of Row object corresponding to the column layout of the Collection subject to processing
        A Collection object if a Collection with the specified name exist; or null if not.
        GSException - if a TimeSeries with the same name exists.
        GSException - if the specified type and the existing Column layout conflict each other.
        GSException - if the specified type is not proper as a type of a Row object. For more information, see the description of Container.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if a null parameter(s) is specified.
      • getContainer

        <K,R,C extends Container<K,R>> C getContainer(java.lang.String name,
                                                    Container.BindType<K,R,C> bindType)
                                         throws GSException
        Returns a Container object by specifying Container.BindType.

        The behavior is the same as one of the following methods, depending on the specified bindType:

        name - Name of a Container subject to processing
        bindType - Type information associated with the container subject to processing
        An instance of the type of the corresponding Container or its subinterfaces
        GSException - if the contents of the name and bindType parameters do not conform to the rules
        GSException - If the specified type is not suitable as the Row object type. Refer to the definition of Container for details.
        GSException - If this process times out, a connection failure were to occur, or if it is invoked after being closed
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument bindType
      • getContainerInfo

        ContainerInfo getContainerInfo(java.lang.String name)
                                       throws GSException
        Get information related to a Container with the specified name.

        A name stored in GridDB is set for the Container name to be included in a returned ContainerInfo. Therefore, compared to the specified Container name, the notation of the ASCII uppercase characters and lowercase characters may differ.

        The column sequence is set to Do Not Ignore. This setting can be verified through ContainerInfo.isColumnOrderIgnorable().

        In the current version, whether to use of NULL for the initial value is not set. Note that it may be set in the future version. This information can be acquired through ColumnInfo.getDefaultValueNull() on each column.

        name - the target Container name
        Container Info of the specific Container.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if null is specified as the parameter.
      • getTimeSeries

        <R> TimeSeries<R> getTimeSeries(java.lang.String name,
                                      java.lang.Class<R> rowType)
                                    throws GSException
        Returns a TimeSeries object to manipulate a TimeSeries with the specified name.

        For the correspondence between a specified type and a Column layout, see the description of Container.

        name - Name of TimeSeries subject to processing
        rowType - Type of Row object corresponding to the column layout of the TimeSeries subject to processing
        A TimeSeries object if a TimeSeries with the specified name exists; or null if not.
        GSException - if a Collection with the same name exists.
        GSException - if the specified type and the existing Column layout conflict each other.
        GSException - if the specified type is not proper as a type of a Row object. For more information, see the description of Container.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if a null parameter(s) is specified.
      • multiGet

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<Row>> multiGet(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,? extends RowKeyPredicate<?>> containerPredicateMap)
                                                                     throws GSException
        Get an arbitrary number and range of Rows of a Container based on the specified conditions, with the request unit enlarged as much as possible.

        Get the Row contents in accordance with the conditions included in the specified map, similar to invoking Container.get(Object) or Query.fetch() individually. However, unlike the case when carried out individually, the target node is requested for the same storage destination, etc. with a unit that is as large as possible. Based on this, the larger the total number of Rows conforming to the conditions and the larger the total number of target Containers, the higher is the possibility that the number of correspondences with the target node will be reduced.

        A specified map is composed of an arbitrary number of entries that adopt the Container name as the key and the acquisition condition represented by RowKeyPredicate as the value. Multiple instances with the same RowKeyPredicate can also be included. In addition, a subject Container may be a mixture of different Container types and column layouts. However, there are some acquisition conditions that cannot be evaluated due to the composition of the Container. Refer to the definitions of the various setting functions for RowKeyPredicate for the specific restrictions. In addition, the specified Container name must be a real Container. The Container cannot include null as a key or value of the map.

        A returned map is composed of entries that adopt the Container name as its key and list of Row objects as its value. And only the real Container names at the request included in a specified map as acquisition conditions are included in a returned map. If multiple entries in which Container names with different notations in uppercase and lowercase letters that specify the same Container are set are included in a specified map, a single entry consolidating these is stored in the returned map. If multiple Row objects are included in the same list, the stored sequence follows the Container type and the definition of the sub-interface of the corresponding Container. If not a single Row corresponding to the specified Container exists, the list of corresponding Row objects is blank.

        When a returned map or list included in a map is updated, whether an exception will occur or not when UnsupportedOperationException, etc. is executed is still not defined.

        Like other Container or Row operations, consistency between Containers is not guaranteed. Therefore, the processing results for a certain Container may be affected by other operation commands that have been completed prior to the start of the process.

        Like Container.get(Object, boolean) or Query.fetch(boolean), a transaction cannot be maintained and requests for updating locks cannot be made.

        If the system tries to acquire a large number of Rows all at once, the upper limit of the communication buffer size managed by the GridDB node may be reached, possibly resulting in a failure. Refer to "System limiting values" in the GridDB Features Reference for the upper limit size.

        The thrown GSException may contain container parameter. For the details of the parameters related the error, see the definition of GridStore.

        containerPredicateMap - Map made up of targeted Container names and conditions
        Map that maintains Row groups conforming to the conditions by Container
        GSException - If acquisition conditions concerning a specified Container that cannot be evaluated are specified
        GSException - If this process or transaction times out, a connection failure were to occur, or if it is invoked after being closed
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified as an argument containerRowsPredicate, if null is included as a key or value of this map
        See Also:
        Container.get(Object), Query.fetch(), RowKeyPredicate
      • multiPut

        void multiPut(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<Row>> containerRowsMap)
                      throws GSException
        New creation or update operation is carried out on an arbitrary number of rows of a Container, with the request unit enlarged as much as possible.

        For each Row object included in a specified map, a new creation or update operation is carried out just like the case when Container.put(Object) is invoked individually. However, unlike the case when carried out individually, the target node is requested for the same storage destination, etc. with a unit that is as large as possible. Based on this, the larger the total number of Row objects specified and the larger the total number of target Containers, the higher is the possibility that the number of correspondences with the target node will be reduced.

        A specified map is composed of an arbitrary number of entries that adopt the Container name as its key and list of Row objects as its value. A subject Container may be a mixture of different Container types and column layouts. However, the Containers must already exist. The Container cannot include null as a key or value of the map.

        An arbitrary number of Row with the same column layout as the subject Container can be included in each list of Row objects. In the current version, all the column sequences must also be the same. The Container cannot include null as a component of the list.

        Depending on the Container type and setting, the same restrictions as Container.put(Object) are established for the contents of Rows that can be operated. Refer to the sub-interface definition of Container for the specific restrictions.

        If there are multiple Row objects having the same Row key targeting the same Container in the designated map, the contents of the rear-most Row object having a Row key with the same value will be reflected using the take-out sequence from the iterator of the map entry group as a reference if it is between different lists, or the component sequence of the list as a reference if it is within the same list.

        The transaction cannot be maintained and the lock cannot continue to be retained. However, if the lock that affects the target Row is secured by an existing transaction, the system will continue to wait for all the locks to be released.

        Like other Container or Row operations, consistency between Containers is not guaranteed. Therefore, the processing results for a certain Container may be affected by other operation commands that have been completed prior to the start of the process.

        If an exclusion occurs in the midst of processing a Container and its Rows, only the results for some of the Rows of some of the Containers may remain reflected.

        The thrown GSException may contain container parameter. For the details of the parameters related the error, see the definition of GridStore.

        containerRowsMap - A map made up of a list of Row objects and target Container names
        GSException - If the target Container does not exist, or if the column layouts of the target Container and Row object do not match
        GSException - When an operation violating the restrictions unique to a specific Container type is carried out
        GSException - If this process or transaction times out, a connection failure were to occur, or if it is invoked after being closed, or if a value outside the supported range is included in the Row object
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified as an argument containerRowsMap, if null is included as a key or value of this map, or if null is included as a component of the list constituting the map
        See Also:
      • putCollection

        <K,R> Collection<K,R> putCollection(java.lang.String name,
                                          java.lang.Class<R> rowType)
                                      throws GSException
        Newly creates or updates a Collection.

        If a Container with the specified name does not exist, it newly creates a Collection based on the Column layout defined by the specified class. If a Container with the specified name already exists and its whole Column layout matches the specified type, it behaves in the same way as getCollection(String, Class), except that it waits for active transactions to complete.

        For the correspondence between a specified type and a Column layout, see the description of Container

        If a Collection with the specified name exists and if a transaction(s) is active in the Collection, it does the operation after waiting for the transaction(s) to complete.

        name - Name of a Collection subject to processing
        rowType - Type of Row object corresponding to the column layout of the Collection subject to processing
        A Collection object created or updated
        GSException - if a Collection with the specified name exists; or if the Column layout and additional settings conflict with the specified type with regard to the existing TimeSeries with the specified name.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - a null parameter(s) is specified.
      • putCollection

        <K,R> Collection<K,R> putCollection(java.lang.String name,
                                          java.lang.Class<R> rowType,
                                          boolean modifiable)
                                      throws GSException
        Newly creates or updates a Collection with the specified option.

        If a Container with the specified name does not exist, it newly creates a Collection based on the Column layout defined by the specified class. If a Collection with the specified name already exists and its whole Column layout matches the specified type, it behaves in the same way as getCollection(String, Class), except that it waits for active transactions to complete.

        If modifiable is true and a Collection with the specified name exists, it changes its layout as necessary. When changing the layout, it leaves unchanged the existing Columns with the same name and type as defined by the specified class. If a Column name defined by the class is not found in the existing Collection, it creates a Column with the name; and it deletes other Columns in the existing Collection as well as their data. It fails if a Column with the same name but of a different type exists. It is not possible to create or delete a Column corresponding to a Row key.

        If a trigger is set in a Container, and if a column whose trigger is subject to notification is deleted due to a change in the column layout, the column will be deleted from the list of triggers subject to notification.

        The values of Columns to be newly created are initialized with an empty value defined in Container as an initial value.

        For the correspondence between a specified type and a Column layout, see the description of Container

        If a Collection with the specified name exists and if a transaction(s) is active in the Collection, it does the operation after waiting for the transaction(s) to complete.

        When creating a Collection with Row key, an index of default type of the Row key which is defined by Container.createIndex(String) is created. The index is removable.

        In the current version, when conditions such as the size of a container are met, from the beginning to the end of changing the column layout, it is sometimes possible to refer to the container information for the container to be processed and reference the row without updating lock. There are cases where other operations are made to wait as defined in Container. If another operation is performed during column layout change, the prior layout will be used.

        name - Name of a Collection subject to processing
        rowType - Type of Row object corresponding to the column layout of the Collection subject to processing
        modifiable - Indicates whether the column layout of the existing Collection can be changed or not
        A Collection object created or updated
        GSException - if a TimeSeries with the same name exists; or if modifiable is false and the Column layout of the existing Collection with the specified name conflicts with the requested layout; or if modifiable is true and it attempted to change the unchangeable items in the existing Collection with the specified name.
        GSException - if the specified type is not proper as a type of a Row object. For more information, see the description of Container.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if a null parameter(s) is specified.
      • putContainer

        <K,R> Container<K,R> putContainer(java.lang.String name,
                                        java.lang.Class<R> rowType,
                                        ContainerInfo info,
                                        boolean modifiable)
                                    throws GSException
        Creates a new Container or updates a Container by specifying the Row object type and ContainerInfo.

        Mainly used when specifying the type of Row object and creating a new Container with additional settings.

        Same as putContainer(String, ContainerInfo, boolean) if points for which the ignore setting of the column layout and column sequence cannot be specified are excluded.

        name - Name of a Container subject to processing
        rowType - Type of Row object corresponding to the column layout of the Collection subject to processing
        info - Information of a Container subject to processing. Ignored if null is specified
        modifiable - To permit a change in the column layout of existing Container data or not
        Corresponding Container. If ContainerType.COLLECTION is specified as the Container type, the instance created will be a Collection instance. If ContainerType.TIME_SERIES is specified, the instance created will be a TimeSeries instance.
        GSException - If the contents of the arguments name and info do not conform to the rules. If the contents also do not conform to the rules of the new Container creation and update method for the specified Container type
        GSException - If the specified type is not suitable as the Row object type. Refer to the definition of Container for details.
        GSException - If this process times out, a connection failure were to occur, or if it is invoked after being closed
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified as an argument rowType
        See Also:
        putContainer(String, ContainerInfo, boolean), putCollection(String, Class, boolean), putTimeSeries(String, Class, TimeSeriesProperties, boolean)
      • putContainer

        <K,R,C extends Container<K,R>> C putContainer(java.lang.String name,
                                                    Container.BindType<K,R,C> bindType)
                                         throws GSException
        Creates a new container or updates a container by specifying Container.BindType.

        The behavior is the same as when putContainer(String, Container.BindType, ContainerInfo, boolean) is called without specifying the container information and not allowing the column layout to be updated.

        name - Name of a Container subject to processing
        bindType - Type information associated with the container subject to processing
        An instance of the type of the corresponding Container or its subinterfaces
        GSException - If the contents of the name and bindType parameters do not conform to the rules. If the contents also do not conform to the rules of the new Container creation and update method for the specified Container type
        GSException - If the specified type is not suitable as the Row object type. Refer to the definition of Container for details.
        GSException - If this process times out, a connection failure were to occur, or if it is invoked after being closed
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument bindType
      • putContainer

        <K,R,C extends Container<K,R>> C putContainer(java.lang.String name,
                                                    Container.BindType<K,R,C> bindType,
                                                    ContainerInfo info,
                                                    boolean modifiable)
                                         throws GSException
        Creates a new container or updates a container by specifying Container.BindType and ContainerInfo.

        The behavior is the same as one of the following methods, depending on the specified bindType:

        name - Name of a Container subject to processing
        bindType - Type information associated with the container subject to processing
        info - Information of a Container subject to processing. Ignored if null is specified
        modifiable - To permit a change in the column layout of existing Container data or not
        An instance of the type of the corresponding Container or its subinterfaces
        GSException - If the contents of the name, bindType, and info arguments do not conform to the rules. If the contents also do not conform to the rules of the new Container creation and update method for the specified Container type
        GSException - If the specified type is not suitable as the Row object type. Refer to the definition of Container for details.
        GSException - If this process times out, a connection failure were to occur, or if it is invoked after being closed
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument bindType
      • putContainer

        <K> Container<K,Row> putContainer(java.lang.String name,
                                        ContainerInfo info,
                                        boolean modifiable)
                                      throws GSException
        Creates a new Container or updates a Container by specifying ContainerInfo.

        Excluding the next point, the behavior will be the same as putCollection(String, Class, boolean) or putTimeSeries(String, Class, TimeSeriesProperties, boolean).

        • Use ContainerInfo to specify the Container type, column layout, as well as the TimeSeries composition option where necessary
        • The Row object type of the Container returned will always be Row

        Arguments modifiable with the same respective name are used in the same way as well.

        A list of the methods to specify Container-related information is given below.

        Container namename or info Specify a value that is not null in at least one of the arguments. A different value must be specified when specifying both sides.
        Container typeinfo Specify a value that is not null. If ContainerType.COLLECTION is specified, the behavior will be the same as putCollection(String, Class, boolean). If ContainerType.TIME_SERIES is specified, the behavior will be the same as putTimeSeries(String, Class, TimeSeriesProperties, boolean).
        Column layoutinfo Set the ColumnInfo list and Row key configuration so as to conform to the restrictions stipulated in Container. However, in the current version, it is not allowed that the list includes one or more ColumnInfo which returns a value except for null through ColumnInfo.getDefaultValueNull().
        Ignore column sequenceinfo If ignored, no verification of the conformance with the column sequence of existing Containers with the same name will be carried out.
        TimeSeries composition optioninfo A value that is not null can be specified only if the Container type is ContainerType.TIME_SERIES.
        Index settinginfo Ignored in the current version. In future versions, if settings that do not conform to the rules of Container.createIndex(String, IndexType) are included, an exception may be sent out.
        Trigger settinginfo Ignored in the current version. In future versions, if settings that do not conform to the rules of Container.createTrigger(TriggerInfo) are included, an exception may be sent out.
        Container similarityinfo The specified contents will be reflected if a setting other than null is specified and newly created. The settings of an existing Container cannot be changed. The settings are ignored if null is specified.
        name - Name of a Container subject to processing
        info - Information of a Container subject to processing
        modifiable - To permit a change in the column layout of existing Container data or not
        Corresponding Container. If ContainerType.COLLECTION is specified as the Container type, the instance created will be a Collection instance. If ContainerType.TIME_SERIES is specified, the instance created will be a TimeSeries instance.
        GSException - If the contents of the arguments name and info do not conform to the rules. If the contents also do not conform to the rules of the new Container creation and update method for the specified Container type
        GSException - If this process times out, a connection failure were to occur, or if it is invoked after being closed
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument info
        See Also:
        putCollection(String, Class, boolean), putTimeSeries(String, Class, TimeSeriesProperties, boolean), Container
      • putTimeSeries

        <R> TimeSeries<R> putTimeSeries(java.lang.String name,
                                      java.lang.Class<R> rowType)
                                    throws GSException
        Newly creates or updates a TimeSeries.

        If a Container with the specified name does not exist, it newly creates a TimeSeries based on the Column layout defined by the specified class. If a TimeSeries with the specified name already exists and its whole Column layout matches the specified type, it behaves in the same way as getTimeSeries(String, Class), except that it waits for active transactions to complete.

        For the correspondence between a specified type and a Column layout, see the description of Container.

        If a TimeSeries with the specified name exists and if a transaction(s) is active in the TimeSeries, it does the operation after waiting for the transaction(s) to complete.

        name - Name of TimeSeries subject to processing
        rowType - Type of Row object corresponding to the column layout of the TimeSeries subject to processing
        A TimeSeries object created or updated
        GSException - if a Collection with the same name exists; or if the Column layout and additional settings conflict with the specified type with regard to the existing TimeSeries with the specified name.
        GSException - if the specified type is not proper as a type of a Row object. For more information, see the description of Container.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if a null parameter(s) is specified.
      • putTimeSeries

        <R> TimeSeries<R> putTimeSeries(java.lang.String name,
                                      java.lang.Class<R> rowType,
                                      TimeSeriesProperties props,
                                      boolean modifiable)
                                    throws GSException
        Newly creates or updates a TimeSeries with the specified additional settings and update option.

        If a Container with the specified name does not exist, it newly creates a TimeSeries based on the Column layout and additional settings defined by the specified class. If a TimeSeries with the specified name already exists and its whole Column layout and additional settings match the specified type, it behaves in the same way as getTimeSeries(String, Class), except that it waits for active transactions to complete.

        If modifiable is true and a TimeSeries with the specified name exists, it changes its layout as necessary. When changing the layout, it leaves unchanged the existing Columns with the same name and type as defined by the specified class. If a Column name defined by the class is not found in the existing TimeSeries, it creates a Column with the name; and it deletes other Columns in the existing Collection as well as their data. It fails if a Column with the same name but of a different type exists. It is not possible to create or delete a Column corresponding to a Row key or change the options for configuring a TimeSeries. When specifying some options for configuring a TimeSeries, specified values must be the same as the current settings.

        If a trigger is set in a Container, and if a column whose trigger is subject to notification is deleted due to a change in the column layout, the column will be deleted from the list of triggers subject to notification.

        For the initial values for newly created Columns, see the description of putCollection(String, Class, boolean).

        For the correspondence between a specified type and a Column layout, see the description of Container

        If a TimeSeries with the specified name exists and if a transaction(s) is active in the TimeSeries, it does the operation after waiting for the transaction(s) to complete.

        name - Name of TimeSeries subject to processing
        rowType - Type of Row object corresponding to the column layout of the TimeSeries subject to processing
        props - Composition option of TimeSeries. If null is specified, the existing settings will be inherited if a TimeSeries with the same name exists. If not, they will be deemed as specified in the initial status of TimeSeriesProperties.
        modifiable - To permit a change in the column layout of an existing TimeSeries or not
        A TimeSeries object to created or deleted
        GSException - if a Collection with the same name exists; or if modifiable is false and the Column layout and additional settings conflict with the specified type with regard to the existing TimeSeries with the specified name; or if modifiable is true and it attempted to change the unchangeable items in the existing TimeSeries with the specified name.
        GSException - if the specified type is not proper as a type of a Row object. For more information, see the description of Container.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if a null parameter(s) is specified.

Class GridStoreFactory

  • java.lang.Object
  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.AutoCloseable

    public abstract class GridStoreFactory
    extends java.lang.Object
    Manages a GridStore instance.

    It manages the client settings shared by GridStore instances and used connections.

    To access GridDB, you need to get a GridStore instance using this Factory.

    All the public methods of this class are thread safe.

    With additional settings, the following features will become available:

    Client Logging and Client Properties File are available.

    Client Logging

    Logging is enabled by adding the logging library SLF4J to the classpath.

    The name of the logger begins with "". The recommended version of SLF4J is 1.6.0 or above.

    Client Properties File

    By including both of the directory including the properties file "" and the configuration library "gridstore-conf.jar" in the classpath, properties of the file are applied to GridStoreFactory. Connection properties can be changed without editing application codes by using the properties file. The priority of applying the properties of the file is higher than the properties of Properties object. The following properties are available for the Client Properties File.

    Factory Category Property
    Properties conform to setProperties(Properties) specifications are available.
    Add "factory." before each property name as following.
    factory.maxConnectionPoolSize = 10
    Store Category Property
    Properties conform to getGridStore(Properties) specifications are available.
    Add "store." before each property name as following.
    store.clusterName = Project1

    Exceptions will be thrown in the cases as following.

    • If two or more directories of the properties files are included in the classpath
    • If only the configuration library is included in the classpath
    • If an unavailable property name is specified
    • If a specified property name is made up of only the category name

    By including only the directory including the properties file, properties of the file are not applied to GridStoreFactory.

    SSL connection

    By including the library for advanced features "gridstore-advanced.jar" in the class path, SSL connection will become available for a TCP connection to the cluster or the address provider.

    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor and Description
      protected GridStoreFactory() 
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      abstract void close()
      Closes all GridStore instances created by this Factory and release related resources as necessary.
      abstract GridStore getGridStore(java.util.Properties properties)
      Returns a GridStore with the specified properties.
      static GridStoreFactory getInstance()
      Returns a default instance.
      abstract void setProperties(java.util.Properties properties)
      Changes the settings for this Factory.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • GridStoreFactory

        protected GridStoreFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • close

        public abstract void close()
                            throws GSException
        Closes all GridStore instances created by this Factory and release related resources as necessary.

        Even if GSException is thrown, all related connection resources are released. If the connection is already closed, this method will not work effectively. It is also called when stopping the current VM.

        Specified by:
        close in interface
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
        GSException - if an connection failure etc. occurs while closing.
        See Also:
      • getGridStore

        public abstract GridStore getGridStore(java.util.Properties properties)
                                        throws GSException
        Returns a GridStore with the specified properties.

        When obtaining GridStore, it just searches for the name of a master node (hereafter, a master) administering each Container as necessary, but authentication is not performed. When a client really needs to connect to a node corresponding to each Container, authentication is performed.

        The following properties can be specified. Unsupported property names are ignored.

        host A destination host name. An IP address (IPv4 only) is also available. Mandatory for manually setting a master. For autodetection of a master, omit the setting.
        port A destination port number. A string representing of a number from 0 to 65535. Mandatory for manually setting a master. For autodetection of a master, omit the setting.
        notificationAddress An IP address (IPv4 only) for receiving a notification used for autodetection of a master. A default address is used if omitted. This property cannot be specified with neither notificationMember nor notificationProvider properties at the same time.
        notificationPort A port number for receiving a notification used for autodetection of a master. A string representing of a number from 0 to 65535. A default port number is used if omitted.
        clusterName A cluster name. It is used to verify whether it matches the cluster name assigned to the destination cluster. If it is omitted or an empty string is specified, cluster name verification is not performed.
        database Name of the database to be connected. If it is omitted, "public" database that all users can access is automatically connected. Users can handle the containers belonging to the connected database.
        user A user name
        password A password for user authentication
        consistency consistency levels. One of the following strings can be specified:
        The updates by other clients are committed immediately after a relevant transaction completes.
        The updates by other clients may not be committed even after a relevant transaction completes. No update operation can be applied to Container.
        By default, "IMMEDIATE" is selected.
        transactionTimeout The minimum value of transaction timeout time. The transaction timeout is counted from the beginning of each transaction in a relevant Container. A string representing of a number from 0 to Integer.MAX_VALUE in seconds. The value 0 indicates that it is always uncertain whether a timeout error will occur during a subsequent transaction. If a value specified over the internal upper limit of timeout, timeout will occur at the internal upper limit value. If omitted, the default value used by a destination GridDB is applied.
        failoverTimeout The minimum value of waiting time until a new destination is found in a failover. A numeric string representing from 0 to Integer.MAX_VALUE in seconds. The value 0 indicates that no failover is performed. If omitted, the default value used by this Factory is applied.
        containerCacheSize The maximum number of ContainerInfos on the Container cache. A string representing of a number from 0 to Integer.MAX_VALUE. The Container cache is not used if the value is 0. To obtain a Container, its ContainerInfo might be obtained from the Container cache instead of request to GridDB. A default number is used if omitted.
        dataAffinityPattern Specifies the arbitrary number of patterns as show below, using pairs of an affinity string for the function of data affinity and a container pattern.
        When Container is added by ContainerInfo.setDataAffinity(String), the affinity string pairing with a container name pattern that matches the container name is applied. If there are multiple patterns that match the name, the first pattern in the specified order is selected. Each container name pattern follows the naming rules of container, except a wild card character '%' can also be specified in the pattern. The affinity string follows the rules of ContainerInfo.setDataAffinity(String). To specify special characters used in the patterns or as delimiters for the patterns in a container name, etc., they must be escaped by '\'. But the characters against the naming rules of container or affinity cannot be specified. Supported since the version 2.7.
        notificationMember A list of address and port pairs in cluster. It is used to connect to cluster which is configured with FIXED_LIST mode, and specified as follows.
        This property cannot be specified with neither notificationAddress nor notificationProvider properties at the same time. This property is supported on version 2.9 or later.
        notificationProvider A URL of address provider. It is used to connect to cluster which is configured with PROVIDER mode. This property cannot be specified with neither notificationAddress nor notificationMember properties at the same time. This property is supported on version 2.9 or later.
        applicationName Name of an application. It may be contained in various information for management on the connected cluster. However, the cluster shall not be involved with the identity of applications. If the property is omitted, it is regarded that the name is not specified. Empty string cannot be specified. This property is supported on version 4.2 or later.
        timeZoneTime zone information. It is used for TIMESTAMP value operations in TQL. Specifies an offset value in the "±hh:mm" or the "±hhmm" format (where ± is + or -, hh is hours, and mm is minutes), "Z" (equivalent to +00:00), or "auto" (automatically set according to the execution environment). "auto" can only be used for the time zone that does not observe the daylight saving time. This property is supported on version 4.3 or later.
        authentication authentication type. One of the following strings can be specified:
        internal authentication based on the account information managed on the cluster.
        external authentication based on the account information managed by the LDAP server outside the cluster. This property is not applicable when connecting to the cluster where LDAP connection settings are not available or when the administrative user is used.
        If omitted, the authentication type is automatically selected. Generally, it is not necessary to specify the authentication type. It is necessary, for example, to specify internal authentication when connecting to the cluster that uses both internal and external authentication for a non-administrative user. This property is supported on version 4.5 or later.
        sslMode mode for specifying whether to use SSL in connecting to the cluster. One of the following strings can be specified:
        Never uses SSL.
        Uses SSL as much as possible. If both SSL and non-SSL connections can be used, uses SSL connection.
        Always uses SSL. Server certificate verification is enabled.
        This property is applicable only when the environment settings (For details, see GridStoreFactory) allow to select SSL connection. Otherwise, it is not applicable regardless of the value of the property. If SSL connection can be selected but the value is omitted, "PREFERRED" is specified by default. This property is supported on version 4.5 or later. "VERIFY" is supported on version 4.6 or later.

        Cluster names, database names, user names and passwords are case-sensitive. See the GridDB Features Reference for the details of the limitations, such as allowed characters and maximum length. When a name violating the limitations has been specified as a property value, the error detection may be delayed until the authentication processing. And there are the cases that the error is identified as an authentication error, etc., not a violation error for the limitations.

        A new GridStore instance is created by each call of this method. Operations on different GridStore instances and related objects are thread safe. That is, if some two objects are each created based on GridStore instances or they are just GridStore instances, and if they are related to different GridStore instances respectively, any method of one object can be called, no matter when a method of the other object may be called from any thread. However, since thread safety is not guaranteed for GridStore itself, it is not allowed to call a method of a single GridStore instance from two or more threads at an arbitrary time.

        properties - Properties specifying the settings for the object to be obtained.
        GSException - if host name resolution fails.
        GSException - if any specified property does not match the format explained above. even if connection or authentication will not succeed with their values.
        GSException - if the connection is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - null is specified as properties.
      • getInstance

        public static GridStoreFactory getInstance()
        Returns a default instance.

        When loading this class, a default subclass of the GridStoreFactory class is loaded and an instance is created.

      • setProperties

        public abstract void setProperties(java.util.Properties properties)
                                    throws GSException
        Changes the settings for this Factory.

        The changed settings are reflected in GridStore already created by this Factory and GridStore to be created by this Factory later.

        The following properties can be specified. Unsupported property names are ignored.

        maxConnectionPoolSizeThe maximum number of connections in the connection pool used inside. A numeric string representing 0 to Integer.MAX_VALUE. The value 0 indicates no use of the connection pool. If omitted, the default value is used.
        failoverTimeoutThe minimum value of waiting time until a new destination is found in a failover. A numeric string representing 0 to Integer.MAX_VALUE in seconds. The value 0 indicates that no failover is performed. If omitted, the default value is used.
        GSException - if any specified property does not match the format shown above.
        GSException - if the connection is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - null is specified as properties.

Class IndexInfo

  • java.lang.Object

  • public class IndexInfo
    extends java.lang.Object
    shows the index setting

    The notation of column names and the validity of column numbers are not inspected.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      Create empty index information.
      IndexInfo(IndexInfo info)
      Inherits the specified content and creates new index information.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static IndexInfo createByColumn(java.lang.String columnName, IndexType type)
      If necessary, create index information by specifying the column name and index type.
      static IndexInfo createByColumnList(java.util.List<java.lang.String> columnNames, IndexType type)
      Creates index information by specifying the list of column names and index type as needed.
      static IndexInfo createByName(java.lang.String name, IndexType type)
      Creates index information by specifying the index name and index type as necessary.
      java.lang.Integer getColumn()
      Returns the column number of the single column corresponding to the index.
      java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getColumnList()
      Returns the list of the column numbers of any number of columns corresponding to the index.
      java.lang.String getColumnName()
      Returns the column name of the single column corresponding to the index.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getColumnNameList()
      Returns the list of the column names of any number of columns corresponding to the index.
      java.lang.String getName()
      Returns the index name.
      IndexType getType()
      Returns the index type.
      void setColumn(java.lang.Integer column)
      Sets the list of the column numbers consisting of a single column corresponding to the index.
      void setColumnList(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> columns)
      Sets the list of the column numbers of any number of columns corresponding to the index.
      void setColumnName(java.lang.String columnName)
      Sets the list of the column names consisting of a single column corresponding to the index.
      void setColumnNameList(java.util.List<java.lang.String> columnNames)
      Sets the list of the column names of any number of columns corresponding to the index.
      void setName(java.lang.String name)
      Sets the index name.
      void setType(IndexType type)
      Sets the index type.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • IndexInfo

        public IndexInfo()
        Create empty index information.

        Creates index information with no index type, index name, column number, column name.

      • IndexInfo

        public IndexInfo(IndexInfo info)
        Inherits the specified content and creates new index information.
        info - Index information
        java.lang.NullPointerException - when null is specified as argument
    • Method Detail

      • createByColumn

        public static IndexInfo createByColumn(java.lang.String columnName,
                               IndexType type)
        If necessary, create index information by specifying the column name and index type.
        columnName - Column name. If not specified null
        type - Index type. If not specified null
      • createByColumnList

        public static IndexInfo createByColumnList(java.util.List<java.lang.String> columnNames,
                                   IndexType type)
        Creates index information by specifying the list of column names and index type as needed.
        columnNames - List of column names. Length 0 is allowed, but null cannot be specified
        type - Index type. If not specified null
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument columnNames
      • createByName

        public static IndexInfo createByName(java.lang.String name,
                             IndexType type)
        Creates index information by specifying the index name and index type as necessary.
        name - Index name. If not specified null
        type - Index type. If not specified null
      • getColumn

        public java.lang.Integer getColumn()
        Returns the column number of the single column corresponding to the index.
        column number. If not set null
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If a list of column numbers or a list of column names is set for the composite index
      • getColumnList

        public java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getColumnList()
        Returns the list of the column numbers of any number of columns corresponding to the index.
        List of column numbers. If not set, a list of length 0
      • getColumnName

        public java.lang.String getColumnName()
        Returns the column name of the single column corresponding to the index.
        column name. If not set null
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If a list of column numbers or a list of column names is set for the composite index
      • getColumnNameList

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getColumnNameList()
        Returns the list of the column names of any number of columns corresponding to the index.
        List of column names. If not set, a list of length 0
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the index name.
        index name. If not set null
      • getType

        public IndexType getType()
        Returns the index type.
        Index type. If not set null
      • setColumn

        public void setColumn(java.lang.Integer column)
        Sets the list of the column numbers consisting of a single column corresponding to the index.
        column - Column number. Not set when null is specified.
      • setColumnList

        public void setColumnList(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> columns)
        Sets the list of the column numbers of any number of columns corresponding to the index.
        columns - List of column numbers. Length 0 is allowed, but null cannot be specified
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument columns
      • setColumnName

        public void setColumnName(java.lang.String columnName)
        Sets the list of the column names consisting of a single column corresponding to the index.
        columnName - column name. Not set when null is specified.
      • setColumnNameList

        public void setColumnNameList(java.util.List<java.lang.String> columnNames)
        Sets the list of the column names of any number of columns corresponding to the index.
        columnNames - List of column names. Length 0 is allowed, but null cannot be specified
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument columnNames
      • setName

        public void setName(java.lang.String name)
        Sets the index name.
        name - index name. Not set when null is specified.
      • setType

        public void setType(IndexType type)
        Sets the index type.
        type - Index type. Not set when null is specified.

Enum IndexType

  • java.lang.Object
    • java.lang.Enum<IndexType>
  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable<IndexType>

    public enum IndexType
    extends java.lang.Enum<IndexType>
    Represents the type(s) of indexes set on a Container.
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant and Description
      Indicates the default index type.
      Indicates a hash index.
      Indicates a spatial index.
      Indicates a tree index.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static IndexType valueOf(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static IndexType[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • DEFAULT

        public static final IndexType DEFAULT
        Indicates the default index type.

        This index type is used when it is necessary to manipulate the index without specifying a type, and the existing index is classified as another type

      • HASH

        public static final IndexType HASH
        Indicates a hash index.

        This index type can be set on the following types of Columns in Collection

        • STRING
        • BOOL
        • BYTE
        • SHORT
        • INTEGER
        • LONG
        • FLOAT
        • DOUBLE
        • TIMESTAMP

        It cannot be set on Columns in TimeSeries.

      • SPATIAL

        public static final IndexType SPATIAL
        Indicates a spatial index.

        This index type can be applied to only GEOMETRY type of Columns in Collection. It cannot be set on Columns in TimeSeries.

      • TREE

        public static final IndexType TREE
        Indicates a tree index.

        This index type can be applied to following types of Columns of any type of Container, except the Column corresponding to the Row key of TimeSeries.

        • STRING
        • BOOL
        • BYTE
        • SHORT
        • INTEGER
        • LONG
        • FLOAT
        • DOUBLE
        • TIMESTAMP
    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static IndexType valueOf(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • values

        public static IndexType[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (IndexType c : IndexType.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared

Enum InterpolationMode

  • java.lang.Object
  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable<InterpolationMode>

    public enum InterpolationMode
    extends java.lang.Enum<InterpolationMode>
    Represents the type of interpolation of Rows.

    It is used by the function of interpolating TimeSeries Rows.

    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant and Description
      Indicates using an empty value as an interpolated value.
      Indicates performing linear interpolation or interpolation with the value of a previous Row on Columns.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static InterpolationMode valueOf(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static InterpolationMode[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • EMPTY

        public static final InterpolationMode EMPTY
        Indicates using an empty value as an interpolated value.

        It indicates that an empty value defined in Container is used as an interpolated value for all Row fields except Row keys.


        public static final InterpolationMode LINEAR_OR_PREVIOUS
        Indicates performing linear interpolation or interpolation with the value of a previous Row on Columns.

        The Column specified the interpolation function is linearly interpolated with the Row values before and after the target time of interpolation. The target Column must be of numeric type.

        The Columns not specified as interpolation targets are interpolated with adjacent Row values just before the target time of interpolation. Those Columns can be of any type.

    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static InterpolationMode valueOf(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • values

        public static InterpolationMode[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (InterpolationMode c : InterpolationMode.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared

Annotation Type NotNull

  • @Retention(value=RUNTIME)
    public @interface NotNull
    Indicates a column with a NOT NULL constraint.
    See Also:

Annotation Type Nullable

  • @Retention(value=RUNTIME)
    public @interface Nullable
    NOT NULL indicates the column has no constraint.
    See Also:

Interface PartitionController

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface PartitionController
    Controller for acquiring and processing the partition status.

    A partition is a theoretical region where data is stored. It is used to perform operations based on the data arrangement in a GridDB cluster.

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void assignPreferableHost(int partitionIndex, host)
      Set the address of the host to be prioritized in the selection.
      void close()
      The connection status with GridDB is released and related resources are released where necessary.
      java.util.List<> getBackupHosts(int partitionIndex)
      Get a list of the addresses of the backup nodes corresponding to a specified partition.
      long getContainerCount(int partitionIndex)
      Get the total number of containers belonging to a specified partition.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getContainerNames(int partitionIndex, long start, java.lang.Long limit)
      Get a list of the Container names belonging to a specified partition.
      java.util.List<> getHosts(int partitionIndex)
      Get a list of the addresses of the nodes corresponding to a specified partition. getOwnerHost(int partitionIndex)
      Get the address of the owner node corresponding to a specified partition.
      int getPartitionCount()
      Get the number of partitions in the target GridDB cluster.
      int getPartitionIndexOfContainer(java.lang.String containerName)
      Get the partition index corresponding to the specified Container name.
    • Method Detail

      • assignPreferableHost

        void assignPreferableHost(int partitionIndex,
                                  throws GSException
        Set the address of the host to be prioritized in the selection.

        If multiple possible destinations exist e.g. connections to backup nodes, etc., the address set will always be selected if it is included in the candidate destination. The setting is ignored otherwise.

        partitionIndex - Partition index. A value of 0 or above and less than the number of partitions.
        host - Address of the host to be prioritized in the selection. For null, the setting is cancelled
        GSException - If a partition index outside the range is specified
        GSException - If invoked after this object or corresponding GridStore is closed.
        See Also:
      • close

        void close()
                   throws GSException
        The connection status with GridDB is released and related resources are released where necessary.
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface
        GSException - Not sent out in the current version
      • getBackupHosts

        java.util.List<> getBackupHosts(int partitionIndex)
                                                            throws GSException
        Get a list of the addresses of the backup nodes corresponding to a specified partition.

        A backup node is a node that is selected with a higher priority when "EVENTUAL" is specified as a consistency level in GridStoreFactory.getGridStore(java.util.Properties).

        The list will be compiled in no particular order. No duplicate address will be included.

        When a returned list is updated, whether an exception will occur or not when UnsupportedOperationException, etc. is executed is still not defined.

        partitionIndex - Partition index. A value of 0 or above and less than the number of partitions.
        Assuming InetAddress, which represents the address of the backup node, as a component, List
        GSException - If a partition index outside the range is specified
        GSException - If this process times out, when a connection error occurs, or if the process is invoked after this object or corresponding GridStore is closed
      • getContainerCount

        long getContainerCount(int partitionIndex)
                               throws GSException
        Get the total number of containers belonging to a specified partition.

        The calculated quantity when determining the number of containers is generally not dependent on the number of containers.

        partitionIndex - Partition index. A value of 0 or above and less than the number of partitions.
        Number of containers
        GSException - If a partition index outside the range is specified
        GSException - If this process times out, when a connection error occurs, or if the process is invoked after this object or corresponding GridStore is closed
        See Also:
      • getContainerNames

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getContainerNames(int partitionIndex,
                                                         long start,
                                                         java.lang.Long limit)
                                                           throws GSException
        Get a list of the Container names belonging to a specified partition.

        For the specified partition, the sequence of the list of acquisition results before and after will not be changed when the relevant Container is excluded even if a Container is newly created, its composition changed or the Container is deleted. All other lists are compiled in no particular order. No duplicate names will be included.

        If the upper limit of the number of acquisition cases is specified, the cases will be cut off starting from the ones at the back if the upper limit is exceeded. If no relevant specified condition exists, a blank list is returned.

        When a returned list is updated, whether an exception will occur or not when UnsupportedOperationException, etc. is executed is still not defined.

        partitionIndex - Partition index. A value of 0 or above and less than the number of partitions.
        start - Start position of the acquisition range. A value of 0 and above
        limit - Upper limit of the number of cases acquired. If null, no upper limit is assumed
        Assuming the Container name as a component List
        GSException - If a partition index outside the range is specified
        GSException - If this process times out, when a connection error occurs, or if the process is invoked after this object or corresponding GridStore is closed
      • getHosts

        java.util.List<> getHosts(int partitionIndex)
                                                      throws GSException
        Get a list of the addresses of the nodes corresponding to a specified partition.

        The list will be compiled in no particular order. No duplicate address will be included.

        When a returned list is updated, whether an exception will occur or not when UnsupportedOperationException, etc. is executed is still not defined.

        partitionIndex - Partition index. A value of 0 or above and less than the number of partitions.
        Assuming InetAddress, which represents the address of the node, as a component, List
        GSException - If a partition index outside the range is specified
        GSException - If this process times out, when a connection error occurs, or if the process is invoked after this object or corresponding GridStore is closed
      • getOwnerHost getOwnerHost(int partitionIndex)
                                          throws GSException
        Get the address of the owner node corresponding to a specified partition.

        An owner node is a node that is always selected when "IMMEDIATE" is specified as a consistency level in GridStoreFactory.getGridStore(java.util.Properties).

        partitionIndex - Partition index. A value of 0 or above and less than the number of partitions.
        Represents the address of the owner node InetAddress
        GSException - If a partition index outside the range is specified
        GSException - If this process times out, when a connection error occurs, or if the process is invoked after this object or corresponding GridStore is closed
      • getPartitionCount

        int getPartitionCount()
                              throws GSException
        Get the number of partitions in the target GridDB cluster.

        Get the value of the number of partitions set in the target GridDB cluster. Results are cached once acquired and until the next cluster failure and cluster node failure is detected, no inquiry will be sent to the GridDB cluster again.

        Number of partitions
        GSException - If this process times out or when a connection error occurs, or if the process is invoked after this object or corresponding GridStore is closed
      • getPartitionIndexOfContainer

        int getPartitionIndexOfContainer(java.lang.String containerName)
                                         throws GSException
        Get the partition index corresponding to the specified Container name.

        Once a GridDB cluster is constructed, there will not be any changes in the partitions of the destination that the Container belongs to and the partition index will also be fixed. Whether there is a Container corresponding to the specified name or not does not depend on the results

        Information required in the computation of the partition index is cached and until the next cluster failure and cluster node failure is detected, no inquiry will be sent to the GridDB cluster again.

        containerName - Container name. null cannot be specified
        Partition index corresponding to the specified Container name
        GSException - If a character string allowed as a Container name is specified
        GSException - If this process times out, when a connection error occurs, or if the process is invoked after this object or corresponding GridStore is closed
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument

Interface Query<R>

  • Type Parameters:
    R - the type of RowSet elements to be obtained
    All Superinterfaces:

    public interface Query<R>
    Provides the functions of holding the information about a query related to a specific Container, specifying the options for fetching and retrieving the result.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void close()
      Releases related resources properly.
      RowSet<R> fetch()
      Executes a query and returns a set of Rows as an execution result.
      RowSet<R> fetch(boolean forUpdate)
      Executes a query with the specified option and returns a set of Rows as an execution result.
      RowSet<R> getRowSet()
      Returns RowSet of the latest result.
      void setFetchOption(FetchOption option, java.lang.Object value)
      Sets an option for a result set.
    • Method Detail

      • close

        void close()
                   throws GSException
        Releases related resources properly.
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface
        GSException - not be thrown in the current version.
        See Also:
      • fetch

        RowSet<R> fetch()
                        throws GSException
        Executes a query and returns a set of Rows as an execution result.

        It behaves in the same way as fetch(boolean) is called without requesting a lock for update.

        GSException - if the target query contains any wrong parameter, syntax, or directive. For example, in the case of TQL, if the type of a specified Column does not match the parameter of a function. For detailed restrictions, see the descriptions of the functions to create a query.
        GSException - if the requested type of RowSet elements does not match the type of the result set in executing a TQL query.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or its related transaction, the relevant Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs.
        GSException - if called after this object or the relevant Container is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if an unsupported null parameter is specified when creating this query. It will not be thrown as a result of evaluating a TQL statement in GridDB.
        See Also:
      • fetch

        RowSet<R> fetch(boolean forUpdate)
                        throws GSException
        Executes a query with the specified option and returns a set of Rows as an execution result.

        It locks all target Rows if true is specified as forUpdate. If the target Rows are locked, update operations on the Rows by any other transactions are blocked while a relevant transaction is active. TRUE can be specified only if the autocommit mode is disabled on a relevant Container.

        If it is called to obtain new Rows, RowSet of the last result of this query will be closed.

        It will be failed if too much Rows are obtained, because of the data buffer size upper limit of GridDB node. See "System limiting values" in the GridDB Features Reference about the buffer size upper limit.

        GSException - if true is specified as forUpdate although the autocommit mode is enabled on a relevant Container.
        GSException - if true is specified as forUpdate for a query which cannot acquire a lock. For the availability of a lock, see the descriptions of the functions to create a query.
        GSException - if the target query contains any wrong parameter, syntax, directive or option setting. For example, in the case of TQL, if the type of a specified Column does not match the parameter of a function. For detailed restrictions, see the descriptions of the functions to create a query.
        GSException - if the requested type of RowSet elements does not match the type of the result set in executing a TQL query.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or its related transaction, the relevant Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs.
        GSException - if called after this object or the relevant Container is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if an unsupported null parameter is specified when creating this query.
      • getRowSet

        RowSet<R> getRowSet()
                            throws GSException
        Returns RowSet of the latest result.

        When FetchOption.PARTIAL_EXECUTION has been set to be effective, the continuation of the query processing may be executed.

        After RowSet returned once, it returns null until the new query is executed.

        RowSet of the latest result at the first time, or null from the second time or no query executed before.
        GSException - when there is a timeout of this processing or of related transaction, the target container has been deleted or its schema has been changed.
        GSException - if called after this object or the relevant Container is closed.
      • setFetchOption

        void setFetchOption(FetchOption option,
                          java.lang.Object value)
                            throws GSException
        Sets an option for a result set.

        See FetchOption for the definitions of supported option items and values.

        option - an option item
        value - an option value
        GSException - if the specified option value is invalid for the specified option item.
        GSException - if called after this object or the relevant Container is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if a null parameter(s) is specified.
        See Also:

Class QueryAnalysisEntry

  • java.lang.Object

  • public class QueryAnalysisEntry
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents one of information entries composing a query plan and the results of analyzing a query operation.

    It is used to hold the result of executing an EXPLAIN statement or an EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement in TQL. One execution result is represented by an array of entries.

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
      Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
      int getDepth()
      Returns the depth indicating the relation to other entries.
      int getId()
      Returns the ID indicating the location of an entry in an array of entries.
      java.lang.String getStatement()
      Returns a part of a TQL statement corresponding to the information indicated by an entry.
      java.lang.String getType()
      Returns the type of the information indicated by an entry.
      java.lang.String getValue()
      Returns a character string representing the value of the information indicated by an entry.
      java.lang.String getValueType()
      Returns the value type of the information indicated by an entry.
      int hashCode()
      Returns hash code of this object.
      void setDepth(int depth)
      Sets the depth indicating the relation to other entries.
      void setId(int id)
      Sets the ID indicating the location of an entry in an array of entries.
      void setStatement(java.lang.String statement)
      Sets a part of a TQL statement corresponding to the information indicated by an entry.
      void setType(java.lang.String type)
      Sets the type of the information indicated by an entry.
      void setValue(java.lang.String value)
      Sets a character string representing the value of the information indicated by an entry.
      void setValueType(java.lang.String valueType)
      Sets the value type of the information indicated by an entry.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • QueryAnalysisEntry

        public QueryAnalysisEntry()
    • Method Detail

      • equals

        public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
        Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

        Returns true if each values (e.g. value returned by getId() or getDepth()) of this object and the specified object are equivalent.

        This method maintain the general contract for the Object.hashCode() method, which states that equal objects must have equal hash codes.

        equals in class java.lang.Object
        obj - the reference object with which to compare or null
        true if this object is the same as the obj argument; false otherwise.
        See Also:
      • getDepth

        public int getDepth()
        Returns the depth indicating the relation to other entries.

        If there is found an entry whose depth is smaller than that of a target entry by one, through checking entries one by one whose IDs are smaller than that of the target entry, it means that the target entry describes the content of the found entry in more detail.

      • getId

        public int getId()
        Returns the ID indicating the location of an entry in an array of entries.

        In a result set of executing a TQL query, IDs are assigned serially starting from 1.

      • getStatement

        public java.lang.String getStatement()
        Returns a part of a TQL statement corresponding to the information indicated by an entry.

        Returns an empty string if no correspondence is found.

      • getType

        public java.lang.String getType()
        Returns the type of the information indicated by an entry.

        A returned value indicates the type of an analysis result (e.g., execution time), the type of a component of a query plan, etc.

      • getValue

        public java.lang.String getValue()
        Returns a character string representing the value of the information indicated by an entry.

        It returns an empty string if no value is assigned.

        See Also:
      • getValueType

        public java.lang.String getValueType()
        Returns the value type of the information indicated by an entry.

        It returns the value type of an analysis result (e.g., execution time) etc. The following types (primitive types defined by TQL) are supported:

        • STRING
        • BOOL
        • BYTE
        • SHORT
        • INTEGER
        • LONG
        • FLOAT
        • DOUBLE

        It returns an empty string if no value is assigned.

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns hash code of this object.

        This method maintain the general contract for the Object.hashCode() method, which states that equal objects must have equal hash codes.

        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
        hash code of this object
        See Also:
      • setDepth

        public void setDepth(int depth)
        Sets the depth indicating the relation to other entries.
        See Also:
      • setId

        public void setId(int id)
        Sets the ID indicating the location of an entry in an array of entries.
        See Also:
      • setStatement

        public void setStatement(java.lang.String statement)
        Sets a part of a TQL statement corresponding to the information indicated by an entry.
        statement - Part of the TQL statement or null
        See Also:
      • setType

        public void setType(java.lang.String type)
        Sets the type of the information indicated by an entry.
        type - type or null
        See Also:
      • setValue

        public void setValue(java.lang.String value)
        Sets a character string representing the value of the information indicated by an entry.
        value - A string representation of the value or null
        See Also:
      • setValueType

        public void setValueType(java.lang.String valueType)
        Sets the value type of the information indicated by an entry.
        valueType - value type or null
        See Also:

Enum QueryOrder

  • java.lang.Object
    • java.lang.Enum<QueryOrder>
  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable<QueryOrder>

    public enum QueryOrder
    extends java.lang.Enum<QueryOrder>
    Represents the order of Rows requested by a query.

    It is used to specify the order of Rows targeted by each query function. Specific targets differ with individual functions.

    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant and Description
      Indicates the requested order of Rows is an ascending order.
      Indicates the requested order of Rows is a descending order.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static QueryOrder valueOf(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static QueryOrder[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail


        public static final QueryOrder ASCENDING
        Indicates the requested order of Rows is an ascending order.

        public static final QueryOrder DESCENDING
        Indicates the requested order of Rows is a descending order.
    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static QueryOrder valueOf(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • values

        public static QueryOrder[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (QueryOrder c : QueryOrder.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared

Interface Row.Key

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Row.Key
    extends Row
    A type of Row configured only by columns related to the Row key.

    The column information included in ContainerInfo returned from Row.getSchema() is only the column information related to the Row key.


Interface Row.WithKey<K>

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Row.WithKey<K>
    Indicates that the type of row object used for mapping is always associated with the specified Row key type.

    If the type of Row object with this interface is specified to obtain the type information through Container.BindType.of(Class), the type of Row key needs not to be specified when generating a Container instance.


Interface Row

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface Row
    A general-purpose Row for managing fields in any schema.
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface and Description
      static interface  Row.Key
      A type of Row configured only by columns related to the Row key.
      static interface  Row.WithKey<K>
      Indicates that the type of row object used for mapping is always associated with the specified Row key type.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      Row.Key createKey()
      Creates a new Row.Key instance with only the columns that configure the row key and the same field values for those columns.
      Row createRow()
      Creates a new Row instance with the same field values.
      java.sql.Blob getBlob(int column)
      Returns the Blob value of the specified field.
      boolean getBool(int column)
      Returns the boolean value of the specified field.
      boolean[] getBoolArray(int column)
      Returns the boolean array value of the specified field.
      byte getByte(int column)
      Returns the byte value of the specified field.
      byte[] getByteArray(int column)
      Returns the byte array value of the specified field.
      double getDouble(int column)
      Returns the double value of the specified field.
      double[] getDoubleArray(int column)
      Returns the double array value of the specified field.
      float getFloat(int column)
      Returns the float value of the specified field.
      float[] getFloatArray(int column)
      Returns the byte float value of the specified field.
      Geometry getGeometry(int column)
      Returns the Geometry value of the specified field.
      int getInteger(int column)
      Returns the int value of the specified field.
      int[] getIntegerArray(int column)
      Returns the int array value of the specified field.
      long getLong(int column)
      Returns the long value of the specified field.
      long[] getLongArray(int column)
      Returns the long array value of the specified field.
      ContainerInfo getSchema()
      Returns the schema corresponding to the specified Row.
      short getShort(int column)
      Returns the short value of the specified field.
      short[] getShortArray(int column)
      Returns the short array value of the specified field.
      java.lang.String getString(int column)
      Returns the String value of the specified field.
      java.lang.String[] getStringArray(int column)
      Returns the String array value of the specified field.
      java.util.Date getTimestamp(int column)
      Returns the TIMESTAMP value of the specified field.
      java.util.Date[] getTimestampArray(int column)
      Returns the TIMESTAMP array value of the specified field.
      java.lang.Object getValue(int column)
      Returns the value of the specified field.
      boolean isNull(int column)
      Returns to the specified field regardless it is set to NULL or not.
      void setBlob(int column, java.sql.Blob fieldValue)
      Sets the Blob value to the specified field.
      void setBool(int column, boolean fieldValue)
      Sets the boolean value to the specified field.
      void setBoolArray(int column, boolean[] fieldValue)
      Sets the boolean array value to the specified field.
      void setByte(int column, byte fieldValue)
      Sets the byte value to the specified field.
      void setByteArray(int column, byte[] fieldValue)
      Sets the byte array value to the specified field.
      void setDouble(int column, double fieldValue)
      Sets the double value to the specified field.
      void setDoubleArray(int column, double[] fieldValue)
      Sets the double array value to the specified field.
      void setFloat(int column, float fieldValue)
      Sets the float value to the specified field.
      void setFloatArray(int column, float[] fieldValue)
      Sets the float array value to the specified field.
      void setGeometry(int column, Geometry fieldValue)
      Sets the Geometry value to the specified field.
      void setInteger(int column, int fieldValue)
      Sets the int value to the specified field.
      void setIntegerArray(int column, int[] fieldValue)
      Sets the int array value to the specified field.
      void setLong(int column, long fieldValue)
      Sets the long value to the specified field.
      void setLongArray(int column, long[] fieldValue)
      Sets the long array value to the specified field.
      void setNull(int column)
      Set the field to NULL.
      void setShort(int column, short fieldValue)
      Sets the short value to the specified field.
      void setShortArray(int column, short[] fieldValue)
      Sets the short array value to the specified field.
      void setString(int column, java.lang.String fieldValue)
      Sets the String value to the specified field.
      void setStringArray(int column, java.lang.String[] fieldValue)
      Sets the String array value to the specified field.
      void setTimestamp(int column, java.util.Date fieldValue)
      Sets the TIMESTAMP value to the specified field.
      void setTimestampArray(int column, java.util.Date[] fieldValue)
      Sets the TIMESTAMP array value to the specified field.
      void setValue(int column, java.lang.Object fieldValue)
      Sets the value to the specified field.
    • Method Detail

      • createKey

        Row.Key createKey()
                          throws GSException
        Creates a new Row.Key instance with only the columns that configure the row key and the same field values for those columns.
        Created Row.Key
        GSException - If there is no Row key
      • createRow

        Row createRow()
                      throws GSException
        Creates a new Row instance with the same field values.
        Created Row
        GSException - It will not be thrown in the current version.
      • getBlob

        java.sql.Blob getBlob(int column)
                              throws GSException
        Returns the Blob value of the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed. Moreover, after an object is returned, updating this object will not change the contents of the returned object.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as null.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getBool

        boolean getBool(int column)
                        throws GSException
        Returns the boolean value of the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as empty value.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getBoolArray

        boolean[] getBoolArray(int column)
                               throws GSException
        Returns the boolean array value of the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed. Moreover, after an object is returned, updating this object will not change the contents of the returned object.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as null.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getByte

        byte getByte(int column)
                     throws GSException
        Returns the byte value of the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as empty value.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getByteArray

        byte[] getByteArray(int column)
                            throws GSException
        Returns the byte array value of the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed. Moreover, after an object is returned, updating this object will not change the contents of the returned object.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as null.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getDouble

        double getDouble(int column)
                         throws GSException
        Returns the double value of the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as empty value.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getDoubleArray

        double[] getDoubleArray(int column)
                                throws GSException
        Returns the double array value of the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed. Moreover, after an object is returned, updating this object will not change the contents of the returned object.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as null.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getFloat

        float getFloat(int column)
                       throws GSException
        Returns the float value of the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as empty value.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getFloatArray

        float[] getFloatArray(int column)
                              throws GSException
        Returns the byte float value of the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed. Moreover, after an object is returned, updating this object will not change the contents of the returned object.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as null.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getGeometry

        Geometry getGeometry(int column)
                             throws GSException
        Returns the Geometry value of the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as null.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getInteger

        int getInteger(int column)
                       throws GSException
        Returns the int value of the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as empty value.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getIntegerArray

        int[] getIntegerArray(int column)
                              throws GSException
        Returns the int array value of the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed. Moreover, after an object is returned, updating this object will not change the contents of the returned object.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as null.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getLong

        long getLong(int column)
                     throws GSException
        Returns the long value of the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as empty value.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getLongArray

        long[] getLongArray(int column)
                            throws GSException
        Returns the long array value of the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed. Moreover, after an object is returned, updating this object will not change the contents of the returned object.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as null.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getSchema

        ContainerInfo getSchema()
                                throws GSException
        Returns the schema corresponding to the specified Row.

        It returns ContainerInfo in which only the Column layout information including the existence of any RowKey is set, and the Container name, the Container type, index settings, and the TimeSeries configuration options are not included.

        ContainerInfo having only container information related to the schema.
        GSException - This will not be thrown in the current version.
      • getShort

        short getShort(int column)
                       throws GSException
        Returns the short value of the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as empty value.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getShortArray

        short[] getShortArray(int column)
                              throws GSException
        Returns the short array value of the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed. Moreover, after an object is returned, updating this object will not change the contents of the returned object.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as null.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getString

        java.lang.String getString(int column)
                                   throws GSException
        Returns the String value of the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as null.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getStringArray

        java.lang.String[] getStringArray(int column)
                                          throws GSException
        Returns the String array value of the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed. Moreover, after an object is returned, updating this object will not change the contents of the returned object.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as null.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getTimestamp

        java.util.Date getTimestamp(int column)
                                    throws GSException
        Returns the TIMESTAMP value of the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, it is not defined whether the contents of this object will be changed or not. Moreover, after an object is returned, updating this object will not change the contents of the returned object.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as null.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getTimestampArray

        java.util.Date[] getTimestampArray(int column)
                                           throws GSException
        Returns the TIMESTAMP array value of the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, it is not defined whether the contents of this content will be changed or not On the otherhand, the contents of the returned object will not be changed by operating this object.

        An effect of updates of the returned object to this object is uncertain. Moreover, after an object is returned, updating this object will not change the contents of the returned object.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as null.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • getValue

        java.lang.Object getValue(int column)
                                  throws GSException
        Returns the value of the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        the value of the target field. If NULL is set as null.
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
      • isNull

        boolean isNull(int column)
                       throws GSException
        Returns to the specified field regardless it is set to NULL or not.

        Whenever a column with the NOT NULL constraint is specified, returns false.

        column - Column number of target field. Values greater than 0 and less than the number of columns
        regardless the specified field is set to NULL or not
        GSException - when a column number outside the range is specified
      • setBlob

        void setBlob(int column,
                   java.sql.Blob fieldValue)
                     throws GSException
        Sets the Blob value to the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if null is specified as the field value for a column with a NOT NULL constraint.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setBool

        void setBool(int column,
                   boolean fieldValue)
                     throws GSException
        Sets the boolean value to the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setBoolArray

        void setBoolArray(int column,
                        boolean[] fieldValue)
                          throws GSException
        Sets the boolean array value to the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if null is specified as the field value for a column with a NOT NULL constraint.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setByte

        void setByte(int column,
                   byte fieldValue)
                     throws GSException
        Sets the byte value to the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setByteArray

        void setByteArray(int column,
                        byte[] fieldValue)
                          throws GSException
        Sets the byte array value to the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if null is specified as the field value for a column with a NOT NULL constraint.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setDouble

        void setDouble(int column,
                     double fieldValue)
                       throws GSException
        Sets the double value to the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setDoubleArray

        void setDoubleArray(int column,
                          double[] fieldValue)
                            throws GSException
        Sets the double array value to the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if null is specified as the field value for a column with a NOT NULL constraint.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setFloat

        void setFloat(int column,
                    float fieldValue)
                      throws GSException
        Sets the float value to the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setFloatArray

        void setFloatArray(int column,
                         float[] fieldValue)
                           throws GSException
        Sets the float array value to the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if null is specified as the field value for a column with a NOT NULL constraint.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setGeometry

        void setGeometry(int column,
                       Geometry fieldValue)
                         throws GSException
        Sets the Geometry value to the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if null is specified as the field value for a column with a NOT NULL constraint.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setInteger

        void setInteger(int column,
                      int fieldValue)
                        throws GSException
        Sets the int value to the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setIntegerArray

        void setIntegerArray(int column,
                           int[] fieldValue)
                             throws GSException
        Sets the int array value to the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if null is specified as the field value for a column with a NOT NULL constraint.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setLong

        void setLong(int column,
                   long fieldValue)
                     throws GSException
        Sets the long value to the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setLongArray

        void setLongArray(int column,
                        long[] fieldValue)
                          throws GSException
        Sets the long array value to the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if null is specified as the field value for a column with a NOT NULL constraint.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setNull

        void setNull(int column)
                     throws GSException
        Set the field to NULL.
        column - Column number of the targeted field. Values greater than 0 and less than the number of columns
        GSException - when a column number outside the range is specified
        GSException - when a column with NOT NULL constraint is specified
      • setShort

        void setShort(int column,
                    short fieldValue)
                      throws GSException
        Sets the short value to the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setShortArray

        void setShortArray(int column,
                         short[] fieldValue)
                           throws GSException
        Sets the short array value to the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if null is specified as the field value for a column with a NOT NULL constraint.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setString

        void setString(int column,
                     java.lang.String fieldValue)
                       throws GSException
        Sets the String value to the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if null is specified as field value for a column with NOT NULL constraint.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setStringArray

        void setStringArray(int column,
                          java.lang.String[] fieldValue)
                            throws GSException
        Sets the String array value to the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, the contents of this object will not be changed.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if null is specified as the field value for a column with a NOT NULL constraint.
        GSException - if the array element of a field value of array type contains null
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setTimestamp

        void setTimestamp(int column,
                        java.util.Date fieldValue)
                          throws GSException
        Sets the TIMESTAMP value to the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, it is not defined whether the contents of this object will be changed or not.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if null is specified as the field value for a column with a NOT NULL constraint.
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setTimestampArray

        void setTimestampArray(int column,
                             java.util.Date[] fieldValue)
                               throws GSException
        Sets the TIMESTAMP array value to the specified field.

        If the contents of a specified object is changed after it has been invoked, it is not defined whether the contents of this content will be changed or not.

        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - if null is specified as the field value for a column with a NOT NULL constraint.
        GSException - if the array element of a field value of array type contains null
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.
      • setValue

        void setValue(int column,
                    java.lang.Object fieldValue)
                      throws GSException
        Sets the value to the specified field.
        column - the Column number of the target field, from 0 to number of Columns minus one.
        fieldValue - value of the target field
        GSException - if the specified Column number is out of range.
        GSException - when null is specified as a field value for a column with a NOT NULL constraint
        GSException - if the array element of a field value of array type contains null
        GSException - if the type of the specified field does not match the type of the Column.

Annotation Type RowField

  • @Retention(value=RUNTIME)
    public @interface RowField
    Sets options for mapping Row fields of a Container.

    Applicable to each Row field that configures a composite Row key, but not applicable to the field method for setting and getting the entire composite Row key as one object.

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element and Description
      int columnNumber
      Sets a Column number.
      java.lang.String name
      Sets the name to be used as a Column name.
    • Element Detail

      • columnNumber

        public abstract int columnNumber
        Sets a Column number.

        To specify the location of a Column explicitly, specify 0 or more and less than the number of Columns. Duplicate Column numbers cannot be specified in a single Container. In the current version, a Row key must be always assigned to the first Column. If the default value -1 is specified, the corresponding Column number is automatically determined.

        For the Row object with a composite Row key when setting a number for a Row field other than the Row key, make sure that the number does not overlap with the number assigned to each column that configures the composite Row key.

      • name

        public abstract java.lang.String name
        Sets the name to be used as a Column name.

        If an empty string is specified, the Column name is determined based on the corresponding field name or method name.


Annotation Type RowKey

  • @Retention(value=RUNTIME)
    public @interface RowKey
    Indicates the correspondence with a key of Container.

    For a composite Row key, applicable to the field method for setting and getting the entire composite Row key as one object, not applicable to each row field that configures a composite Row key.

Class RowKeyPredicate<K>

  • java.lang.Object
  • Type Parameters:
    K - type of RowKey

    public class RowKeyPredicate<K>
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents the condition that a RowKey satisfies.

    This is used as the search condition in GridStore.multiGet(java.util.Map)

    There are two types of conditions, range condition and individual condition. The two types of conditions cannot be specified at the same time. If the condition is not specified, it means that the condition is satisfied in all the target row keys.

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void add(K key)
      Appends the value of the RowKey as one of the elements of the individual condition.
      static <K> RowKeyPredicate<K> create(java.lang.Class<K> keyType)
      Creates an instance of RowKeyPredicate with the GSType corresponding to the specified Class as the RowKey type.
      static RowKeyPredicate<Row.Key> create(ContainerInfo info)
      Creates an instance of RowKeyPredicate based on the Row key column definition described in the specified ContainerInfo.
      static RowKeyPredicate<java.lang.Object> create(GSType keyType)
      Creates an instance of RowKeyPredicate with the specified GSType as the RowKey type.
      java.util.Collection<K> getDistinctKeys()
      Returns a Collection containing all of the values of the row keys that make up the individual condition.
      K getFinish()
      Returns the value of RowKey at the last position of the range condition.
      ContainerInfo getKeySchema()
      Returns the Row key schema used as a search condition.
      GSType getKeyType()
      Returns the type of Row key used as a search condition, except when it is a search condition for the composite Row key.
      K getStart()
      Returns the value of the RowKey at the starting position of the range condition.
      void setFinish(K finishKey)
      Sets the value of the RowKey at the last position of the range condition.
      void setStart(K startKey)
      Sets the value of the RowKey at the starting position of the range condition.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add(K key)
                 throws GSException
        Appends the value of the RowKey as one of the elements of the individual condition.

        A RowKey with the same value as the added value is deemed as conforming.

        key - value of RowKey to be appended as one of the elements of the individual condition. Must not be a null value.
        GSException - if a range condition had already been set
        java.lang.ClassCastException - the value of the specified key is not NULL or the type is not supported as RowKey
        java.lang.NullPointerException - when null is specified as an argument
      • create

        public static <K> RowKeyPredicate<K> create(java.lang.Class<K> keyType)
                                         throws GSException
        Creates an instance of RowKeyPredicate with the GSType corresponding to the specified Class as the RowKey type.

        The container to be evaluated by the search condition must have a Row key with a single column, and the type of the Row key must be same as the specified GSType.

        The type of RowKey that can be set is only that allowed by either one of the subinterfaces of Container. For the correspondence of Class to GSType, see the definition of Container.

        For a composite Row key, use create(ContainerInfo) which allows to create a search condition regardless of the number of columns that configure a Row key.

        keyType - Class corresponding to a RowKey used as a search condition
        RowKeyPredicate newly created
        GSException - if the specified type is not always supported as a RowKey
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if null is specified in the argument.
        See Also:
      • create

        public static RowKeyPredicate<Row.Key> create(ContainerInfo info)
                                               throws GSException
        Creates an instance of RowKeyPredicate based on the Row key column definition described in the specified ContainerInfo.

        The container to be evaluated by the search condition must have a Row key and must correspond to the column definition described in the specified ContainerInfo. Column definitions other than that of the Row key are not used for the evaluation.

        info - Container information including the column layout of the Row key for which the search condition is determined. Other contents are ignored
        RowKeyPredicate newly created
        GSException - if the specified information does not include the Row key or is always not supported as a Row key
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if null is specified in the argument.
      • create

        public static RowKeyPredicate<java.lang.Object> create(GSType keyType)
                                                        throws GSException
        Creates an instance of RowKeyPredicate with the specified GSType as the RowKey type.

        The target Container must have a RowKey, and the type of the RowKey must be the specified GSType

        Unlike create(Class), this method is used when the type of RowKey is not specified when the application is compiled. However, the criteria for checking the RowKey type when setting the condition is the same as create(Class).

        The type of RowKey that can be set is only that allowed by either one of the subinterfaces of Container.

        keyType - type of RowKey used as a search condition
        RowKeyPredicate newly created
        GSException - if the specified type is not always supported as a RowKey
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if null is specified in the argument.
        See Also:
      • getDistinctKeys

        public java.util.Collection<K> getDistinctKeys()
        Returns a Collection containing all of the values of the row keys that make up the individual condition.

        It is not defined whether an exception like UnsupportedOperationException will occur during execution, when a returned object is updated. Moreover, after an object is returned, it is not defined whether an update of this object will change the contents of the returned object.

        Collection containing all of the values of the row keys that make up the individual condition.
      • getFinish

        public K getFinish()
        Returns the value of RowKey at the last position of the range condition.
        the value of RowKey at the last position of the range condition, or null if it is not set.
      • getKeySchema

        public ContainerInfo getKeySchema()
        Returns the Row key schema used as a search condition.

        The schema information to be returned does not have column information other than the Row key and container information other than the schema, even though it is in the information used to create the search condition.

        ContainerInfo that has only container information related to the schema of the Row key
      • getKeyType

        public GSType getKeyType()
        Returns the type of Row key used as a search condition, except when it is a search condition for the composite Row key.

        Uses getKeySchema() to get the schema for any Row key including the composite Row key.

        the type of RowKey used as a search condition.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if called for a search condition for a composite Row key.
      • getStart

        public K getStart()
        Returns the value of the RowKey at the starting position of the range condition.
        the value of RowKey at the starting position of the range condition, or null if it is not set.
      • setFinish

        public void setFinish(K finishKey)
                       throws GSException
        Sets the value of the RowKey at the last position of the range condition.

        A RowKey with a value larger than the specified value is deemed as non-conforming.

        A Row key with no magnitude relation defined, including a Row key of the STRING type or one with a composite Row key containing STRING type, are not used for the determination even though it can be set as a condition.

        finishKey - the value of RowKey at the last position or null. For null, the setting is cancelled.
        GSException - if an individual condition had been set already
        java.lang.ClassCastException - the value of specified key is not NULL or the type is not supported as RowKey
      • setStart

        public void setStart(K startKey)
                      throws GSException
        Sets the value of the RowKey at the starting position of the range condition.

        A RowKey with a value smaller than the specified value is deemed as non-conforming.

        A Row key with no magnitude relation defined, including a Row key of the STRING type or one with a composite Row key containing STRING type, are not used for the determination even though it can be set as a condition.

        startKey - value of RowKey at the starting position or null. For null, the setting is cancelled.
        GSException - if an individual condition had been set already
        java.lang.ClassCastException - the specified RowKey is not NULL or the type is not supported as RowKey

Interface RowSet<R>

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface RowSet<R>
    Manages a set of Rows obtained by executing a query.

    It has a function of per-Row and per-Row-field manipulation and holds a cursor state similar to ResultSet to specify a target Row. The cursor is initially located just before the head of a Row set.

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void close()
      Releases related resources as necessary.
      boolean hasNext()
      Returns TRUE if a Row set has at least one Row ahead of the current cursor position.
      R next()
      Moves the cursor to the next Row in a Row set and returns the Row object at the moved position.
      void remove()
      Deletes the Row at the current cursor position.
      int size()
      Returns the size, namely the number of Rows at the time of creating a Row set.
      void update(R rowObj)
      Updates the values except a Row key of the Row at the cursor position, using the specified Row object.
    • Method Detail

      • close

        void close()
                   throws GSException
        Releases related resources as necessary.
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface
        GSException - It will not be thrown in the current version.
        See Also:
      • hasNext

        boolean hasNext()
                        throws GSException
        Returns TRUE if a Row set has at least one Row ahead of the current cursor position.
        GSException - It will not be thrown in the current version.
      • next

        R next()
               throws GSException
        Moves the cursor to the next Row in a Row set and returns the Row object at the moved position.

        When FetchOption.PARTIAL_EXECUTION has been set to be effective, the continuation of the query execution may be executed in this method.

        GSException - if there is no Row at the cursor position.
        GSException - if a connection failure caused an error in creation of a Row object
        GSException - when there is a timeout of transaction for this processing or of related processing, the target container has been deleted, its schema has been changed or there is a connection failure.
        GSException - if called after this object or the relevant Container is closed.
      • remove

        void remove()
                    throws GSException
        Deletes the Row at the current cursor position.

        It can be used only for RowSet obtained with locking enabled. Like Container.remove(Object), further limitations are placed depending on the type and settings of a Container.

        GSException - if there is no Row at the cursor position.
        GSException - If called on RowSet obtained without locking enabled.
        GSException - if its operation is contrary to the restrictions specific to a particular Container.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or its related transaction, the relevant Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs.
        GSException - if called after this object or the relevant Container is closed.
      • size

        int size()
        Returns the size, namely the number of Rows at the time of creating a Row set.

        If FetchOption.PARTIAL_EXECUTION has been set to be effective, the result cannot be obtained despite the status of the query processing progress.

        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the number of rows cannot be obtained by the option setting.
      • update

        void update(R rowObj)
                    throws GSException
        Updates the values except a Row key of the Row at the cursor position, using the specified Row object.

        null cannot be specified. The Row key contained in the specified Row object is ignored.

        It can be used only forRowSet obtained with locking enabled. Like Container.put(Object, Object), further limitations are placed depending on the type and settings of a Container.

        GSException - if there is no Row at the cursor position.
        GSException - If called on RowSet obtained without locking enabled.
        GSException - if its operation is contrary to the restrictions specific to a particular Container.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or its related transaction, the relevant Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs.
        GSException - if called after this object or the relevant Container is closed.
        java.lang.ClassCastException - if the specified Row object does not match the value types of the Row object used in mapping operation.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If a null parameter is specified; or if no object exists in the Row object which corresponds to the Row field.

Enum TimeOperator

  • java.lang.Object
    • java.lang.Enum<TimeOperator>
  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable<TimeOperator>

    public enum TimeOperator
    extends java.lang.Enum<TimeOperator>
    Represents how to specify a Row based on a key timestamp of TimeSeries.

    It can be used in combination with the timestamp (specified separately) to specify a Row with the nearest timestamp etc. When no relevant Row exists, it behaves differently depending on the function using this enumeration type.

    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant and Description
      Returns the oldest among the Rows whose timestamp are identical with or later than the specified time.
      Returns the oldest among the Rows whose timestamp are later than the specified time.
      Returns the newest among the Rows whose timestamp are identical with or earlier than the specified time.
      Returns the newest among the Rows whose timestamp are earlier than the specified time.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static TimeOperator valueOf(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static TimeOperator[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • NEXT

        public static final TimeOperator NEXT
        Returns the oldest among the Rows whose timestamp are identical with or later than the specified time.
      • NEXT_ONLY

        public static final TimeOperator NEXT_ONLY
        Returns the oldest among the Rows whose timestamp are later than the specified time.
      • PREVIOUS

        public static final TimeOperator PREVIOUS
        Returns the newest among the Rows whose timestamp are identical with or earlier than the specified time.

        public static final TimeOperator PREVIOUS_ONLY
        Returns the newest among the Rows whose timestamp are earlier than the specified time.
    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static TimeOperator valueOf(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • values

        public static TimeOperator[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (TimeOperator c : TimeOperator.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared

Class TimeSeries.BindType

  • java.lang.Object
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static <R> Container.BindType<java.util.Date,R,? extends TimeSeries<R>> of(java.lang.Class<R> rowClass)
      Returns the specified Row object type and Container.BindType associated with TimeSeries.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static <R> Container.BindType<java.util.Date,R,? extends TimeSeries<R>> of(java.lang.Class<R> rowClass)
                                                                               throws GSException
        Returns the specified Row object type and Container.BindType associated with TimeSeries.
        Type Parameters:
        R - the type of a Row object
        rowClass - Class object corresponding to the type of the Row object
        GSException - if an inconsistency is detected between the type of Row key and the type of Row object

Interface TimeSeries<R>

  • All Superinterfaces:
    java.lang.AutoCloseable,, Container<java.util.Date,R>

    public interface TimeSeries<R>
    extends Container<java.util.Date,R>
    A specialized Container with a time-type Row key for TimeSeries data operation.

    Generally, in extraction of a specific range and aggregation operations on TimeSeries, more efficient implementation is selected than on Collection.

    There are some limitations on row operations unlike Collection. If a compression option based on TimeSeriesProperties has been set, the following operations cannot be performed.

    • Update of the specified row
    • Deletion of the specified row
    • Creation of a new row that has an older timestamp key than the latest one.

    If the order of Rows requested by Container.query(String) or GridStore.multiGet(java.util.Map) is not specified, the Rows in a result set are sorted in ascending order of Row key.

    The granularity of locking is an internal storage unit, i.e., a set of one or more Rows. Accordingly, when locking a specific Row, GridDB will attempt to lock other Rows in the same internal storage unit as the Row.

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      AggregationResult aggregate(java.util.Date start, java.util.Date end, java.lang.String column, Aggregation aggregation)
      Performs an aggregation operation on a Row set or its specific Columns, based on the specified start and end times.
      boolean append(R row)
      Newly creates or updates a Row with a Row key of the current time on GridDB.
      R get(java.util.Date key)
      Returns the content of a Row corresponding to the Row key, based on the specified option.
      R get(java.util.Date base, TimeOperator timeOp)
      Returns one Row related with the specified time.
      R interpolate(java.util.Date base, java.lang.String column)
      Performs linear interpolation etc. of a Row object corresponding to the specified time.
      boolean put(java.util.Date key, R row)
      Newly creates or updates a Row, based on the specified Row object and also the Row key specified as needed.
      Query<R> query(java.util.Date start, java.util.Date end)
      Creates a query to obtain a set of Rows within a specific range between the specified start and end times.
      Query<R> query(java.util.Date start, java.util.Date end, QueryOrder order)
      Creates a query to obtain a set of Rows sorted in the specified order within a specific range between the specified start and end times.
      Query<R> query(java.util.Date start, java.util.Date end, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> columnSet, InterpolationMode mode, int interval, TimeUnit intervalUnit)
      Creates a query to take a sampling of Rows within a specific range.
      boolean remove(java.util.Date key)
      Deletes a Row corresponding to the specified Row key.
    • Method Detail

      • aggregate

        AggregationResult aggregate(java.util.Date start,
                                  java.util.Date end,
                                  java.lang.String column,
                                  Aggregation aggregation)
                                    throws GSException
        Performs an aggregation operation on a Row set or its specific Columns, based on the specified start and end times.

        The parameter column might be ignored depending on the parameter aggregation. The boundary Rows whose timestamps are identical with the start or end time are included in the range of operation. If the specified start time is later than the end time, all Rows are excluded from the range.

        start - Start time
        end - End time
        column - The name of a target Column. Specify null if the specified aggregation method does not target a specific Column.
        aggregation - An aggregation method
        AggregationResult if the aggregation result is stored in it, or null if not. See the description of AggregationResult for more information.
        GSException - if the type of the specified Column is not supported by the specified aggregation method.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or the transaction, this Container is deleted, its schema is changed, or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if null is specified as start, end, or aggregation.
        See Also:
      • append

        boolean append(R row)
                       throws GSException
        Newly creates or updates a Row with a Row key of the current time on GridDB.

        It behaves in the same way as put(Date, Object), except that it sets as a Row key the TIMESTAMP value equivalent to the current time on GridDB. The Row key in the specified Row object is ignored.

        In the manual commit mode, the target Row is locked. Other Rows in the same internal storage unit are also locked.

        row - A Row object representing the content of a Row to be newly created or updated.
        TRUE if a Row is found whose timestamp is identical with the current time on GridDB.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or the transaction, this Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed; or if an unsupported value is set in the Row object.
        java.lang.ClassCastException - if the specified key or Row object does not completely match the types used in mapping operation.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if null is specified as row; or if the Row object lacks some object corresponding to a Row field.
        See Also:
        put(Date, Object), TimeSeriesProperties.getCompressionMethod()
      • get

        R get(java.util.Date key)
              throws GSException
        Returns the content of a Row corresponding to the Row key, based on the specified option.

        It behaves in the same way as Container.get(Object). However, since the type of a Row key is predetermined, ClassCastException will not be thrown.

        Specified by:
        get in interface Container<java.util.Date,R>
        TRUE if a corresponding Row exists.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or the transaction, this Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed; or if an unsupported value is specified as key.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if a null parameter is specified.
        See Also:
      • get

        R get(java.util.Date base,
            TimeOperator timeOp)
              throws GSException
        Returns one Row related with the specified time.
        base - a base time point
        timeOp - what to obtain
        The Row(s) satisfying the conditions; or null if no such Row is found.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or the transaction, this Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed; or if an unsupported value is specified as the base time point.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if a null parameter is specified.
      • interpolate

        R interpolate(java.util.Date base,
                    java.lang.String column)
                      throws GSException
        Performs linear interpolation etc. of a Row object corresponding to the specified time.

        It creates a Row object, based on the value of the specified Column of the TimeSeries Row identical with the base time or the value obtained by linearly interpolating the values of the specified Columns of adjacent Rows around the base time. If there is no Row with the same timestamp as the base time nor no Row with an earlier or later timestamp, no Row object is created.

        Only Columns of numeric type can be interpolated. The field values of the Row whose timestamp is identical with the specified timestamp or the latest among those with earlier timestamps are set on the specified Column and the fields other than a Row key.

        base - a base time point
        column - A Column to be interpolated
        GSException - if no Column has the specified name; or if an unsupported type of Column is specified.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or the transaction, this Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed; or if an unsupported value is specified as the base time point.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if a null parameter is specified.
      • put

        boolean put(java.util.Date key,
                  R row)
                    throws GSException
        Newly creates or updates a Row, based on the specified Row object and also the Row key specified as needed.

        It newly creates a Row, based on the value of the Row key specified as key or the Row key in the specified Row object if key is not specified.

        Only rows that have a newer timestamp key than any existing row can be created. If the timestamp is equal to the newest one, no update occurs and the existing row is held.

        In the manual commit mode, the target Row is locked. Other Rows in the same internal storage unit are also locked.

        Specified by:
        put in interface Container<java.util.Date,R>
        key - A target Row key
        row - A Row object representing the content of a Row to be newly created or updated.
        TRUE if a Row is found whose timestamp is identical with the specified time.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or the transaction, this Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed; or if an unsupported value is set in the Row object.
        java.lang.ClassCastException - if the specified key or Row object does not completely match the types used in mapping operation.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if null is specified as row; or if the Row object lacks some object corresponding to a Row field.
        See Also:
        Container.put(Object, Object), TimeSeriesProperties.getCompressionMethod()
      • query

        Query<R> query(java.util.Date start,
                     java.util.Date end)
                       throws GSException
        Creates a query to obtain a set of Rows within a specific range between the specified start and end times.

        The boundary Rows whose timestamps are identical with the start or end time are included in the range of fetch. If the specified start time is later than the end time, all Rows are excluded from the range. The Rows in a result set are sorted in ascending order, i.e., from an earlier timestamp to a later timestamp.

        The option of locking for update can be enabled when obtaining a set of Rows using Query.fetch(boolean).

        start - start time or null. A null value indicates the timestamp of the oldest Row in this TimeSeries.
        end - end time or null. A null value indicates the timestamp of the newest Row in this TimeSeries.
        GSException - It will not be thrown in the current version.
      • query

        Query<R> query(java.util.Date start,
                     java.util.Date end,
                     QueryOrder order)
                       throws GSException
        Creates a query to obtain a set of Rows sorted in the specified order within a specific range between the specified start and end times.

        The boundary Rows whose timestamps are identical with the start or end time are included in the range of fetch. If the specified start time is later than the end time, all Rows are excluded from the range.

        The option of locking for update can be enabled when obtaining a set of Rows using Query.fetch(boolean).

        For arguments that cannot specify NULL, depending on the NULL status, NullPointerException may not be dispatched. If there is an error in the argument, an exception will be thrown when the query result is fetched.

        start - start time or null. A null value indicates the timestamp of the oldest Row in this TimeSeries.
        end - end time or null. A value indicates the timestamp of the newest Row in this TimeSeries.
        order - the time order of Rows in a result set. null cannot be specified QueryOrder.ASCENDING indicates the order from older to newer, and QueryOrder.DESCENDING indicates the order from newer to older.
        GSException - It will not be thrown in the current version.
      • query

        Query<R> query(java.util.Date start,
                     java.util.Date end,
                     java.util.Set<java.lang.String> columnSet,
                     InterpolationMode mode,
                     int interval,
                     TimeUnit intervalUnit)
                       throws GSException
        Creates a query to take a sampling of Rows within a specific range.

        Each sampling time point is defined by adding a sampling interval multiplied by a non-negative integer to the start time, excluding the time points later than the end time. If the specified start time is later than the end time, all Rows are excluded from the range.

        If executed, the query creates a set of Rows, using the values of the Rows whose timestamps are identical with each sampling time point, or the interpolated values according to the parameters columnSet and mode if such a Row is not found. For specific interpolation methods, see the description of InterpolationMode.

        If there is no Rows to be referenced for interpolation at a specific sampling time point, a corresponding Row is not generated, and thus the number of results returned is reduced by the number of such time points. A shorter sampling interval increases the likelihood that identical Row field values will be used even at different sampling time points, depending on the interpolation method.

        The option of locking for update cannot be enabled when obtaining a set of Rows using Query.fetch(boolean).

        In the current version, for arguments that cannot specify GSException or NULL, depending on the NULL status, NullPointerException may not be dispatched. If there is an error in the argument, an exception will be thrown when the query result is fetched.

        start - start time. null cannot be specified
        end - end time. null cannot be specified
        columnSet - a set of names of the Columns to be interpolated according to mode. An empty set indicates no specification of target Columns. A null value indicates the same as an empty set.
        mode - an interpolation method. null cannot be specified
        interval - a sampling interval.0 or a negative value cannot be specified.
        intervalUnit - the time unit of the sampling interval. TimeUnit.YEAR and TimeUnit.MONTH cannot be specified. null cannot be specified
        GSException - It will not be thrown in the current version.
      • remove

        boolean remove(java.util.Date key)
                       throws GSException
        Deletes a Row corresponding to the specified Row key.

        It can be used only if a Column exists which corresponds to a specified Row key. If no corresponding Row exists, nothing is changed.

        It can not be used for time series that has a setting of compression option.

        In the manual commit mode, the target Row is locked.

        Specified by:
        remove in interface Container<java.util.Date,R>
        TRUE if a corresponding Row exists.
        GSException - if no Column exists which corresponds to the specified Row key.
        GSException - if a timeout occurs during this operation or the transaction, this Container is deleted, its schema is changed or a connection failure occurs; or if called after the connection is closed; or if an unsupported value is specified as key.
        java.lang.ClassCastException - if the specified Row key does not match the type of a Row key used in mapping operation.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if a null parameter is specified.
        See Also:
        Container.remove(Object), TimeSeriesProperties.getCompressionMethod()

Class TimeSeriesProperties

  • java.lang.Object
  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TimeSeriesProperties
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.lang.Cloneable
    Represents the information about optional configuration settings used for newly creating or updating a TimeSeries.

    It does not guarantee the validity of values e.g. the column names and the upper limit of the column number that can be individually compressed.

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      TimeSeriesProperties clone()
      Creates new TimeSeriesProperties with the same settings as this object.
      CompressionMethod getCompressionMethod()
      Gets the type of compression method
      java.lang.Double getCompressionRate(java.lang.String column)
      Returns the ratio of error range based on the possible value range of the specified column for the thinning compression with relative error.
      java.lang.Double getCompressionSpan(java.lang.String column)
      Returns the difference between maximum and minimum possible value of the specified column by the thinning compression with relative error.
      java.lang.Double getCompressionWidth(java.lang.String column)
      Returns the width of error boundary on the specified column for the thinning compression with absolute error.
      int getCompressionWindowSize()
      Returns the window size for the thinning compression.
      TimeUnit getCompressionWindowSizeUnit()
      Returns the unit of the window size for the thinning compression.
      int getExpirationDivisionCount()
      Return the division number for the validity period that corresponds to the number of expired rows data units to be released.
      int getRowExpirationTime()
      Returns the elapsed time period of a Row to be used as the basis of the validity period.
      TimeUnit getRowExpirationTimeUnit()
      Returns the unit of the elapsed time period of a Row to be used as the basis of the validity period.
      java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getSpecifiedColumns()
      Returns all names of the columns which have additional setting.
      java.lang.Boolean isCompressionRelative(java.lang.String column)
      Returns value which indicates whether the error threshold of the thinning compression with error is relative or not on the specified column.
      void setAbsoluteHiCompression(java.lang.String column, double width)
      Sets parameters for the thinning compression method with absolute error on the specified column.
      void setCompressionMethod(CompressionMethod compressionMethod)
      Sets a type of TimeSeries compression method.
      void setCompressionWindowSize(int compressionWindowSize, TimeUnit compressionWindowSizeUnit)
      Sets a window size which means maximum time span of contiguous data thinned by the compression.
      void setExpirationDivisionCount(int count)
      Sets the division number for the validity period as the number of expired row data units to be released.
      void setRelativeHiCompression(java.lang.String column, double rate, double span)
      Sets parameters for the thinning compression method with relative error on the specified column.
      void setRowExpiration(int elapsedTime, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Sets the elapsed time period of a Row to be used as the basis of validity period.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • TimeSeriesProperties

        public TimeSeriesProperties()
        Returns a default instance of TimeSeriesProperties.
    • Method Detail

      • clone

        public TimeSeriesProperties clone()
        Creates new TimeSeriesProperties with the same settings as this object.
        clone in class java.lang.Object
        Creates and returns a copy of this object.
      • getCompressionMethod

        public CompressionMethod getCompressionMethod()
        Gets the type of compression method
        Type of compression method. null is not returned.
      • getCompressionRate

        public java.lang.Double getCompressionRate(java.lang.String column)
        Returns the ratio of error range based on the possible value range of the specified column for the thinning compression with relative error.

        The possible value range can be obtained by getCompressionWidth(String).

        column - Column name
        If the specified column has the corresponding setting, the value is returned, otherwise null
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - When detecting an illegal column name against the limitations.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument.
      • getCompressionSpan

        public java.lang.Double getCompressionSpan(java.lang.String column)
        Returns the difference between maximum and minimum possible value of the specified column by the thinning compression with relative error.
        column - Column name
        If the specified column has the corresponding setting, the value is returned, otherwise null
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - When detecting an illegal column name against the limitations.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument.
      • getCompressionWidth

        public java.lang.Double getCompressionWidth(java.lang.String column)
        Returns the width of error boundary on the specified column for the thinning compression with absolute error.
        column - Column name
        If the specified column has the corresponding setting, the value is returned, otherwise null
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - When detecting an illegal column name against the limitations.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if null is specified in the argument.
      • getCompressionWindowSize

        public int getCompressionWindowSize()
        Returns the window size for the thinning compression. The contiguous data can be thinned in the window size which represents a time span.
        Window size. -1 if it has not been set.
      • getCompressionWindowSizeUnit

        public TimeUnit getCompressionWindowSizeUnit()
        Returns the unit of the window size for the thinning compression. The contiguous data can be thinned in the window size which represents a time span.
        Unit of window size. -1 if it has not been set.
      • getExpirationDivisionCount

        public int getExpirationDivisionCount()
        Return the division number for the validity period that corresponds to the number of expired rows data units to be released.
        Division number of the validity period. -1 if unspecified.
        See Also:
      • getRowExpirationTime

        public int getRowExpirationTime()
        Returns the elapsed time period of a Row to be used as the basis of the validity period.
        The elapsed time period to be used as the basis of the validity period. -1 if unspecified.
      • getRowExpirationTimeUnit

        public TimeUnit getRowExpirationTimeUnit()
        Returns the unit of the elapsed time period of a Row to be used as the basis of the validity period.
        The unit of the elapsed time period to be used as the basis of the validity period. null if unspecified.
      • getSpecifiedColumns

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getSpecifiedColumns()
        Returns all names of the columns which have additional setting.

        This object is not changed by updating the returned object, and the returned object is not changed by updating this object.

        Name set of columns which have additional setting.
      • isCompressionRelative

        public java.lang.Boolean isCompressionRelative(java.lang.String column)
        Returns value which indicates whether the error threshold of the thinning compression with error is relative or not on the specified column.
        column - Column name
        If the specified column has the corresponding setting, the value is returned, otherwise null
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - When detecting an illegal column name against the limitations.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument.
      • setAbsoluteHiCompression

        public void setAbsoluteHiCompression(java.lang.String column,
                                    double width)
        Sets parameters for the thinning compression method with absolute error on the specified column.

        If a different compression method had been set, it is changed to the thinning method.

        The limitation of column type and the upper limit of the number of columns are the same as setRelativeHiCompression(String, double, double).

        column - Column name
        width - Width of error boundary corresponding to getCompressionWidth(String)
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - When detecting an illegal column name against the limitations.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument.
      • setCompressionMethod

        public void setCompressionMethod(CompressionMethod compressionMethod)
        Sets a type of TimeSeries compression method.

        When changing the compression method, all settings of individual column are released.

        compressionMethod - A type of compression method
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument
      • setCompressionWindowSize

        public void setCompressionWindowSize(int compressionWindowSize,
                                    TimeUnit compressionWindowSizeUnit)
        Sets a window size which means maximum time span of contiguous data thinned by the compression.

        When the window size has been set to a time series and a row in the time series is apart over the window size from previous stored data, even if the row satisfies the other compression conditions, the row is not thinned.

        This setting is ignored if CompressionMethod.NO has been set.

        If CompressionMethod.HI or CompressionMethod.SS has been set and this setting is not specified, the maximum value of TIMESTAMP is set as the window size.

        Even if the row is in the window size from the previous data and it satisfies the conditions of the compression, it may not be thinned depending on its stored location, etc.

        compressionWindowSize - Window size. It is not allowed to set value less than or equal to 0.
        compressionWindowSizeUnit - Unit of the window size. TimeUnit.YEAR and TimeUnit.MONTH cannot be specified.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - When compressionWindowSize is out of the range.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - when detecting an illegal column name against the limitations
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if null is specified in the argument.
      • setExpirationDivisionCount

        public void setExpirationDivisionCount(int count)
        Sets the division number for the validity period as the number of expired row data units to be released.

        The division number set is used to control the conditions for releasing row data management areas that have expired in GridDB. Expired row data shall be released at the point they are collected only when the period equivalent to the division number is reached.

        See the GridDB Features Reference for the upper limit of the division number. It will be failed if the division number exceeds the size limit.

        If the elapsed time period is not set, the setting of division number is ignored. If the elapsed time period has been set and the setting of division number is not set, the division number is set to the default value of the connected GridDB server.

        count - the division number for the validity period. Must not be 0 or less.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the division number is specified as 0 or less.
      • setRelativeHiCompression

        public void setRelativeHiCompression(java.lang.String column,
                                    double rate,
                                    double span)
        Sets parameters for the thinning compression method with relative error on the specified column.

        If a different compression method had been set, it is changed to the thinning method.

        Multiplying rate and span together is equal to the value that is obtained by getCompressionWidth(String) in the thinning compression with absolute error.

        The column types are limited to the followings.

        See the GridDB Features Reference for the upper limit of the number of columns on which the parameters can be specified. The number of options that is over the limit can be created, but the TimeSeries cannot be created for that case.

        column - Column name
        rate - Boundary value of relative error based on span. It must be greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than or equal to 1.0.
        span - The difference between maximum and minimum value of the column.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - When detecting an illegal column name against the limitations, or specifying value out of the range for rate.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument.
      • setRowExpiration

        public void setRowExpiration(int elapsedTime,
                            TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Sets the elapsed time period of a Row to be used as the basis of validity period.

        The validity period of a Row can be obtained by adding the specified elapsed time period to the timestamp of the Row key. Rows whose expiration times are older than the current time on GridDB are treated as expired Rows. Expired Rows are treated as non existent and are not used for search, update or other Row operations. The corresponding internal data in GridDB will be deleted as needed.

        The current time used for expiry check is dependent on the runtime environment of each node of GridDB. Therefore, there may be cases where unexpired Rows cannot be accessed before the VM time, or expired Rows can be accessed after the VM time because of a network delay or a discrepancy in the time setting of the runtime environment. In order to avoid unintended loss of Rows, you should set a value larger than the minimum required period of time.

        The setting for an already-created TimeSeries cannot be changed.

        elapsedTime - the elapsed time period of a Row to be used as the basis of the validity period. Must not be 0 or less.
        timeUnit - the unit of the elapsed time period. TimeUnit.YEAR or TimeUnit.MONTH cannot be specified.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if elapsedTime or timeUnit of out of range is specified
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - when detecting an illegal column name against the limitations
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if null is specified in the argument.

Enum TimeUnit

  • java.lang.Object
    • java.lang.Enum<TimeUnit>
  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable<TimeUnit>

    public enum TimeUnit
    extends java.lang.Enum<TimeUnit>
    Represents the time unit(s) used in TimeSeries data operation.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static TimeUnit valueOf(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static TimeUnit[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • HOUR

        public static final TimeUnit HOUR

        public static final TimeUnit MILLISECOND
      • MINUTE

        public static final TimeUnit MINUTE
      • MONTH

        public static final TimeUnit MONTH
      • SECOND

        public static final TimeUnit SECOND
      • YEAR

        public static final TimeUnit YEAR
    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static TimeUnit valueOf(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • values

        public static TimeUnit[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (TimeUnit c : TimeUnit.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared

Class TimestampUtils

  • java.lang.Object

  • public class TimestampUtils
    extends java.lang.Object
    Provides the utilities for manipulating time data.

    Used to help construct TQL statements and to process TIMESTAMP values with the same notation as TQL.

    Does not depend on the time zone and locale settings of the execution environment.

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static java.util.Date add(java.util.Date timestamp, int amount, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Adds a specific value to the specified time.
      static java.util.Date add(java.util.Date timestamp, int amount, TimeUnit timeUnit, java.util.TimeZone zone)
      Adds a fixed value to the time using the specified time zone setting.
      static java.util.Date current()
      Returns the current time.
      static java.util.Calendar currentCalendar()
      Returns the current time as a Calendar object.
      static java.lang.String format(java.util.Date timestamp)
      Returns the string representing the specified time, according to the TIMESTAMP value notation of TQL.
      static java.lang.String format(java.util.Date timestamp, java.util.TimeZone zone)
      Using the specified time zone setting, returns the string representing the specified time, according to the TIMESTAMP value notation of TQL.
      static java.text.DateFormat getFormat()
      Returns the date format conforming to the TIMESTAMP value notation of TQL.
      static java.text.DateFormat getFormat(java.util.TimeZone zone)
      Using the specified time zone setting, returns the string representing the specified time, according to the TIMESTAMP value notation of TQL.
      static java.util.Date parse(java.lang.String source)
      Returns a Date object corresponding to the specified string, according to the TIMESTAMP value notation of TQL.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public static java.util.Date add(java.util.Date timestamp,
                         int amount,
                         TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Adds a specific value to the specified time.

        An earlier time than the specified time can be obtained by specifying a negative value as amount.

        The current version uses the UTC timezone for calculation.

        timestamp - target time
        amount - value to be added
        timeUnit - unit of value to be added
        The added value
        java.lang.NullPointerException - when null is specified for timestamp, timeUnit
      • add

        public static java.util.Date add(java.util.Date timestamp,
                         int amount,
                         TimeUnit timeUnit,
                         java.util.TimeZone zone)
        Adds a fixed value to the time using the specified time zone setting.

        Depending on the unit of time used for calculation, the time zone setting may not be affected.

        timestamp - target time
        amount - value to be added
        timeUnit - unit of value to be added
        zone - time zone setting used for calculation
        The added value
        java.lang.NullPointerException - when null is specified for timestamp, timeUnit
      • current

        public static java.util.Date current()
        Returns the current time.
      • currentCalendar

        public static java.util.Calendar currentCalendar()
        Returns the current time as a Calendar object.

        The current version always uses the UTC timezone.

      • format

        public static java.lang.String format(java.util.Date timestamp)
        Returns the string representing the specified time, according to the TIMESTAMP value notation of TQL.

        The current version uses the UTC timezone for conversion.

        timestamp - target time
        java.lang.NullPointerException - when null is specified as argument
      • format

        public static java.lang.String format(java.util.Date timestamp,
                              java.util.TimeZone zone)
        Using the specified time zone setting, returns the string representing the specified time, according to the TIMESTAMP value notation of TQL.
        timestamp - target time
        zone - time zone setting used for calculation
        corresponding string representation
        java.lang.NullPointerException - when null is specified as argument
        See Also:
      • getFormat

        public static java.text.DateFormat getFormat()
        Returns the date format conforming to the TIMESTAMP value notation of TQL.

        The current version always uses the UTC timezone.

        date format

        The time representation containing a negative year value is not supported.

      • getFormat

        public static java.text.DateFormat getFormat(java.util.TimeZone zone)
        Using the specified time zone setting, returns the string representing the specified time, according to the TIMESTAMP value notation of TQL.
        zone - applicable time zone settings
        date format
        java.lang.NullPointerException - when null is specified as argument
      • parse

        public static java.util.Date parse(java.lang.String source)
                                    throws java.text.ParseException
        Returns a Date object corresponding to the specified string, according to the TIMESTAMP value notation of TQL.
        source - string representation of target time
        Date object corresponding to the specified string
        java.text.ParseException - if the specified string does not match any time representation.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - when null is specified as argument

Annotation Type TransientRowField

  • @Retention(value=RUNTIME)
    public @interface TransientRowField
    Specifies a Row field not to be mapped in operations on a Container.

Enum TriggerInfo.EventType

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable<TriggerInfo.EventType>
    Enclosing class:

    public static enum TriggerInfo.EventType
    extends java.lang.Enum<TriggerInfo.EventType>
    Represent the update operation type subject to monitoring by the trigger.
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant and Description
      Indicate the deletion of a row for a Container.
      Indicate the creation of a new row or update of an existing row for a Container.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static TriggerInfo.EventType valueOf(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static TriggerInfo.EventType[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • DELETE

        public static final TriggerInfo.EventType DELETE
        Indicate the deletion of a row for a Container.
      • PUT

        public static final TriggerInfo.EventType PUT
        Indicate the creation of a new row or update of an existing row for a Container.
    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static TriggerInfo.EventType valueOf(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • values

        public static TriggerInfo.EventType[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (TriggerInfo.EventType c : TriggerInfo.EventType.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared

Enum TriggerInfo.Type

  • java.lang.Object
  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable<TriggerInfo.Type>
    Enclosing class:

    public static enum TriggerInfo.Type
    extends java.lang.Enum<TriggerInfo.Type>
    Represent the trigger type.
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant and Description
      Indicate the trigger type to notify in a Java Message Service (JMS) notification when a Container is updated.
      Indicate the trigger type to notify in a REST notification when a Container is updated.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static TriggerInfo.Type valueOf(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static TriggerInfo.Type[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • JMS

        public static final TriggerInfo.Type JMS
        Indicate the trigger type to notify in a Java Message Service (JMS) notification when a Container is updated.
      • REST

        public static final TriggerInfo.Type REST
        Indicate the trigger type to notify in a REST notification when a Container is updated.
    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static TriggerInfo.Type valueOf(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • values

        public static TriggerInfo.Type[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (TriggerInfo.Type c : TriggerInfo.Type.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared

Class TriggerInfo

  • java.lang.Object

  • public class TriggerInfo
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represent the trigger information for monitoring the Container update.

    Regarding the validity of the contents such as the notation of the trigger name, this will not be necessarily inspected.

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class and Description
      static class  TriggerInfo.EventType
      Represent the update operation type subject to monitoring by the trigger.
      static class  TriggerInfo.Type
      Represent the trigger type.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      Generate the trigger information.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      java.lang.String getJMSDestinationName()
      Get the destination name used in a JMS notification.
      java.lang.String getJMSDestinationType()
      Get the destination type used in a JMS notification.
      java.lang.String getName()
      Get the trigger name.
      java.lang.String getPassword()
      Get password when connecting to a notification destination server.
      java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getTargetColumns()
      Get the column name subject to notification when a trigger is discharged.
      java.util.Set<TriggerInfo.EventType> getTargetEvents()
      Get the update operation type subject to trigger discharge.
      TriggerInfo.Type getType()
      Get the trigger type. getURI()
      Get the notification destination URI when the trigger is discharged.
      java.lang.String getUser()
      Get user name when connecting to a notification destination server.
      void setJMSDestinationName(java.lang.String destinationName)
      Set the destination name used in a JMS notification.
      void setJMSDestinationType(java.lang.String destinationType)
      Set the destination type used in a JMS notification.
      void setName(java.lang.String name)
      Set the trigger name.
      void setPassword(java.lang.String password)
      Set the password when connecting to a notification destination server.
      void setTargetColumns(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> columnSet)
      Set the column name subject to notification when a trigger is discharged.
      void setTargetEvents(java.util.Set<TriggerInfo.EventType> eventSet)
      Set the update operation type subject to trigger discharge.
      void setType(TriggerInfo.Type type)
      Set the trigger type.
      void setURI( uri)
      Set the notification destination URI when the trigger is discharged.
      void setUser(java.lang.String user)
      Set user name when connecting to a notification destination server.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • TriggerInfo

        public TriggerInfo()
        Generate the trigger information.
    • Method Detail

      • getJMSDestinationName

        public java.lang.String getJMSDestinationName()
        Get the destination name used in a JMS notification.
      • getJMSDestinationType

        public java.lang.String getJMSDestinationType()
        Get the destination type used in a JMS notification.
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Get the trigger name.
      • getPassword

        public java.lang.String getPassword()
        Get password when connecting to a notification destination server.

        In the current version, the user name is used only when connecting to the JMS server with a JMS notification.

      • getTargetColumns

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getTargetColumns()
        Get the column name subject to notification when a trigger is discharged.

        When a returned value is updated, UnsupportedOperationException may occur. In addition, the contents of the returned object will not be changed by the operation on this object.

      • getTargetEvents

        public java.util.Set<TriggerInfo.EventType> getTargetEvents()
        Get the update operation type subject to trigger discharge.

        When a returned value is updated, UnsupportedOperationException may occur. In addition, the contents of the returned object will not be changed by the operation on this object.

      • getURI

        public getURI()
        Get the notification destination URI when the trigger is discharged.
      • getUser

        public java.lang.String getUser()
        Get user name when connecting to a notification destination server.

        In the current version, the user name is used only when connecting to the JMS server with a JMS notification.

      • setJMSDestinationName

        public void setJMSDestinationName(java.lang.String destinationName)
        Set the destination name used in a JMS notification.

        If null is specified, an error occurs when Container.createTrigger(TriggerInfo) is executed.

      • setJMSDestinationType

        public void setJMSDestinationType(java.lang.String destinationType)
        Set the destination type used in a JMS notification.

        "queue" or "topic" can be specified. Case sensitive.

        If a character string other than "queue" or "topic" is specified, an error occurs when Container.createTrigger(TriggerInfo) is executed.

      • setName

        public void setName(java.lang.String name)
        Set the trigger name.

        If a blank character string or null is set, an error occurs when Container.createTrigger(TriggerInfo) is executed.

      • setPassword

        public void setPassword(java.lang.String password)
        Set the password when connecting to a notification destination server.

        In the current version, the user name is used only when connecting to the JMS server with a JMS notification.

        If there is no setting, or if a blank character string/null is set, the blank character string will be used as the password in the connection.

        If both the user name and password have not been set, or if a blank character string/null is set, the user will be connected without using the user name and password.

      • setTargetColumns

        public void setTargetColumns(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> columnSet)
        Set the column name subject to notification when a trigger is discharged.

        When identifying a column as the target of the notification, the difference in uppercase and lowercase letters is not distinguished. Even if the same column name is set several times, the value of the column will only be set once in the notification.

        If the column name is not specified, none of the column values will be set in the notification.

        The contents of the specified object will not change even if they are changed after they have been invoked.

        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument
      • setTargetEvents

        public void setTargetEvents(java.util.Set<TriggerInfo.EventType> eventSet)
        Set the update operation type subject to trigger discharge.

        If multiple update operations are set, a trigger will be discharges if any one of these operations is carried out.

        If there is no update operation setting, an error occurs when Container.createTrigger(TriggerInfo) is executed.

        The contents of the specified object will not change even if they are changed after they have been invoked.

        java.lang.NullPointerException - If null is specified in the argument
      • setURI

        public void setURI( uri)
        Set the notification destination URI when the trigger is discharged.

        If null is set, an error occurs when Container.createTrigger(TriggerInfo) is executed.

      • setUser

        public void setUser(java.lang.String user)
        Set user name when connecting to a notification destination server.

        In the current version, the user name is used only when connecting to the JMS server with a JMS notification.

        If there is no setting, or if a blank character string/null is set, the blank character string will be used as the user name in the connection.

        If both the user name and password have not been set, or if a blank character string/null is set, the user will be connected without using the user name and password.

Serialized Form

  • Package

    • Class extends implements Serializable

      • Serialized Fields

        • errorCode

          int errorCode
        • errorName

          java.lang.String errorName
        • description

          java.lang.String description
        • parameters

          java.util.Map<K,V> parameters
    • Class extends GSException implements Serializable

    • Class extends GSException implements Serializable


1.2 API Samples

1.2.1 Sample of Collection Operations

package test;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Properties;


// Operation on Collection data
public class Sample1 {

	static class Person {
		@RowKey String name;
		boolean status;
		long count;
		byte[] lob;

	public static void main(String[] args) throws GSException {

		// Acquiring a GridStore instance
		Properties props = new Properties();
		props.setProperty("notificationAddress", args[0]);
		props.setProperty("notificationPort", args[1]);
		props.setProperty("clusterName", args[2]);
		props.setProperty("user", args[3]);
		props.setProperty("password", args[4]);
		GridStore store = GridStoreFactory.getInstance().getGridStore(props);

		// Creating a collection
		Collection<String, Person> col = store.putCollection("col01", Person.class);

		// Setting an index for a column

		// Setting auto-commit off

		// Preparing row data
		Person person = new Person(); = "name01";
		person.status = false;
		person.count = 1;
		person.lob = new byte[] { 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 };

		// Operating a row in KV format: RowKey is "name01"
		boolean update = true;
		col.put(person);	// Registration
		person = col.get(, update);	// Aquisition (Locking to update)
		col.remove(;	// Deletion

		// Operating a row in KV format: RowKey is "name02"
		col.put("name02", person);	// Registration (Specifying RowKey)

		// Committing transaction (releasing lock)

		// Search rows in a container
		Query<Person> query = col.query("select * where name = 'name02'");

		// Fetching and updating retrieved rows
		RowSet<Person> rs = query.fetch(update);
		while (rs.hasNext()) {
			// Update the searched Row
			Person person1 =;
			person1.count += 1;

			System.out.println("Person:" +
					" name=" + +
					" status=" + person1.status +
					" count=" + person1.count +
					" lob=" + Arrays.toString(person1.lob));

		// Committing transaction

		// Releasing resource


1.2.2 Sample of TimeSeries Operations - Storage and Extraction of Specific Range

package test;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Properties;


// Storage and extraction of a specific range of time-series data
public class Sample2 {

	static class Point {
		@RowKey Date timestamp;
		boolean active;
		double voltage;

	public static void main(String[] args) throws GSException {

		// Acquiring a GridStore instance
		Properties props = new Properties();
		props.setProperty("notificationAddress", args[0]);
		props.setProperty("notificationPort", args[1]);
		props.setProperty("clusterName", args[2]);
		props.setProperty("user", args[3]);
		props.setProperty("password", args[4]);
		GridStore store = GridStoreFactory.getInstance().getGridStore(props);

		// Creating a TimeSeries (Only obtain the specified TimeSeries if it already exists)
		TimeSeries<Point> ts = store.putTimeSeries("point01", Point.class);

		// Preparing time-series element data
		Point point = new Point(); = false;
		point.voltage = 100;

		// Store the time-series element (GridStore sets its timestamp)

		// Extract the specified range of time-series elements: last six hours
		Date now = TimestampUtils.current();
		Date before = TimestampUtils.add(now, -6, TimeUnit.HOUR);

		RowSet<Point> rs = ts.query(before, now).fetch();

		while (rs.hasNext()) {
			point =;

					"Time=" + TimestampUtils.format(point.timestamp) +
					" Active=" + +
					" Voltage=" + point.voltage);

		// Releasing resource


1.2.3 Sample of TimeSeries Operations - Search and Aggregation

package test;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Properties;


// Search and aggregation of time-series data
public class Sample3 {

	static class Point {
		@RowKey Date timestamp;
		boolean active;
		double voltage;

	public static void main(String[] args) throws GSException {

		// Lower the consistency level because of read-only operation (default: IMMEDIATE)
		Properties props = new Properties();
		props.setProperty("notificationAddress", args[0]);
		props.setProperty("notificationPort", args[1]);
		props.setProperty("clusterName", args[2]);
		props.setProperty("user", args[3]);
		props.setProperty("password", args[4]);
		props.setProperty("consistency", "EVENTUAL");

		// Acquiring a GridStore instance
		GridStore store = GridStoreFactory.getInstance().getGridStore(props);

		// Obtain a TimeSeries
		// Use the Point class as in Sample 2
		TimeSeries<Point> ts = store.getTimeSeries("point01", Point.class);

		// Search for the locations whose voltage is not lower than a reference value, though not in action.
		Query<Point> query = ts.query(
				"select * from point01" +
				" where not active and voltage > 50");
		RowSet<Point> rs = query.fetch();

		while (rs.hasNext()) {
			// Examine each abnormal point

			Point hotPoint =;
			Date hot = hotPoint.timestamp;

			// Obtain the data around ten minutes before
			Date start = TimestampUtils.add(hot, -10, TimeUnit.MINUTE);
			Point startPoint = ts.get(start, TimeOperator.NEXT);

			// Calculate the average of the data for 20 minutes around the point
			Date end = TimestampUtils.add(hot, 10, TimeUnit.MINUTE);
			AggregationResult avg = ts.aggregate(
					start, end, "voltage", Aggregation.AVERAGE);

					"[Alert] " + TimestampUtils.format(hot) +
					" start=" + startPoint.voltage +
					" hot=" + hotPoint.voltage +
					" avg=" + avg.getDouble());

		// Releasing resource


1.2.4 Sample of Collection Operations - Schema definition using container information

package test;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Properties;


// Schema definition using container information
public class Sample4 {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws GSException {

		// Acquiring a GridStore instance
		Properties props = new Properties();
		props.setProperty("notificationAddress", args[0]);
		props.setProperty("notificationPort", args[1]);
		props.setProperty("clusterName", args[2]);
		props.setProperty("user", args[3]);
		props.setProperty("password", args[4]);
		GridStore store = GridStoreFactory.getInstance().getGridStore(props);

		// Creating a container information
		ContainerInfo info = new ContainerInfo();
				new ColumnInfo("name", GSType.STRING),
				new ColumnInfo("status", GSType.BOOL),
				new ColumnInfo("count", GSType.LONG),
				new ColumnInfo("lob", GSType.BYTE_ARRAY)));

		// Creating a collection
		Container<String, Row> container = store.putContainer(null, info, false);

		// Setting an index for a column

		// Setting auto-commit off

		// Preparing row data
		Row row;
			String name = "name01";
			boolean status = false;
			long count = 1;
			byte[] lob = new byte[] { 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 };

			row = container.createRow();
			row.setString(0, name);
			row.setBool(1, status);
			row.setLong(2, count);
			row.setByteArray(3, lob);

		// Operating a row in KV format: RowKey is "name01"
		boolean update = true;
		container.put(row);	// Registration
		row = container.get("name01", update);	// Acquisition (Locking to update)
		container.remove("name01");	// Deletion

		// Operating a row in KV format: RowKey is "name02"
		container.put("name02", row);	// Registration (Specifying RowKey)

		// Committing transaction (Releasing lock)

		// Search rows in a container
		Query<Row> query = container.query("select * where name = 'name02'");

		// Fetching and updating retrieved rows
		RowSet<Row> rs = query.fetch(update);
		while (rs.hasNext()) {
			// Updating retrived rows
			row =;

			String name = row.getString(0);
			boolean status = row.getBool(1);
			long count = row.getLong(2);
			byte[] lob = row.getByteArray(3);
			count += 1;

			System.out.println("Person:" +
					" name=" + name +
					" status=" + status +
					" count=" + count +
					" lob=" + Arrays.toString(lob));

		// Committing transaction

		// Releasing resource


1.2.5 Sample of Collection Operations - Bulk operation on multiple containers

package test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;


// Bulk operation on multiple containers
public class Sample5 {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws GSException {
		final List<String> containerNameList = Arrays.asList(
				"col01", "col02", "col03", "col04", "col05");
		final List<String> keyList = Arrays.asList(
				"name01", "name02");

		// Acquiring a GridStore instance
		Properties props = new Properties();
		props.setProperty("notificationAddress", args[0]);
		props.setProperty("notificationPort", args[1]);
		props.setProperty("clusterName", args[2]);
		props.setProperty("user", args[3]);
		props.setProperty("password", args[4]);
		GridStore store = GridStoreFactory.getInstance().getGridStore(props);

		// Creating a container information
		ContainerInfo info = new ContainerInfo();
				new ColumnInfo("name", GSType.STRING),
				new ColumnInfo("status", GSType.BOOL),
				new ColumnInfo("count", GSType.LONG),
				new ColumnInfo("lob", GSType.BYTE_ARRAY)));

		// Creating collections
		List<Container<String, Row>> containerList =
				new ArrayList<Container<String, Row>>();
		for (String containerName : containerNameList) {
			Container<String, Row> container =
					store.putContainer(containerName, info, false);

		// Registering rows in bulk to multiple collections
			boolean status = false;
			long count = 1;
			byte[] lob = new byte[] { 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 };

			Map<String, List<Row>> inMap = new HashMap<String, List<Row>>();
			for (String containerName : containerNameList) {
				List<Row> rowList = new ArrayList<Row>();
				for (String key : keyList) {
					Row row = store.createRow(info);
					row.setString(0, key);
					row.setBool(1, status);
					row.setLong(2, count);
					row.setByteArray(3, lob);

				inMap.put(containerName, rowList);

		// Acquiring rows in bulk from multiple collections
			// Constructing conditions for acquisition
			Map<String, RowKeyPredicate<String>> predMap =
					new HashMap<String, RowKeyPredicate<String>>();
			for (String containerName : containerNameList) {
				RowKeyPredicate<String> predicate =
				for (String key : keyList) {
				predMap.put(containerName, predicate);

			Map<String, List<Row>> outMap = store.multiGet(predMap);

			// Printing results
			for (Map.Entry<String, List<Row>> entry : outMap.entrySet()) {
				for (Row row : entry.getValue()) {
					String name = row.getString(0);
					long count = row.getLong(2);

					System.out.println("Person[" + entry.getKey() + "]:" +
							" name=" + name +
							" count=" + count);

		// Searching rows in bulk from multiple collections (Using queries)
			List<Query<Row>> queryList = new ArrayList<Query<Row>>();
			for (Container<String, Row> container : containerList) {
				String tql = "select * where count >= 0";


			for (int i = 0; i < queryList.size(); i++) {
				Query<Row> query = queryList.get(i);
				RowSet<Row> rs = query.getRowSet();
				while (rs.hasNext()) {
					Row row =;

					String name = row.getString(0);
					boolean status = row.getBool(1);
					long count = row.getLong(2);
					byte[] lob = row.getByteArray(3);

					System.out.println("Person[" + i + "]:" +
							" name=" + name +
							" status=" + status +
							" count=" + count +
							" lob=" + Arrays.toString(lob));

		// Release of resource


2 Annex

2.1 Range of values

Describe the range of values such as the upper limit of the value, etc. Refer to GridDB Features Reference for the restriction values of the system.

2.1.1 Values that may be adopted by basic datatypes

The values that may be adopted by the basic datatypes below are as follows.

TypeRepresentable values
BYTE-27 to 27-1
SHORT-215 to 215-1
INTEGER-231 to 231-1
LONG-263 to 263-1
FLOATConforming to IEEE754
DOUBLEConforming to IEEE754
TIMESTAMP1970/1/1 to 9999/12/31(UTC). Accuracy is in milliseconds. Leap seconds are not handled.

Value that can be used to TQL operation in spatial (GEOMETRY) type is any arbitrary value returned by the ST_GeomFromText function. Among these values, the value that can be stored containers is excluding the QUADRATICSURFACE structure.

The range of values of objects mapped onto the basic types through API may be different from those of the above basic types. The value out of the described range cannot be registered into containers. But the value may be used in the other operations, such as constructing a search condition. For example, a java.util.Date object to be mapped onto TIMESTAMP by Java API can have a value before the year 1970 that cannot be stored in containers, and the value can be used as a RowKey condition of a RowKeyPredicate object or in a sampling query. However, in that case, it is possible that an error occurs when obtaining rows by the condition. For the representation range of the object itself to be mapped onto the above basic types, see the definition of the object type.

3 Trademark

  • GridDB is a trademark of Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation.
  • Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
  • Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.
  • Other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective owners.